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Posts posted by someguy1976

  1. I think you should mind your own business, his homosexuality has nothing to do with you or the family, because it does not directly affect your lives. He is obviously keeping this a secret, as you should as well. He will come out when he is ready. As far as him telling about you looking at the nude photo, so what? It's over with, why do revenge. You were looking at a nude girl, he is looking at nude guys, what do you think will be more devasting here? You will ruin his life, and if your parents are ignorant, may cause him to get kicked out.

  2. Have you been friends for a while? Sometimes best friends tolerate more physical emotion then normal people. You could just ask him when you're alone, if he wants to pursue a more serious relationship? Or, you could go straight to his "other" heart, and say "Wanna screw or something?", there are endless possibilites, but one thing, be careful and gentle, if he is just one emotional guy, you will screw things up. It sounds like he does not care if people see you too laying on his shoulder, which is good. Try laying in his lap, do it casual.

  3. Stop toying around, you want him, it's pretty obvious he is curious about you. Just ask him "Do you want to fool around?" Or better yet, ask him over, and when he gets there be in nothing but a half open bathrobe, and see where that goes. Or, you could be in a pair of tight boxer briefs, and that's all. When you open the door, you could make sure that you have a partial erection, and well...I am sure that you will take care of it from there. The only way to gain "experience" is to practice, but practice safely.

  4. I don't fear that she has fears of sex, I think that she fears the pain of an 11 inch coming her way. Your husband sounds like he is very compasionate and understanding, but believe me he won't be for long. If it's just the size, you need to push "out" like you're giving birth, but not to hard or you'll hurt yourself, and push "out" as he is pushing in, and use extra lube. Have him "eat you out" or something to get your juices flowing, and that will help.

  5. From the limited knowledge I have of the female gender, I would suspect that hormones could be a factor?

    You're exactly right, and maybe this has already happened, but did you ever consider menopause? This can happen at about that age. If it already happened, maybe she did not deal with it right when it was happening, and her hormones are all messed up. Women's bodies shut down the sex drive after menopause it's nature's way of saying "Your done screwing, now rest". Man has found ways of getting around that with hormone therapy. BTW icemotoboy; you're cute!

  6. Well first nobody knows my worries accept me. And i dont have any reason to believe shes talking to other guys.. I think thats why its called paranoia.


    Wrong sir, no one may "know" your worries, but they can certainly sense it in your eyes and actions. I may have been way off base, and if I was, I am sorry. I hope things work out for you.

  7. You make a good point, but there's still a chance he's not...

    Maybe ask him outright whether he's cheating or not.


    You have a point, but honestly tell me this, if I were dating you and I had suspected you of cheating, and I asked you "John, have you been cheating on me?" What would you say (assuming you actually had been)? I know what you would say, the same thing they all do, "NO!", only because they think they can keep doing it, and have the wife at home too. Please don't take offense about this, as I know you meant well, but asking him will almost always get an untrue answer

  8. Judging by your picture you look like a very little person. By little I mean bone structure. Our bodies come "pre-programmed" with the information on how much more muscle we can actually put on our bodies, and by your shoulder span and your basic picture, I have a feeling that 12 lbs is all you're going to get. If I am wrong on that aspect, I would try taking more Iron and Protein into your diet via pills or lovely things like liver and onions. Iron will help with the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen through out your body, including your muscles. Your muscles need this oxygen to "get bigger". Protein will help with the tearing down and rebuilding of muscle tissue. It's possible that is all it is, but I would not be surprised if your body frame won't allow that much more muscle. Also, consult a physical trainer, maybe your program is all wrong.

  9. Or atleast i think thats what it is.


    My last relationship went like this: Feeling great, were comfrotable with eachother, things are going great. Until day 4 she bails. "I still like you but i just dont want to date anyone". That screwed with my head good, just cause i had no reason to get over her. But turns out she just left me to get heartbroken by another guy. My one before that i was cheated on.


    Well, first of all, your paranoia is not going to help. If you're so sure in your heart that she is talking with other men, maybe you need to look at reasons why she could be doing that? What are you not providing for her and for both of you! Paranoia will weigh you down. Second of all, you have up there in your paragraph that things were great UNTIL DAY 4? You were only dating 4 days? Big deal, so what, that is no time at all. Get over it! Sounds like you fall victim to cheating alot, and either you're not doing something right in the bed, or you attract losers, either way you can fix both of those problems. You seem like a very shy and sensitive guy, and a lot of men and women like that, but I can't understand why you bounce from partner to partner? Do you have a fear of being alone? Why? You need to fix you first, then worry about a relationship. The biggest cause of cheating is lack of satisfaction in the bedroom. Trust me, I know. I have been through this 12 times in my 30 years.

  10. I really could not have said it better myself. You need to sew your wild oats, and come down a little bit. I mean first of all, you blatenly cheated on your boyfriend at home. You can NEVER build any trust if you can't keep your pants up outside of your relationship. I would not worry about it now, because it's done. All I heard was how he did this and does that, but you never admitted things that maybe you were doing to contribute to the stress of the relationship. It takes two sides, and it sounds like you were never really happy with this guy to begin with, and now you want another one? I would wait.

  11. Sounds to me like your parents are paying for college, and if that IS the case, then I would respect their wishes. IF NOT, then last I looked, you're over 18, and according to the law, you can do anything you like with in reason, and last I looked dating was not a crime. HOWEVER, 4 months is not a very long time and it sounds like you have a bit of paranoia about any relationship you may wind up in, for fear of the "jerks". That's not healthy, it will only get worse. If you have any reason for not trusting him, then I see no point in continuing the relationship. If you do trust him, then let love take it's course. Everything will turn out fine.

  12. THEN LEAVE HIM GIRL!! Pack your bags, and say "I'm outta here", why do you want to live in such emotional misery? It will hurt I am sure, but I would not bet that he will be that torn up about you spliting up, as that is probably what he is hoping for so he can shack up with his mistress. I am not usually wrong about my preminitions, and I am telling you this guy is cheating on you! "mustbefate" has a very good point, if anything his behavior will get worse.

  13. I don't know if I could do the licking thing either, if I wanted that I would date a dog! Tell him your feelings about this. Your feelings in the relationship are just as important. Often times people worry to much about their partners feelings and never express their own for fear of hurting them. What will hurt more is as more time passes and it comes out, that will really hurt, because then you will make him feel untrusted and unloved and unrespected.

  14. Well stop worrying about being alone, it's really not that big of a deal, at your age you have pleanty of time. I would recommend trying to keep the house until you can build some equity, get a roomie or something. You will thank yourself in 5-10 years, trust me. Second, I know this is hard for you to deal with, and well, you just have to take it one day at a time. Tell yourself that she is a whacko, and you don't need her stress and problems in your life. I also really would be to excited about having children, they're great and all, but they will cause you a lot of stress, and money! An average child will cost upwards of $200,000 in the 18 years they live at home, that's a lot of money. I don't feel that you're emotionally stable to handle that responsibility either. Maybe look at some self esteem issues too. I know that being single is a hard thing for anyone to do, but you will accomplish this just fine. Thank your stars that the marriage did not go through, because you do not have to split anything!

  15. It sounds like you need to just get a divorce. Some people would call my advice very harsh, but that's what I do. After reading your post, I really don't see any possibility of salvaging this marriage. AND, she cheated on you. Never believe that your wife or husband will just cheat once, that is never the case. If you really want to piss her off, gain some proof of it, and in divorce court you will come out better financially.

  16. He's perhaps a little paranoid.

    Tell him as much as you can that you love him and he's the only one for you.

    It can't hurt to just send an sms or something to him each time you're going to go out with the girls to tell him that that's what you're doing.


    I don't agree. That is the exact behavior that he is trying to establish, total control. I agree with letting him know you're not going to be home, but as far as ALL the details, he apparently does not believe you are out with the girls, or he wouldn't be calling every 5 mins (exageration) to see if that is what you're doing! He is guilty. Trust me, if you put some spy software on his computer, you will find out for yourself. As far as the sex thing, maybe "J6hn" is right in that aspect, but first things first, you have to find out why there is such a sudden loss of trust here, and then you will find out everything you need to find out. You should never feel like a prisoner in your own home, that's for sure.

  17. Ah, this is my expertise! Let me tell you first, he is cheating on you! Period, nothing more to say on that. How do I know? Let me ask you a few questions, 1) How is the sex? Is it still great? Has it changed for the worse. Do you find yourself "begging" for it. Is he flat out ignoring you in that department? 2) You say he is "monitoring" your every move, that is a classic sign for one spouse too look for their spouse to mess up, so they have something to blame there wrong doings on, which is you! He calls you all the time, and you feel like he is checking up on you. My guess, like I said, he is using the control tactic and the "warden" tactic, to cover his guilt. The only other possibility is to find out if someone has started a rumor that you have been unfaithful to him, unlikely, but possible. I have dealt with this situation over and over. I bet it's okay for him to have myspace and go out, with out "supervision", but you can not! My plan, do the same * * * *in thing to him! Call him every hour, check his email, monitor his cell phone, check his Internet history and more! Be the biggest pain in the * * * you can, and give him everything he has given you, and he will leave, mark my words. You do not need to love someone like this, and you DEFINATLY do not need to marry him either! Get out while you still can.

  18. If she is a foreign national and their might be a problem with her status here, call the INS, if not, then don't worry about her! She has taken YOU away from YOUR family, and you're feeling guilty about it? That does not make sense. Just walk your butt down to the lawyers office, and file for divorce. Then walk over to the city county building and file for a restraining order. If there are assets and such, tie them up or liquidate them. Don't let her control your life any more then she already has. It is just pure silly that you have to sneak to talk to your family. You need to worry about yourself, not her! She can worry about herself. The way I see it, once the relationship goes sour, you can never sweeten it up again. Every man for himself, remember that expression? You will feel bad, but don't, because overall you will feel better about your life. I bet you think twice about getting married again?!

  19. It's one of those things where you know, but you're not for sure. I have known him for 5 years or so, dated for 2. All through this 5 years he has played me often. We once had a three way, when we were not dating, and he never even touched me. He does not really touch me now during those intimate moments. I have never cheated on him, never will. I would end it if it ever came up from that. I don't know when he would have the time to get involved with someone else, as he does not spend anytime with out me, for fear that I would do something. The only time I think he could do it is at work. I am just as confused as you are, but one thing is for sure, I am going to figure it out, and stay safe in the meantime.

  20. Do you think it's possible that you're scared to have sex with her? Maybe you want it to be right, and you think if you fail, she will think you're gay? It doesn't sound to me like you a * * * *, and when the time comes, I would just take your time. Also, don't try to hard when you do it, it calls failure every time.

  21. It sounds like a very confusing time in your life, and you'll work it out. But it sounds like you don't have a lot of experience in the relations dept. Have you ever slept with a guy? If not, try it, see how you feel afterwards, and I bet you'll get your answer. BTW: A little constructive critisism, you should proof your posts before posting them. Your spelling and grammer is not very good.

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