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Posts posted by shy2cool

  1. Nope don't go there.


    You have to be realistic in life. Virtual love is worthless in that aspect that it will never aquire you physical contact.


    Its better to find someone within your inner circle and date someone in real life. Ask yourself the question, what good has being shy ever done for you? Nothing so put it in the trashcan , be daring and bold as you got nothing to lose anyway. Don't care for the outcome, even if everything goes wrong , you will always have a win win situation. consider it as dating lessons. You see if you never shoot , you will always miss right? And that's what basically what being shy is. If you ask someone out and they say no, you can at least say i tried, and if you ask someone out and they say yes, you got a date.


    That would help if I had people in my inner circle willing to introduce me.

  2. I'm a decent guy plagued with shyness. I've never been in a relationship and always dreaming about meeting someone. My whole life is about trying to avoid feeling embarrassed and awkward doing ANYTHING. You don't have it so bad.

  3. No, I don't find that endearing. I find that the person who is like that is so busy thinking about how THEY are feeling that I actually find it bizarrely self-centred and all about them. It's as if they think their emotions are more important than anything else in the room.


    What I DO find attractive is someone who is nervous but having a bash anyway - that seems really brave to me, and makes me smile. I find that endearing. But someone looking aloof and haughty, I'm not that into them.


    OK, let me rephrase that... what if I came up to you and asked a question, while trembling and blushing?

  4. I know all about the social anxiety thing. I'm getting better, but it sometimes affects me still.


    I would not give up on university; maybe try changing your major or do some courses which you might enjoy?


    You need to get over your ex somehow. Try spending some more time with your friends, or try to make new ones. Occupying your time with something is a good start too.

  5. Depends what you mean by 'shy'. I think when you get to your thirties, to be honest, you should be able to put other people at their ease, even if you're not feeling confident yourself. So you should be able to ask people questions about themselves, and force yourself to be polite. I find shy cute when someone is young, less cute when they get older - then it becomes social anxiety, and it seems they are more focused on how THEY are feeling, than about others. Just my thoughts though.


    As for not being extrovert - I find that attractive. Someone who is quiet and not domineering will often snag my interest, still waters run deep and all that.


    Shy as in hard to approach, appearing very aloof in public.

  6. The thing is, I LOVE to talk to randoms. If you spoke to me, I would try to keep the conversation alive. It rarely ever happens though. I also find it very hard to even say hello. Also, some guys would be very intimidated by attractive women, so would be even shyer.


    PS - I went to a single sex school, and then all through university was recovering from my issues of Social Anxiety.

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