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Everything posted by Kindredspiritofcandlelight

  1. Don't get over IT, get over HIM. He's not worth this long-distance relationship. He seems very insecure, trying to make you feel bad about yourself. Find someone better, that's my advice. Maybe they'll even live closer hehe.
  2. Hehe well, I have a lot of good male friends actually. Most of which I initially met online, and dated. A lot of them DO want to be with me romantically, but at least on my end of things, I consider them friends only and it works well for me. So... I think it can work, but I wonder if they do. Even with the guy I mentioned though, I'd definitely rather be his friend than nothing. He's a great guy... and I'm trying my best not to hope for more... Oh yeah, and an important part of the story with this guy... he broke up with his girlfriend recently. I told him I still had some feelings for him (had to take the chance after all that). He told me he thought we worked better as friends. I know he's attracted to me... maybe he doesn't want to deal with the baggage? He's seen how I reacted to his previous rejection. Whatever his reason, he is the one who is keeping us just friends...
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