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  1. Hello, I am new here and am in serious need of advice. My wife and I met Sept 5 2001. We were married April 21 2002. Everything seemed to be great. She had hinted that she was unhappy with certain aspects of our marriage so I tried to change them. Now just this past week I was hit with the bombshell. She is seriously considering leaving me. I have felt like s*it since then. Let me give you a little background into our situation. She had been home from college for about 3 months when we met. She was quite "permiscuous" during this time. She was not passing college and had to leave. When she met me I think she thought I was just what she needed. She is wild, but does not want to end up like her mother. Her mother has been married 5 times. I, on the other hand, lived my life up until then in a very boring state. I was not sexually active, nor was I really looking to get into a relationship. I diddn't get out much, and when I did it was not very exiting. I am very "laid back" about everything. I found out only recently that she started falling out of love with me before we even got married, but she believed it was too late to back out. I still love her as much as I did when I proposed. She still loves me, but not enough to continue our relationship. She keeps trying to hide her past life from the world and me. This has made her so unhappy that she does not know what to do anymore. She keeps telling me that I deserve better. That she is only dragging me down. I don't believe this for a minute. Now I am in a scramble to try and give her everything she wants. The one thing that she wants that I am not sure how to give her is freedom. She wants to be able to do anything she wants whenever she wants. Knowing her past, this scares and worries me. I am ready willing and trying to change my life to fit what she needs. I just hope it's not too late. Do you think there is any hope for this marraige, or is it destined to end in heartbreak? This is killing me. One minute I feel like there is hope, and the next I feel like she is already gone. almost like it is a question of when, not if she will leave. I do know one thing. If we can make it through this, our love will be almost unbreakable. Thank you for reading.
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