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  1. I'll tell you a story. I've been through this 'in love with a straight close friend' so many times that my friends find it comical. Almost 12 years of it, and I finally learned how to end all the pain and nonsense. The thing is no matter how much we try to deny it or pretend it's not true or hope and look for signs, your friend doesn't think of you sexually. He might think of you affectionately, but not sexually. Which means, your completely and utterly wasting your time thinking of him sexually. It's just... wasted energy, because nothing can come of it. If he's not going to think of you sexually, then why in the world would you think of him that way? You have to just turn it off. Every time you see it, when the antennae go up, starting the pain and the cycle, turn it off. See him as you would a married man - unavailable, thereforeeee not worth thinking about. Do it enough times, and you'll completely forget you were ever interested in him and you'll just see the cool friend you had before stuff got messy. Just remember -- if someone doesn't see you sexually, don't messy things up by seeing them sexually. Mirror exactly what they're seeing and you'll find freedom.
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