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  1. Just looking for advice. Okay...so, I'm seventeen years old and a senior in high school. And I've developed some serious feelings for one of my very good guy friends, Jack. Problem is, he lives a bit far away at the moment, and the next time I can see him is in June. So, about 9 months from now. And when I do see him in the summer, I've decided that I'm going to tell him how I feel. The feelings are just too strong to ignore (just got to figure out how to tell him!) Being the incredibly stubborn and stupid person that I am, I have chosen (against my friends' wishes) to ignore other guys this year. Wait, that sounds a bit wrong. I'll explain. Thing is, every year of high school I've had some silly "boy drama" to deal with, and since this is my last year, I'd rather not go through it all again. I want to stay focused on three things this year: my job, school, and my friends. I don't want a boyfriend right now. I have no time for one, and frankly (since I'm so stubborn), Jack is really my first choice. I want to see if things can go anywhere with him before I move on to someone else, I won't lie. My friends think that I'm being stupid for not being open to dating other guys right now. They want me to "live up" my last year of school. And that's just not what I want. I feel very happy and comfortable with this decision. By not dating other guys right now, I can really concentrate on applying to colleges, working, and spending my last months home with my friends. And that way, when summer rolls around, I will also be free to tell Jack how I feel. Providing he's available, of course. Am I being stupid? Should I be forgetting about Jack and dating other guys? I really don't want to at all, but some people are making me feel like this is a bizarre or not-typical-teenager thing to do. They make it sound like I'm wasting away my teen years or something, and I really don't see it as that dramatic of a decision.
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