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Posts posted by italianboots

  1. Joke around with her, ask her if you have a booger or something in your nose and when she says no then ask her whats up. Make sure you are the only two around. If you like her, start staring at her, make her blush, then when the time comes, you tell her. Some girls expect the guy to make the first move. I dont expect that but some girls so.

  2. He has tried to clear it up. He hates conflict, especially with his family. We've been together for almost 4 months. I keep trying to get him to talk to all the crazies, but he feels indebted to his parents because they loaned him some money and telling them off would not be a very good idea. He did talk to his dad when some of the rumors started, but he says he cant really talk to his step-mom because she just goes crazy.

    I feel like Ive wrecked everything, but I know its not all my fault. I would apologize if I knew it would make any difference, but I feel like it woudlnt. The damage is done, now its my turn to clean it up. Again.

  3. I would love to show her that Im wrong, but Im not allowed to go into her house. Im also sure that she has no desire to see me or even be around me for long enough to prove it. As per the blogs, Ive deleted all of them that I have ever written because I am honestly tired of it all. Its hard for me to tell her Im sorry and mean it when she has said so many aweful things about me. Maybe I have people issues, but I would rather hold a grudge for life then tell someone Im sorry when they do not deserve it.

    Thanks flower99 for the reminder of who you marry when you get married.

    It would really suck to realize that our great relationship is going downhill because some people cannot grow up and get over things.

  4. He is making excuses. Hes cheated and he says he didnt think you cared? What a bunch of bull. If he cared about you or your relationship, then he would not have cheated. Its easy to push someone off of you when they are on top of you. You can find someone better and you will. Leave him in the dust. We always pick the guys who are bad for us, god knows I have. Good luck, hope this helped.

  5. Ever since I started dating my boyfriend, his step mom has not liked me. She is still friends with my boyfriend's ex, and she has spread all kinds of nasty rumors about me and told her. Rather than being a responsible adult and not believe the bitter graveling of a jealous ex, she sends my boyfriend an angry email telling him all the lies. As this point in time, I had only met my boyfriend's dad and step mom once and had spent about one hour at their house. As I left, I could tell something was wrong and that they didnt like me. Well, when I heard about the rumors I was really upset and was ready to call his step mom and give her a piece of my mind, and the rest of the people involved in it as well, but I knew doing that would only get my boyfriend in trouble with his family. So I said nothing and held my tongue. Until yesterday, Id said nothing bad about any of the people that have caused so much drama in my life. I was feeling anxious and felt like I was being attacked by people who didnt even know me. I wrote something about my boyfriend's step mom and her parenting skills in a myspace blog that was posted only for my friends to see. Somehow, my boyfriend's step mom found this and called me at 7 am to confront me about this, but she just started screaming so I just hung up. Then she called again but I didnt answer. Then she called my boyfriend at work and yelled at him and called me all kinds of names and said that Im not allowed to come to their house and all this other junk!

    So, what do I do about his step-mom and what do I do about the supposed "friend" who ratted me out?

  6. I was a little concerned at first about letting him go on the trip, but he and I talked about it a few times before he left and I knew that everything would be fine. I did not trust her, and she is a game player. At first I was like NO WAY, but he had promised B's sister that he would go on the trip because it was for her 21st birthday.

    As for standing up for me, Ive told him this quite a few times. When he confronted his step mom, she wouldnt tell him who said all the bad things about me, but I can figure it out; Im no dummy. Shes just lying to protect B and my ex for that matter, because she must know that I am not cool with people talking about me that way and if I knew for sure, there would be a smack down.

    B had a new boyfriend long before I had started dating M, but she was only doing it to make M jealous, which didnt work. B just cant get that she and M tried very hard to work their problems out and it just didnt work.

    I want to confront her and tell her what I think of this "stuff" she is pulling, but I also dont want to get put in jail for beating the bloody pulp out of her.

    I wish I could press charges for slander, but I dont have enough evidence to point the finger, besides the fact that most of the information came from my ex.

    Yes, people definitely need to grow up and just let other people be happy in their new lives.

  7. Heres the scoop:

    I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone and is in everyone else's business, which is one of my biggest pet peeves. Also, it seems that everyone has dated everyone in the valley, and the rumors get started and things can get very ugly.

    In March, I broke up with my boyfriend. Lets call him E. We were in love, but I felt that I was not myself in our relationship and that any little thing that I did wrong would make him mad and then the vicious circle would contine. My parents did not like him and my mom worried that I was in a bad relationship. When I broke up with E, he would not leave me alone for a month. I finally changed my number ($36 later..) and he basically left me alone.

    A few weeks later I moved out of my parents house and into a house with my friend, we will call her N. I really needed to move because my parent were starting to get a divorce and I could not deal with the situation every day and still maintain my college career. I stayed single for a whille, and my landlord was always trying to hook me up with one of her other renters who was single, but he was an ex of my roomie/friend. I kept saying no because I didnt want my friendship to go south. After I found out that it would not bother my friend if I got to know her ex, I proceeded with caution. We got to know each other and we really hit it off. Now hes my boyfriend (M) and we live together.

    Now here is the real dilemma. My ex boyfriend (E) knows my new boyfriend's ex-girlfriend (B), and has told her some not-so-wonderful things about me, and some lies as well. B has told my new boyfriends step-mom because they are friends. This seems like a load of phooey to me. Now, his step mom and his dad really seem to hate me (and dont want me in M's life) and told my boyfriend all of the junk that B said. When I first started dating M I told him all of the bad things about me, just because I wanted to be open with him and let him see all of me, the good and the bad. Also, B is still in love with my boyfriend and wants him back. Everyone still seems upset at my boyfriend because of their break-up, which B had planned out. Also, from what my boyfriend has told me, she may have been having relations outside of thier relationship.

    Another frustrating part of this all is that my boyfriend is such a nice guy that he a) wont tell his parents whats up b) tell his ex to grow up and that they wont be together ever again (also that she should stop calling and borrowing stuff) and c) is friends with B's sister and her roommate. All four of them went on a trip together for a few days to a big city. I trust my boyfriend and I know nothing happened, but when he was with B there were the pefect four and I do not complete that perfect four. I found B's sister and roommate to be really immature when I tried hanging out with them.

    How do I stop the drama without getting my boyfriend in trouble?

    Just a warning: I really do not like B (duh), and if I were to ever actually meet her, it would not be pretty. Id probably tear her from limb to limb and pull her hair out of her head. Hehe.

  8. My ex-boyfriend kept calling me. When he threatened to kill himself on my front lawn, I decided it was time to change my cell phone number. I told my mom what was going on, and she called his mom and told her what had been going on. Since then, he has only sent me a few email messages which I have ignored and the drama has disappeared.

    Getting family involved can be a sticky situation, but it just may work. Ignoring him works sometimes too. If you feel that he is going to physically harm you, maybe a women's self-defense class if you can find any in your area. Im sorry that the authorities cannot help with this situation. Best of luck!!

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