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Me and my life

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  1. People who fancy bullies are just evil They are like people who voted NAZI. Or Hitlers reaction to the holocaust. They support evil. Why oh why ph why do they have this psycho idea they are nice. They are not. Full stop.
  2. I am fed up with the way that if you fight back then bullies beat you up more, then if you don’t fight back, they decide you are emotionless and that you don’t mind being bullied and they treat you even worse as they dehumanise you, or they decide that as you are a wimp that in their psycho mindset you deserve to be bullied,. I am fed up with bullies why don’t they just see they are evil and there is no excuse. What am i supposed to do.
  3. What i find really really annoying is the way women who fancy bad boys think they are nice people. They support abuse. So what if they don't do the abuse. It's like me supporting Hitler and then saying i don't do the abuse i just support it and tolerate it and get tunrd on by it, so i am still a nice person. Why Why why why do they have this psycho idea they are nice people. They are not. The reason why some women fancy bad boys is they are evil and want abusers to win. I don’t know why they think people see them as good people. If you fancy bad boys you are not a good girl. Is Hitler good as he only got other people to do the holocaust for him. It is the same reason some men hang around with bullies. They are just bullies who don’t have the guts to do the evils acts themself. So they pretend they are nice, but show what they really are, by supporting abusers. I hate women who fancy bad boys. They make my skin crawl in upset, not snobbery. They just patronise me or bully themself. THEY TOLERATE OR SUPPORT THE ABUSE. They just make abusers win. Then they have this psycho idea that they are nice people. It’s like Hitler saying ”Why is it I love bad boys”. Because you support them, and you are one of their side, don’t pretend to be a nice person when it comes down to who you support it’s the abusers, so what makes you the good guy. I have never ever ever thought women who fancy bad boys are nice people except for the ones who are bullied into fancying them. It is psycho rubbish to think otherwise. I know some good women and good men are manipulated by bullies. But what I can’t stand is the evil women and evil men who support abusive violent, snide insulting people and then pretend as they don’t do the abuse they are nice people. They seem patronising when they want to be your pal. It’s like they want to breed evil and you can be an asexual inferior being. If I fancied a women for smashing another women face in I would not expect the victim of my girl friend to regard me as good person. If tried to make friends with that girl while my girlfriend was bullying the person that would make a really manipulative and psycho person. Yet bad boy lovers do that all the time. The fact they support abuse so they are evil full stop. The reason they support bullies is they want to breed evil. That is all. The simple overriding sole reason. They think do I want my children to be good or do I want them to abuse their way to victory. That is why demon breeders fancy bullies. I hate them and I hate men who fancy women who bully too. If you support bullies you are evil the fact you find them sexy or funny is just the reason you are evil it is not a justification for evil. Apart form the ones who are bullied onto abusive relationships. I will probably be told by some psychos to get mental help even though they support the abused and I am not dangerous and they are. Well rubbish you lot are dangerous you lot support abuse you and you psycho boyfriends need mental help to stop wrecking other people’s lives. Who causes abuse you do.
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