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Posts posted by Matty1607307441

  1. You lied to me. I asked if it was just those men or men in general and you said "them". I like to think of it this way, if your attracted to your boyfriend then you like men because, your so devoted to each other and perfect you wouldn't even look at another guy because yours is so perfect. But you look at other girls because you don't have a girlfriend so its sorta association. I dunno.

  2. Ask him how his previous girlfriends reacted. Some girls would rather being the one who sees their boyfriends when they want and feel boxed in if he continually asks to see her. but first of all this is definitely not your problem, its his. But im sorry if i misunderstood some sections but is he directly saying no to your requests to see him to spend time with his mates? cuz it just sounds like neither of you are asking to see each other..


    edit- How bout you try this. next time he says hes going to the bar, say oh i thought we could spend some time together, and then suggest something to do. if he directly says no, or just tries to avoid the question then hes got a problem. but maybe hes waiting for you to make the move.

  3. Self - deceit is wrong. This isn't about tricking yourself into being happy. Its about indulging yourself to what you want rather then worrying about what will happen later. Take care of yourself now because the meaning of life is not found in living life the longest , its found in living life the fullest.


    Edit = Its not about being right or wrong, its seeing what you want to see in it. Interpret in the way you think it is since its a subjective paragraph. Just regard everyones thoughts but dont let them control yours. also, if you dont mind me asking where did you get it from?

  4. Gosh people you could be a little bit more helpful? onlineguy what was the point of your post? Anyway.

    Basically it comes down to as they have said before if you feel comfortable sharing her with someone else, and im not trying to say your selfish or anything for wanting that because its fully within what you should be feeling to feel jealous that another guy might get that opportunity. You should ask her why she wants this, is it because she feels bored in your relationship or because she just wants to try something new? And if you think about what you said

    My Girlfriend is wanting to try MMF but I am a little unsure as this is new to me. I like the idea of FFM but I am worried that this will end the relationship ?


    Ask yourself why your comfortable with FFM but not MMF. If it comes down to it and you just don't feel comfortable with another guy there then ask her how she feels about FFM and if she replies with the same response maybe shes feeling the same way and you should think again about granting her request of MMF.

  5. i guess if you realllllly like this girl you'll entertain her mixed signals for a bit longer right? if she needs more time to figure things out?




    That is basically what I think, she is probably going through some hard times. from previous experiences i know girls find it hard to choose when they find themselves liking someone else better from past experiences. give her some time and tell her you wanna know what she thinks. If she wont answer you straight and wont leave this guy then just back off for a while and see if she likes you even to come after you.

  6. Yes, well if the doctor confirms your suspicions as such and you do have a UTI then don't worry its better then some others things it could have been. Like a bacterial infection. UTI can be cleared up quite quickly and if you don't find enough time to drink lots of water or you just don't like drinking water substitutes some snacks for watery fruits such as watermelon (surprise, surprise), peaches, apples, plums, etc.

  7. Lol nice one. Now I know why you were so intent on the idea yeah well so far so good. we made some ground rules if we wanted to make it work [oh btw im the bf in case u were wondering]


    a) NOONE GETS HURT lol caps bcuz it was and its important, anyone who is getting hurt...falls into rule 2

    b) All emotions of jealous, hurt, betrayal etc. should be expressed to each other and absolute honesty and trust is the only thing that will make it work.


    ok yeah so thats we think anyway.

  8. These are 3 poems I wrote, they all follow a similar format and have no title just the emotion they represent.



    Hate, reeking of wrath.

    Vile anger in the pit of my mind.

    Breeding itself to destroy me.

    Insanity creeping around the borders of this pain.

    Growing, ever growing in a twisted burn.

    Feeling my veins pump violence around my body.

    My blood reeking of this intense hatred.

    If only, they could understand my blind rage.

    I spill a thousand hate filled words but action is different.

    Each finger weighs with a 1000 feelings of pain.

    Eating its way through my sanctuary.

    The only release is through tears, of rage.

    A haven exists only in my mind and the anger burns like acid through it.

    You say you understand, you were like me once.

    I say you can't, time has changed us.

    My body cries out to be destroyed but the hatred will burn itself out.

    Regret thins out the feelings, weeding into my consciousness.

    Slowly the wrath disperses, leaving only sorrow.

    Left a hollow shell, tears, of sadness from what I have become.



    Fear, controls life.

    Insane terror shreds my mind.

    Collecting itself and feeding on my life.

    It bleeds its way into my thoughts.

    Edging into paranoia.

    I feel my eyes dart with silent screams.

    Movements become eratic with only one goal, survival.

    If only, I could understand why I run.

    All this time, nothing learnt, still fearful.

    My body lightens with adrenaline.

    Conscious thought evaporates into eternity.

    One last breath, one last fight.

    My last escape is to hide.

    You caused me to run, fight and hide when all was lost.

    I couldn't heal this panic.

    Hiding, last purposeful thought slips through the edge of consciousness.

    Cant escape this depression, distressed at unrest.

    Full terror blinds me from the truth.



    Sadness, portrays hurt.

    Increasing sorrow recreates the scene.

    Over and over again, no escape, no release.

    Bones shiver with the force of the tears.

    Shaking cold, while the scars cut deep again.

    Cradling my face, wishing the pain away.

    The thoughts creep back into my mind.

    Again and again, no safety, full of regrets.

    Unfocused thoughts provide no relief.

    Lost at life, fighting for the chance to.


    Every tear is a reminder of this pain.

    Every sharp intake of breath will bring the sorrow back.

    Every. One. Shaking cold with no hope. Will bring it all back.

  9. I dont act differently cuz I have always been bi to you


    anyway, WELL I THINK and this is just me cuz i dont give a **** what ppl think about me. Basically if someone I know as at least a say hello and talk sometimes friend asks me about it then i tell them but i dont think strangers have the right to know unless you feel like being very open with everyone. I mean if your friends act differently around you after you tell them. It takes some adjusting.


    But your saying the other ppl who came out are acting differently.


    Now I know that girls are a lot more free and open with each other then guys...like majorly anyway. so mabye now they can show their true sexualitys around you without being catious mabye this is who they really are and their not hiding their selves anymore.

  10. She sent me an email apologizing and saying she was in the midst of some fightd and was really sorry for taking it out on me.


    I love you guys, you mean alot to me. Liza, my lucky muffin. Your always the one i jump to talk to when u sign on. Rozi, your my monkey. I always run to you when i need advice bcuz i know how much you care and how much u want to help.

  11. you know i went shopping with her one day and i she used gay so many times i wanted to smack her over the head. lol. I told her and she was like meh.. and no t only that but she even uses the word "homosexual" as bad grr now gay is one thing i mean its adapted a whole new meaning now but using a direct word saying that homosexual ppl are bad is really ignorant and arrogant.

  12. Ok a while ago my friend lets call her Jenny told me that i didnt care about her or pay attention to her or how she was. I told her it was because I was having some troubles with having the flu and dealing with my fathers death (2 yrs ago).


    She calmed down and said sorry and i said i would make more of an effort. That was 2 weeks ago.


    Tonight, I ask her to sign a petition to get our school to give some alternatives to disecting animals (it is against my morals). She tells me to **** off she doesnt do that **** (meaning petitions). So im like...ok...then...she then turns her msn personal message to vegans are gay. Now, Im bi so I get offended when people use the word gay badly AND shes calling my views "gay" meaning bad in this case. That just set me off. I told her to **** herself and get a heart and she has no right to tell me i dont care when she wont support me in this and even slanders me in her name.


    Should I even dare to try to re establish this once good friendship or just let it die?

  13. Rozi call me anytime you need to talk or if you don't feel like talking then write an email or letter. Just let all your feelings flow into words.


    Also on a completely unrelated topic OMG I FEEL SOOOO BAD i ate gelatin accidently Shay gave me one of those grub wormies lollies and i forgot to check =/ so i feel really bad. There goes my 6 week Vegan streak. lol.

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