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Posts posted by RelaxByWater84

  1. 2 hours ago, Batya33 said:

    So I would stay out of the "why" - who knows -might be some connection you're unaware of - I would tell boss directly and plainly "the way I've been trained is to prioritize who is in the strongest need of care at the particular time or whether there is scheduled meds etc" (sorry I am not too familiar with what you do in particular.  Play dumb as far as assuming there are nefarious motives.  

    I'm sorry you have to deal with this -and I know you mean well!!

    Thanks for saying to stay out of the why! It's going to be hard because I like things to have reason and make sense. 

    Although this might be the catalyst to make the career change I know I need to make.  This could be a blessing.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I work in a caregiving role and have gotten a few new clients over the past few weeks.  Two of these clients are "higher needs." I have been trying to take care of all the needs of my clients.  I have had to delay care for several minutes to these two particular clients in order to not neglect the needs of the other three clients.

    My new boss is wanting me to prioritize these two over the other three. I know that the people paying for the care of the two clients are a little on the hyper, nervous side(couldn't think of kinder way to put it).  I just can't help but feel that isn't right or fair for the other three.  I tried to bring it up today and I got agreement on it, however, throughout the day my boss came and checked and didn't look happy when I wasn't getting to the two high needs one's.


    What would make a boss prioritize like that?  This is partly a vent because it makes me upset it seems they want the others to be delayed care.  I do better when I understand the reasoning behind this even though I might not agree with it.

    Any help will be welcomed.

  3. I have been dealing with this all my life.  I grew up in a pastor's household.  It sucked but it helped me grow a thick skin.  There were a lot of outfits I could not wear however it helped me develop a sense of style that is mine.  As far as the bathing suits go you could go for some vintage style ones.  There are some people I know that have made it their own like they are harkening back to that old Hollywood vibe.

  4. You had asked about keeping babies and children cool when it's really hot and I work with infants in a daycare and can offer some suggestions.


    Let them play with ice.  It not only will help them cool down a bit but also will give them a sensory experience.  Or you could freeze some teething toys if you're concerned about your kids chocking on a big piece of ice.  Or freeze water in Ziploc bags and let your kids play with it.  You could add toys to the freeze bags and let it be a surprise when the ice melts! Depending on ages you could make homemade ice cream.  There are a lot of recipes online. Kids love shaking the bag!  They could color on paper and then fan fold it to make their own fans to cool down!

    There are lots of things you can find online to keep your kids cool.  Check out some mom blogs, they have some great ideas!

    Have them wear sun hats if they will keep them on 🙂.  This will help protect their face from the sun and the UV rays.  Also sunscreen throughout the day.

    One mom I know will have water play in the bathtub or shower.  That is if you can afford the water bill.  Or if you're more rural if you're well is full enough.  

    That's all I can think of right now. If I think of anything I'll let you know!


    • Thanks 2
  5. 4 hours ago, midnightdeirdre said:


    In case none of you have figured it out, I love spooky stuff. I’ve always wanted to explore and visit abandoned places. Another reason I was tempted to go for a night-walk the other night. 

    I love spooky stuff as well.  I loved growing up next to cemeteries.  There was one that I was not to go in since some of the tombstones shifted and could have come down on me.  There were times I was tempted to go in and explore but I waited until the caretakers had fixed them.

    Tbh I don't meet people after a certain time since I live in a not so well lit area and like to be able to see all around me.  I've read a lot on situational awareness and one of the first things they said was to prevent putting yourself in situations where there is the potential to be in danger.  So even if you move out the burden of personal safety is on you.

    I just wanted to add that when you go urbexing that you should go with a group of people you trust. There are a lot of scenarios that could come up that there is indeed safety in numbers.  

  6. I'm going to go with the others and say to respectfully RSVP no.  

    I've done that.  I'm like you I'm the only one in my family that isn't married and I don't have any kids.  Some of my family is shocked that I live by myself!! 😂 I'm like you I don't enjoy being looked down upon for what I consider a silly reason.

    What makes it easy to not be around them is living 7,8 hours away from most of them.  I haven't been around a lot of my family for awhile now.  I have a cousin who lives 4,5 hours from me and we have never gotten together since they moved in the state. 

    • Like 3
  7. My mom can be defeatest to me as well. It has gotten better as I stopped telling her about some things.  It took a bit of her finding out after the fact and she asked why I didn't tell her and I kept silent.  I think my dad told her about the defeatest attitude she had towards me and trying new things.

    As for gaining a few pounds, I have seen a lot of cheer coaches that were not all that thin.  What they did have was know how, like they were a cheerleader and taught it and did a standout job.

    Also Go, Alex, Go!  That was my cheer for you to go for the job!  I hope you get it and can impact lives in the process!!

    • Like 1
  8. One of the best pieces of advice I got was to consider reasons why a person might be acting the way they do.  The classmate that is loud might not get any attention at home.  Their parents might ignore them until they make a mistake.  

    Volunteering and joining clubs such as 4-H outside of school was a great way to make friends.  You get to learn valuable skills while having fun!

    I would love to be able to volunteer more but I can't since I work long hours due to the nature of my job.  Take advantage while you can!

  9. I just guess I didn't think the emotions would hit me this hard.  It's been a place full of life and it is next door to my dad's soon to be former employer as he's retiring.  It was where I got to come home and see everyone I knew and catch up with them.  I live several hours away and a lot of people my dad worked with don't have social media and it was always nice seeing them.

    The new place my parents got is more conducive to their lifestyle and where they are in life.  I'm actually glad they won't have to climb stairs and all.  And they have good neighbors there.

    The end of this era just felt so final and unexpected.  I did help to work on their new place and I think that will help with the next time I go back and have to go to another place.

    Thanks for all the replies and help!!

    • Thanks 2
    • Sad 1
  10. 28 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

    I lived in my childhood home from birth to age 28.  My mother has lived in my childhood home since 1966.  It's an apartment.  I assume she will move if she needs assisted living (she is in her late 80s, doing great and a total social butterfly, much loved in my old neighborhood).  I think I will feel fine.  I moved out at 28, left my home city 15 years later.  I think it depends in general how attached you are to a particular space, the memories there, etc.  My son and I will go there next month -first time since early 2020 -and stay in one of the two bedrooms.  It's fun to have him there, show him some of the old stuff although my mom purged a lot.  But no I don't think I feel particularly emotional about it. 

    Where are your parents moving? Why not keep a few things that remind you of where you grew up and put them in your apartment or place?

    I'm sorry this is hard for you.  

    My parents will still be in the area.  I moved out when I was 23 but I always knew that I could return.  It's been a refuge from the crazy world. 


    Things at work are unstable now and I guess that's part of the reason I feel grief at this moment.

    I'm also single with no kids and I work long hours and am hardly ever at my place so that doesn't feel like home.

  11. I'm helping my parents pack up my childhood home.  I am getting really emotional!  This is the only home I've really known.  We moved in when I was 3 and I'm in my late 30s.  I guess I'm just grieving the fact that this is probably the last time I will be in this home.  The place I look forward to coming back to.  I'm the first of my friends to go through this process and kinda feeling alone in my grief.


    How did any of you cope with this and how long will this last.  TIA

  12. I'm changing careers in my 30s.  

    I know this might be out there but have you considered starting a YouTube channel doing financial reporting?  You would gain the experience and could gain a following.  You could be financed through Patreon if you have enough subscribers that like your content.  Just a thought.

    • Like 1
  13. Do you have any family or friends that know about your struggle?  I know that the times when I was feeling suicidal they were there for me.  

    Are you able to find a good therapist?  

    I've struggled a lot with depression since my teens and I'm now in my late 30s.  There are others out there that have this struggle and at times that really helps me to not feel so alone in this.

    My faith also plays a good deal in how I am able to get through suicidal times.  I'll read certain, very meaningful verses from the Bible.

    I also will try to list the things that I am thankful for and enjoy.

    Hobbies help as well.  Just giving myself something to accomplish.

    I will also make a plan of something I really want to do, something to look forward to.

    • Like 1
  14. I am wanting to switch careers.  I currently work in the Early childhood education industry.  It was a good career and I feel like it's time for a change.  The industry is changing and I feel like it's no longer a good fit.  I know it seems to be the "wrong" time to get out when it is really in demand right now.

    I want to get into TESOL.  I've been trying to find out how to go about it.  Googling it is leading to some confusion.  I was looking for programs and seem to be coming up with a lot of different information.  

    I've tried asking family and friends if they knew anyone who was in that career to see if I could get any guidance but no one is in it.

    I was wondering if anyone on here is in TESOL or knows anyone in the field.

    Thanks for reading and responding!

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