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Everything posted by jackdavis

  1. Also i guess its because she doesnt even appear to see why her actions can bothered me and laughed about how 'i never should have got off with the fat guy my friends never let me live it down' and also 'well he was more than once since he followed me all night!' As in thats what she said to me about this fact when i asked her which really hurt too and i don't think she realised how much and i don't want to say it did in case i look overly jealous or somethin.
  2. Ok well I've recentlly got togther with a girl I've really liked for a long time (3 months today) and we have a pretty good relationship, we see each other a lot etc. But one thing that always bothered me a bit was that she never seemed that into physical contact even to the point of just putting her arm around me if i put mine round her etc and I'd kinda assumed this was because she hadn't really had much experience of relationships before and didn't know exactly how to behave so to speak. We also didn't make out for almost 2 months because a lot of the time she didn't seemed very nervous and I got the impression again that she hadn't done that sort of thing, but when i finally did get the courage to ignore the body language i noticed almost instantly that she had definitly done it before since she immediately reacted and knew what to do. Now I'm not normally the type to get jealous of past partners etc in other relationships I've been in but when she asked me about my exes etc i decided to ask her about hers too and found that i was in fact her first boyfriend as i had assumed but she had done stuff with other guys before me at parties and things- and not while drunk or anything. Now i cant tell exactly what is bothering me so much about this fact i mean ive never got like this before over what people did in the past but it does seem quite out of character for her almost, like she never lets me kiss her in front of friends or in public yet i know for a fact she did with those guys and also with me she made me wait months before she finally agreed to be a couple yet with them it just happened in one night, and the same for the phsical contact between us. I really need some advice here on how to deal with this sort of jealousy, i mean i can see it might come from two main places, the fact she does just get off with guys while she made me wait to even go on a proper date with her and hold hands etc and the fact she can and does just kiss people for the sake of it- a trait i would never have associated with her. Can anyone try and explain exactly why i feel this way and what i can do about it?
  3. Ok so i asked this girl to our leavers ball, but because im so shy it was only as friends and she said yes. Since then we went out with friends a few time and she seemed as though she liked me a bit but when i asked her if she wanted to go cinema with me, she said she'd rather go as friends due to exams in a week and then see what happens over summer. So then recently i decided to ask if she still wanted go the ball as just friends and she said yeah and once again she'd want to go out sometime after. Now i cant really tell if this is because shes shy and doesnt want to go the ball and be 'with' me in front of the whole year, or whether she just doesnt want to go out with me, i mean i cant see why she keeps sayin she wants to see what happens but not be willing to do that whenever ive asked her, i mean its pretty traditional to go a ball as a couple. Im not sure whether ive looked too far into this but it seems like the fact she says she wants to see what happens but the fact she never brings herself to do that means she may never want to.
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