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Big Daddy

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Posts posted by Big Daddy

  1. God help us all. If she is selfish, you will know with time. Please no more games. As a naive youngster, I thought men and women were the same minus some physical parts. I still hope someday to see men and women relate to each other on an equal footing and mutual respect. Too much cultural BS sometimes.

  2. Don't even think about the 21 year old. That is drama you don't need. To the 15 year old. It is OK to approach but I would be more concerned about her parents opinion of their daughter being in a relationship much less with an older man. Take it easy. Play it cool and be friendly. Learn more about her. If she still seems interesting, make sure you meet her parents and feel them out. I've seen good guys get in big trouble over this.

  3. I appreciate the advise. It is work related people. She has offered to introduce but is not interested in having dinner with me and him and her and his wife.


    Song on your page is cool...

  4. Is there anything I can help you with? Any blunt guy questions? I appreciate your advise. I think you are exactly right. The difficultly is in the execution. I keep fighting this...

  5. I am 30. I have been with her for 11 years. In moments of clarity, I know that she is a great person and I am a lucky man. It is hard for our beliefs to match because I have been wronged by another and she has never even had a reason to be jealous because I will not allow it to exist.

  6. I am 5' 9". It is not bad but I do have a slight gut and some upper body flab. Hope I'm not going too far here. She doen't mention the weight but I have brough it up and she agrees that I was in better shape it the past.

  7. I forgot to add my part. I am 235 lbs now. I am not huge but I am overweight. I am pretty well proportioned though and have alot of muscle mass. When we met, I was 170 lbs and cut. No fat at all. Sex was not an issue in the beginning and she was sexually aggressive with me. That has gone away. No aggression, which I like alot.

  8. She has told me it is two reasons:


    She thinks that it is because I act jealous and controlling and she doesn't feel free to make decisions because she feels that I would be disappointed if she chose to do things other than spend time with me. I have driven some/most of this I am sure but some of it is overblown. I did not like some of her old friends who were into drugs/alcohol/cheating and I was very headstrong about them. I also act jealous. I try like hell not to but the sex thing coupled with our difference in beliefs drives me nuts.


    She was molested by a relative when she was young.

  9. She hasn't cheated as far as I know. She has been attracted to other guy and would sit sround and talk about it with her friend in another language not knowing I spoke french. That was 5-7 years ago. But she does tend to flirt with other men and has told me she does not see anything wrong with it. I have been cheated on before her and that drives alot of my issues. The second issue is my high sex drive and her low sex drive.

  10. What about when your not "in love" for a couple months. You have to understand, marriage is a life time commitment and there will be periods of anger, distain, etc. Marriage is not just a pretty party and a wedding dress. Please be honest with yourself and if you feel you could do it again, work on yourself, recognize the issue and what creates it, and try to remind yourself of this weakness when the situation arises.

  11. I know I am jealous and it is destructive. I cannot figure this out though. Can we talk about why a guy does not keep Girl "friends" but a girl keeps guy "friends". I do not keep girl friends because I think it makes the wrong impression and I do not want to worry my wife. That and I believe guys and girls can't be friends. My wife always seems to befriend guys much more often than girls. She will talk to them on the drive home from work after leaving an hour later than she has to. Is this weird? Am I nuts? I know I am probably wrong but I know I wouldn't do it and I really don't think most wive's would do it. Please give me your brutal opinions.

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