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Posts posted by safeplay

  1. Well those of you who have read my previous posts know want's going on in my relationship. If you don't and interested you can look it up... Today we have an appointment with our leasing office to resign the lease at 5 pm after I get off from work. However, I don't have 100% feeling that I want to do that... In the past 2 weeks we have been getting alone pretty well and things have been going better between us. Last night we went out got a few drinks and she got somewhat drunk. We had a very minor misunderstanding about the turn I had to make to get to the light, she told me to go one way and it was wrong, also I had to turn around, I got a bit mad about that and apologized for saying something stupid (nothing bad I said at all). When we got home she started to get upset with me about that whole things and started to bring up things that we have been fighting about before. And then again she tells me that she doesn't feel the same way about me as she did before. However, she said if I keep treating her good (as she calls it) she will feel the same way again, she said she doesn't know. She has been avoiding fighting I think because we are about to sign another lease, I think. I also feel like I'm being used... So what should I do, so I tell her that we can't leave together anymore, because I think she don't love me anymore, she is just using me as a room mate? Please some suggestions...

  2. I love giving o.s. I used to do it for like 1.5 hours now I do it for like 10 min, because my girl cant take it and cumes so I have to stop and start again, once i did that for 2 hours i would do it until she almost cumes then slowdown and start back up again then I finnish till she cumes, sometimes I think she is in pain she screams so loud.


    In your case, your man needs to enjoy being down there. Make sure you are clean and you dont smell. Try letting him eat you from a different position I usualy do it by letting my girl lay on her back and I get my face in there from behind, that gets her started. Tell him to research link removed and find different tecniques. Try making him horny as hell that may help too.

  3. You need to know how to B.S. about anything. This is what you do... call her up and ask her to go out (don’t say "you wanna go out") say lets go hang out and don’t ask, tell her, but wait till she is not sick anymore. Don’t contact her everyday because you are not the only person she is talking to. Don’t bug her that is the best way for her to lose interest in you. Act cool like nothing matters. When you call her you don’t have to talk to her for a long time, TELL her you want to take her out. Remember you don’t know her well thereforeeee you don’t have anything to talk to her about. Also, remember one thing; YOU MUST HAVE CONFIDENCE WHEN YOU ASK HER OUT if you don’t she will smell it over the phone, girls are like that. Be CONFIDENT that is the key to asking girls out. She gave you her number, does she need to make a billboard that says "ask me out". Good luck!! you won't need it.

  4. Should I file a police report? I still have 3 month left on the lease. what should I do? I dont think I'm stong enough to just leave, I'm afraid... (I cant believe I'm saing that). By the way from she told me about her past she got dumped by all her boyfrinds and one of them ended up beatting the crap out of her several times, he spent I believe 1 month in jail.

  5. My girlfriend and I got into a fight last night. I came to me as a surprise. I had a jalousie problem for the pest 8 month, but I have been working and trying to fix things, and I got pretty good at it in the past week. She went out last night with her friends and everything was fine and perfect between us. About 1 am I give her a call to see what she was doing because she said she will be home about 12 and she acted kind of shady like I did something to her, she later explained that I was acting jealous again but I was not at all I wanted to see when she was coming home... and she hung up on me. I let her go out by her self to show her that I was cool and wasn't jealous. Anyway, when she got home she started to bring up all the things from the past the problems we had and me not trusting her... she told me she was sick and tired of it all and she doesn't care anymore, even though we were perfect the past week. Like I said it came out of nowhere. She also told me that she doesn't love me anymore because what I put her through in the past 8 month. I told her that I am not jealous anymore and I'm working on still and I'm getting better at it, and I am. She was screaming so load at me and then she punched me in the face (she never hit me before), and she told me that I deserved it. She told me that if I want her to fall back in love with me I need to change and then she will love me again. She has been withholding sex as often as she can for the past month. I seems like she was holding all her frustrations inside and let them all out that night. What should I do, how should I act, did she really fall out of love with me, should I try to fix or move on, how should I fix it how long will it take... help!!!

  6. I posted this b4 I just wanted second opinion. She told me that she wants to be with me.... We are doing a bit better now, but we are not at 100% or even close, we haven’t had sex in about 2 weeks because she said that I was a dck to her, because of my jealousy. I am improving on that issue, she tells me to come with her everywhere, and she tells everyone that she is with me... she works at the bar near my apartment and I'm trying to fix things.

  7. This is what happened: I meet this girl in a bar it was perfect there was only 5 people and we started talking... She was 21 I was 27 now she's 22 and I am 28. Anyway, we started dating and everything was great, the best time of my life and she felt the same. We moved in after 2 month. However, from day one these were always something that was not making any sense. Her story's, events... sometimes were questionable. She shouldn't let me see her apartment for 2 month and she always had an excuse why not. I would find things that just didn't make sense at all and she would come up with an answer that didn't make sense to me. (I'm one of those people who will question things when they don't make sense). So after 6 month dating and not thinking much of it all, we started telling each other "I love you" and I loved her more then anything in this world I would do anything... and she said the same... So shortly after that time like 2 weeks she told me that she was pregnant, but she was too young to have it... we both agreed. Here its all comes: she tells me that it may take a few weeks for her to take a pill and to have the non-surgical procedure... I didn't believe that either... anyway on night she tells me that she is going to be working late and she may get off around 11:30 pm, she didn't come home that night, I called her work the next morning and asked what time did she get off they said 9:00 pm, I was so pissed... I busted her because she told me she got sick and stayed at the motel next to her work; I find that hard to believe... The next week she told that she was invited to their employee party but I couldn't come cause it was employees only... when she comes home at 2:00 am she tells me that it wasn't an employees party at all she mixed up the dates and I could have came but she left her cell in the call and couldn't call me or get my calls 5 of them in 4 hours. Two days later I spot a hickey on her neck which she didn't know about her self. She was shocked to see it n the mirror and she tells me that I did it, I don't remember doing that, there is 10% I could have but I don't think I did. We haven't been the same since that. Also, 3 month into to our relation ship she came home around 4:30 am after work and told me that she got a flat on the highway and her cell phone died and she had to walk to next exit to get fix a flat and then drove home. I didn't believe that either. And these were a few more incidents like that. The funny thing is she does a lot of things for me... cleaning when she is home laundry... cook... she got me $400 worth of presents for my birthday and I did the same for her, it seems that she would do anything for me... Help!!!! What should I do? HELP!!!!

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