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  1. yeah several it may be that she is just tired she is about to change jobs and all and we have been renovationg our house but if that is the case then say im tired dont say I am not trying
  2. I don't know I just feel kinda .... helpless
  3. recently I had a sneaking suspicion that my girlfriend was cheating which proved to be false but we still arent having sex and she is telling me that I am not being assertive I mean I try I mean I try but I don't want it to be like I am taking it so how can I be more assertive ?
  4. I told her that he stopped by when I got to work and she didn't seem surprised or bothered she went and called him and she came back and told me that she couldn't reach him and that was that he has been an ex for at least for years but when we first started dating she admitted that they had been on and off lovers
  5. no he didn't state his business yes she did want the shift change (more money was involved) and it does seem very suspicious but I just don't want to jump the gun and start questioning I really feel helpless
  6. I am new here (obvious probably) but I have a problem for the past couple of weeks me and my girlfriend have been on shaky ground I am generally the not the arguing type so I endure the nagging and the complaining. up until then we had sex on a regular basis and now all of a sudden it has stopped then she has these real annoying mood swings, like we are around the house doing nothing and she maybe mad, she may leave to go to the store, a couple of minutes later she comes back and she is so happy she could burst she just recently got a shift change and so now she has to come in earlier ( we both work at the same job) we used to go in from 12-9 but now she goes in from 6-3 ,so her excuse for the sexual drought is that she is tired and/or sleep when I get home from work We also have the same days off, so then immerses herself in yardwork and things of that nature. I just feel unwanted, other than when it is bill time For the first time this morning I decided to stick around the house just a little later than I usually do on fridays ( I usually treat myself to breakfast on friday) (which is one of her original days off) and her ex-boyfriend appears at the door at 11:45 (i go in at twelve but I live 3 minutes from my job)and he is as surprised to see me as I am to see him with recent events it just feels like she is cheating on me and the worst part is I don't want to ask or accuse her but I want to know I have always asked her to tell me to leave if I couldn't make her happy and I swear to GOD that I wouldn't even ask why but why try to hurt me when I do nothing but try to make you happy?
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