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  1. When I first came to this site I was really sad, crying nonstop over my STUPID x boyfriend. I thought that I needed him back, and that no guys were out there that I could find for me. Well, after the help of peoples advice, reading others problems similar to mine, and my girl friends I feel a lot better. I cried on and off for like about 4 days, but came to the realization that in all me and my boyfriend were having a lot of problems. And to be honest I think in the long run I will be happier without him. Three things I learned: 1. It's not the end of the world...your own personal happiness comes first 2. If there is a break up something is missing, and maybe it just wasn't meant to be 3. Going out, and getting off the pitty pot helps a lot... I am not going to lie sometimes I miss him, and I have sad moments...but thinking about all the negitive makes me realize that ending the 2 year relationship I was in was for thebest. I was truly unhappy...and I am looking forward to the freedom of being single. My gosh I felt like my x was my father, he got mad at everything!!! Well just a little update...can't wait for more time to pass, so I can become more over him, and more happy! Today is the second day I was able to get up, get dressed, and smile, and I am looking forward to more to come.
  2. Ok, so I sent two other topics already, so obvioulsy it shows Im hurt over me and my boyfriend breaking up. If you havnt read already, me and my boyfriend broke up after two yrs....I think it is becasue of jelously...or cause he misses me....(long distnace relationship after 1 yr..) So I wanted to know if this was a good sign, he broke up with me yesterday, and so today I spoke to him online, he waited for me to come on, and when I did he talked to me imediately sharing something bad that happened to him today. The only reason I don't think this is a good sign is because he still was a little distant. I don't know if he is trying to play hard to get since he knows i want him back, or if he really doesnt want me. When i was concerned about his problem, he told me not to worry about it isn't my problem, then he told me he had to go and he signed off. Is he just trying to act like he doesnt care, or what? Boy, do I wish I could be in his head for just 2 mins. want to call him sooo bad, but Im not going to , I guess I figure if he wants me back he will know what to do. But anyways, is this a sign he is thinking of me, or anything...anything just to cheer me up a little....
  3. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 yrs...one year into the relationship I moved to PHilly to go to school. We would see each other every two weeks for the weekend. HOwever, he and I are both jelous people, and would constantly break up for like a day cause of this, but would alwyas get back together. Well, lately he has been acting weird. One minute he wants this the next he is telling me he deosn't want this anymore. He would finally call and say he is sorry and that he only misses me, and that is why he was acting weird. Well two days ago he broke up with me, and this time it was different. He didn't call back and appologize, or anything. However, he has been calling to check up to see how Im doing. I dont know if it the jelosuy that is driving him crazy, cause he keeps thinking Im with someone...even though im not. Or if he misses me, or what...Im so confused, I just want to go home this summer and have fun with him, Im home for 4 months...I dont know what is going through his head..i need advice on how to act, what i should do...something please~~!
  4. Me and my boyfriend of two years have become really close. However, after one year I moved to Philadelphia for school, and he stayed in New York. We would visit back and forth, maybe every two weeks. It was hard. He would always be jelous, and I would too, leading to many silly break ups based on jelousy. Lately, my boyfriend been really distant, I would ask why and he would say I dont want this anymore. But then he would call up and say that he didn't mean it, he only just misses me a lot. Then two days ago, out on nowhere, he breaks up with me, and stops calling, and giving me attention. I'm going home for four months in like 8 days, I don't know if he has broken up cause he misses me, of if I should move on, or what? Im soo confused don't know what to do, someone please help!
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