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Posts posted by SwtMary

  1. I think she saw you. Maybe not when she was standing right in front of you, but she did see you. Oh and she did have your friend checking things out. I have done that before for a friend of mine...LOL


    I think it is great that you were ok with it...shows that you are healing very well.

  2. OH I dont know. I can blame him, her, me, alcohol, sex, whatever...it doesn't change the fact that I obviously did something wrong. I guess I will have to be miserable until she forgives me, which I don't think is going to happen.


    I know what I did was wrong in her eyes. I now know that it is wrong to sleep with your best friend's relatives. I personally wouldn't have a problem with it. As a matter of fact, I had a really close friend that did sleep with my brother and I didn't have a problem with it.


    Anyway, thanks for listening. I can't undo what was done. I can't appologize any more. I have asked for forgiveness and I hope she will someday forgive me...

  3. I am not reading everyone's post...I am lazy today...hehe I do feel the exact same way you do. I have recently taken a vow of celibacy due to the times I have been hurt by men. I know its not their fault. Sex is a very controlling factor for me, so a vow like this will help me overall.


    I am sorry that you are feeling this and I really do hope things change for both of us

  4. I really think our friendship is over. I am going to just post her reply to an email I sent her.


    See mary the thing about it is.. I feel like you disrespected our friendship... it must not have meant very much for you

    to have done that... that is just a line that you don't cross. I would never get with your brother.

    I mean if you and shaun had been dating it would be different.. It pisses me off.


    Now it will always be awkward between us.. and of course you and shaun. Shaun already asked that I not invite you over if he is home..

    I mean.. not to hurt your feelings or anything.. but do you see what it has caused? Now I mean you can't come to the house without

    one of yall feeling awkward.. or even me. I don't know. Lets give it some time. That really hurt me Mary, I would have expected something like that out of Holli... but not you, and not to keep on saying this.. but holli wouldn't have ever slept with shaun, I don't care what anyone says.. she wouldn't have done that.. because there is a line that friends have.. you don't sleep with their men, present or X and you don't mess with their families.

  5. Yes, I am positive that she is upset about what happened between us and not about something else. I have contacted her telling her I was sorry and that I didn't want to lose her over this. I haven't heard anything yet, and it's driving me crazy. I don't see what I did was wrong, but she does, and right now that is all that matters.

  6. Ok...I need some help. I had sex with my best friend's brother last night. She is really upset with me and I am not sure why.


    He had been coming on to me all night and when I said something to her about it...she pretty much gave me the green light to go ahead. I wonder if I took what she said wrong...I don't want to go into the whole long drawn out story, but I may have to...lol


    Anyway, is there some unwritten rule about best friend's sleeping with brothers that I dont know about???

  7. I have also been a member of all of those at one time or another. I have had the most success with link removed. I get messages on a daily basis. They also match you according to questions that you answer and there are "tests" that you can take to help improve your link removed is a completely free website and you can message people and they even have an IM system. I would definitely suggest trying it. I hope it gives you success also.

  8. Sometimes it's hard to believe that people can survive for months and years without sex. It's been 9 days and I'm going insane.


    I think I am beyond the insane mark. It has literally become all I think about. It is hard to concentrate sometimes and I know that can't be healthy...ugh!!

  9. A lot of people dont realize that if you THINK you are ugly, it doesn't matter what people tell you or say to you, you still FEEL ugly. I have been told by many people that I am pretty/cute/sexy, etc, but I don't believe them.


    I used to hate it when people told me that "beauty is on the inside." Althought that statement is VERY true, when you are judged by what you look like and not how you are on the inside, it doesnt seem to matter.


    Christy, you have to deal with how you see yourself first. Definitely go to a therapist or find someone you can talk to. I know how you feel and I can also sympathize. It is an awful feeling and something that is very hard to get over.


    The one thing that helped my self esteem was people online. Some of them are willing to get to know you first and they get that chance when you are online. I needed that chance to show people who I was on the inside FIRST so they would get to know that part of me instead of making a snap judgement by my appearance.

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