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Everything posted by spring1234

  1. I am not sure he is not interested. Actually it was the other way around; I am not sure if I want to be his girlfriend--he is smart,sweat but I know his dark side. I asked him out last week to cheer him up, I thought it is always good to find out people like you. And we could just have fun together. Bottom line, he would feel better. What I got from him? nothing
  2. thanks for the responses guys. They make me feel better already The thing that bother me the most is he said he want to hang out this week(next week in last week's email) and then he planed his Boston trip and went out on Friday(yesterday), pretended he didn't receive my email He knows my cell phone number, he called me before. I think call me and say "hey, sorry but I need to ......" is basic politeness. In stead of saying "I will call you" like most the guys did, he says "let's hang out next week"? To me, this is even worse.
  3. hey, I would just ask her out and make sure she knows is a "date". And hope if she is a good person she wouldn't cheat on her boyfriend if she has one. But, as you can tell from my post, some people don't enjoy the "straight forwarding" style. And as time pass by, somehow I think more and more people like the "unsure"
  4. Hi, This is loooong but I really need to figure it out. I am friend with a guy. I always like him a bit more than friend but didn't do anything than mentioned once that I can see him as friend+. And he asked if I was asking him out-I said no. So last week was a bad week for him. He was sick and got into a fight with his boss. On the other hand the weather was great. I sent him an email on saying the life is too short to waste, why don'we go out on a date to enjoy it. He responsed that he was still sick and he thinks next week would be better for us to hang out. I was sort of happy . I answered the email on Sat and mentioned that is OK, I hope he get better soon and let me know what the plan. Then I didn't get anything from him for the whole week. I start realizing maybe he doesn't really want to go out? Today(Fri) I sent an email with the title "so?" and asked him "so what is up?" He didn't response and I saw him on his way out(I think he looks like on his way to a date), he told me "hey I need to go to boston this weekend, let's hang out next week". I said "Don't worry". Now, I sort of know he is definitely not interested but I just don't know why he can't just say no or go out with me and sit down explain it to me? Or he figure I would figure out "keep saying next week" == "NO"? And that is a easy way to let me down? I am not in love with him. "NO" is not going to kill me. Really don't know why he is doing this to me Somehow, the fact that he can't be straight forward with me is more hurtful than the simple "NO". I feel like I can't trust him anymore Really need input on this.......
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