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  1. I know exactly how you feel. I always worry about what my boyfriend is thinking when he sees someone i deem attractive. But if you think about it, has there ever been a guy that you've seen that you have thought was pretty cute? Sure, you may not have wanted to get in his pants or anything, just thought that he was pleasant to look at. I really don't think there's anything wrong with looking at other people, even though it is really hard not to let those feelings get to you. Trust me, it happens to me everyday. Unfortunately we live in a society where women will be exploited on TV and out on the street. Just try to remember that he loves you and most likely you are a real human being, not a fake bimbo walking down the street. At the end of the day, it really is what's inside that matters most. Good luck with this, I'm sure everything will be just fine!
  2. this is the most frustrating thing ever. now everytime he tells me he loves me, i have no idea what he means. he keeps telling me that these two feelings of love are different. he loves her like he loves a family member, and he loves me on a romantic relationship level. but everytime he's on the phone with her i get so sad. and he's so happy when he talks to her. this is really freaking me out. it seems like he just doesn't want to change it, even though i told him it's disrespectful toward me. help!!
  3. see the problem is i agree with both perspectives. and i don't know if i've mentioned this, but he tells me he loves me all the time and he means it...i can tell. its just that i've tried today to see it from his perspective and i just can't seem to find what he did acceptable. if i force myself to allow that kind of behavior, i feel like i'm just paving the road for being hurt in the future. i don't want to control him at all because i'm not that kind of a person, i just wish that his feelings for her weren't so strong. should i ask him to pick one of us then?
  4. well heres the thing, we've only been dating for about 4 months now and he's been broken up w/ his ex for a while (maybe a year even). i mean he's always telling me that i'm his soulmate whereas she's just a friend that he truly cares about. i don't know, i'm unfortunately a jealous person of course so last night i was really freaking out. but if he loved her like that still, then wouldn't he still be with her??? and it also seems that she loves to piss me off which worries me. i don't know because i really do love him, and i know that he loves me and i know that he will stop doing things because i would want him to. but theres just that feeling that i fear that he values her over me. but he always hangs out with me rather than her when i'm available. so i dunno i guess i'm just really confused b/c on one hand, he's perfect and he's doing nothing wrong. and on the other, you just really shouldn't tell your ex that you love them. especially in that tone of voice. it's too creepy. all comments are appreciated and thank you to all of those who have shed light on this issue.
  5. so last night i overheard my boyfriend on the phone with his ex which he is still very close with and i don't mind that at all. it's just that i heard him say "i love you" in a really gentle way. like that kind of way you would tell your girlfriend. and later i asked him about it and he told me that he just really cares about her and he loves her as a human being and not as a girlfriend-type. i'm still really upset about this because i feel like i'm constantly competing with her. he's an amazing guy and he really does love me, i can tell. i just wasn't sure if there was a difference between the love he has for his ex and the love he has for me. am i freaking out about this for no reason??? i just really feel like i'm second to her or something like that. i really really need some help, please. i just don't know what i should do about this.
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