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Posts posted by Siriana

  1. I have an interesting story too.

    I went on two dates with two different guys 2 years ago during the same month.

    They were both born on the same day and on the same year in the same city (19.12.2008.) and they both liked me.

    I ended up being in a relationship with one of them and he's still my bf.

    So they both were "lucky" enough to meet and date me in the same month lol

    They both met a Virgo with joint ascendant Capricorn/Aquarius with Moon in Gemini, Venus in Cancer and Mars in Scorpio.

    Weren't they lucky. lol


    btw it really annoys the hell out of me when other people bash astrology in the astrology related thread.

    I never went bashing religion in a religion thread (when they were allowed here).

    So if I am polite enough not to say there is no proof God existed to a person talking about God why it's not expected from other people not to criticize things I believe in even though there is no scientific proof of them.

    How rude, annoying and selfish it really is when people start criticizing other peoples convictions?

  2. I've taken these on my summer holiday this year

    I decided to put some effort into taking them just to see if I have any talent.

    I am happy with the result.

    I tried to make a nice composition/perspective - but I didn't use manual settings. Concentrating on too many things at once is hard if you don't have experience.


    link removed


    link removed


    link removed


    link removed


    these are just normal pics:

    me on holiday link removed

    my bf link removed

  3. My advice is based on the idea that women do not care about looks as much as men do. Women are willing to overlook a guy's looks, if he has personality and a edge to him. .



    I was never seeking a guy that had perfect look....I was more interested in a guy who is smart, has a job, persistent, appreciates women, know that marriage is more than me taking care of the kids and cooking all day, a guy who knows how to cook, who isn't an awfull driver, who knows how to listen to me, who can ignore my nagging every now and than, who shares the same values as I do - when it comes to money, education of kids, religon, friendships, morals......, who can deal with me since I am very stobborn etc. etc.....with all these requirements expecting him to be great looking is too .....UNREALISTIC


    So if anyone wants to blame their average look for getting dates failure is wrong. You can always blame it on the lack of self - confidence. And luckly that can be changed.

  4. She is good looking, funny, smart and really good person. he gets super-great-wife with no sweat at all.



    Hm....are you shure? She sounds stupid to me!



    P.s. I'll never forget when Wilhelm was complaining about how he's bad looking (if I recall that was under his nick Kevin T) ( I hope my data and memories are correct) and he finally posted a pic. I wanted to reach with my hand thrugh the comp screen to bang with his head on a keyboard.

    The guy was normal looking and definitely not unattractive. If he approached me somewhere I definitely wouldn't reject him because of his looks!


    Or once a member (I can't remember his name right now - I think it's Shrek or Hulk something.....) was saying how he is shy and he doesn't look good.

    And he posted a pic...and damn...he was one of the best looking guys I've seen on this forum.


    Oh, and my bf is not gorgeous, he's just an average, awfully hairy on his body but bald guy. lol

    But the way he treats me - it's amazing.

    And he approached me in a pub with no worries about him being not gorgeous enough or something like that....he approached with an attitude hey, you deserve me and probably i deserve you....

  5. Sorry for hte interruption, but not only that you have great sense of humor but also you are a wizard - how you managed to put all those crying smiles in?


    Seriously, I have a friend who has great sense for humor and who is not brad pit and he was in the same sitation as you are - girls looooved him but as a friend. Even I liked him as a friend only. So it is the truth - giving up is impossible. He didn't and now he has a gf!

  6. Roman chatolic priests are not allowed to get married.

    How many of us can really believe they don't masturbate???? What do they do if their "thingy" is up in the morning?


    Who gives them the right to tell me how masturbating is wrong after hearing about all those pedophilia incidents inside the church?



    O.k. now it's just the matter of time when my post will be deleted.

  7. Well, I crossed an integrity line last night, and it’s going to be a demon I’ll always have to live with. It’s hard to even admit this, but I took a look at her txt message history on her cell phone while she was occupied and it cleared things up for me once and for all. The married guy IS NOT JUST A FRIEND. I hate the fact that I did what I did and as I said, I’ll have to live with that. I don’t believe the ends justify the means, but nevertheless, I’m glad I know now.


    Take care,



    You did the right thing. Screw morals, really!

    Such people are liars so you need to believe in goals justify the means.

    I would do the same. No need for fake moralism. Whene in doubt - thats your subconsious telling you something.

    I would feel great if I were you - that was the best way.

  8. How does it really matter? Are you thinking of gender change? The thing is to play with cards you got...





    O.k. I am going to ingore okie now...and going to concentrate to give a good answer.


    Let me see....







    I'm still thinking......


    I have no ideaimage removed

  9. She's not into you as much as you would like her to be. When a girl is into you she'll answer all of your msg's, trust me!

    I would run and close that chapter.

    She openly admitted to you she's not for a relationship.

    Take her seriously - it could save you a huge heartbrake. I wish I've done the same in some cases.

  10. Don't count on the fact he will change.

    You've done the right thing by moving out and I suggest not to change your mind.

    I would brake up with him.

    The fact you lived with him was a blessing in disguise - you managed to see early his habits and way of reacting.


    When someone makes such a huge deal over the fact how you fold things - thats crazy.

    It is just the matter of time before he hits you.

    Do not come back.


    3 months relationship is just a trial period!

    You have evry right to dump the guy whit no regrets why you didn't tay by his side.



  11. I was controlling though, so part of me understands why she broke up with me because you can't control a high school girl. She got all caught up in her senior year and didn't realize how dumb most of the high school crap is.


    but at least she isn't threatening to call the cops on me anymore (yeah, I wouldn't stop texting her so she threatened to call the cops).


    why she would be tellling people that I treated her like {Mod Edit} when she knows I didn't.



    Well to me looks like you were controlling and it is abusive in a way.


    You can't control high school girl as well as you can't control anyone else.


    High school crap is dumb in case you finished high school. When you're in high school thats your life and your problems so it's not reasonable to expect a high school girl to realize how dumb most of her high school crap is. Actually expecting that is patronizing and belittling her.


    About the cops - aren't you a control freak for texting so much?


    I have no idea about the call.

    The only thing i can say is ignore.

    Everything that comes from her ignore.

    It would cause problems to stay in any sort of contact with her.

  12. that is very true... didnt really think of it liek that...


    this is one of the emails he sent me after i told him that my daughter is missing him so much that she said "*** doesnt love me any more"...........




    no matter what u say u were using (daughters name) at times 2dig the knife in deeper....maybe not realising it , but by saying (daughters name) said "*** doesnt love me anymore"......c'mon emma f****ng turn it on...... what do u think that does sayin that??? "oh im jus sayin what she said" is always ur excuse.


    Well yeah, he's right you know.

    That thing you're doing is not the best thing for your kid or for you and at the end for you ex.


    You can be shure he cares about your kid. And it is really frustrating and sad for him to hear how the little one is missing him so much. I am shure it is tearing his heart apart but at the same time he knows staying in contact with her will hurt the kid more in the long run.

    So buy saying to him all those things this you are prolonging your suffering, his suffering and kids confusion.


    Next time your daughter says something like that you need to know how to react and what to say to her. Her words are not a message for your ex, but a message to you. You need to deal with her feeling hurt because you're her mom and she says that things to you because she wants you to make her feel safe.


    Stop saying that to your ex.

    Find a way to make your daughter feel better and to make her miss you ex less.

    As I said do some reading about that toppic.

    Also having a talk with a child psycologist to help you how to deal with it, to explain you how to do things would be great. Maybe going for a talk or two to get some helpfull hints.

    If you put your energy into that it will help your kid as well as it will help you because you will distract yourself from thinking about your ex all the time and you will feel better about yourself for doing something really important and constructive.


    Being a mom is a hell of a job, being a single mom is like being a CEO (my mom was single mom

    So here you need to make constructive steps to help a kid.

    Thats your only worry.

    You're adoult you can handle the brake up, but the kid needs your help.

  13. Well there is a huge chance that the girl you like likes you back but is affraid to show it to you because she's affraid of rejection too.

    A lot of girls are not confident enough to flirt in a very,very, very, over the top, explicit way with a guy.

    Most of the girls will give you small hints like looking you in the eyes or being shy to look you in the eyes, smiling to your jokes even if they're bad, playing with their hair......

    So in case you are both waiting that the other one makes a first step...hm, you'll both miss your train.

    Next time you see a girl you like have a small talk with her and immediately ask her for a coffie or something like that - before you become friends.

    In that case if she turns you down you woan't be dissappointed too much because you woan't be attached yet, and she woan't be in a position to question your intentions (is he just a friend or likes me more).


    So if you call her on a date right away thats great because it means you want to get to know her better and to see would you be interested in dating her and vice versa.

    If you are friends with her for too long she doesn't get that idea and things get messy.


    Oh and don't worry if you look little bit shy when you are asking her that - it's cute in a way. The most important thing is to ask her out.

    Even when a girl is not interested she is still flattered with your attention and she woan't find your efforts embarrassing as long as your polite and decent guy.


    I liked that advice what to think when approaching to a girl Frisco dj gave you.

  14. I think since you two broke up you need to make efforts to distance yourself and your kid from him.

    He's not a biological father so no need to keep in contact.

    Also you can't expect him to stay in contact with your kid because one day he'll have someone new, maybe even his own family, and being in contact with a kid who's not his woan't be such a good idea.

    Also maybe you'll have someone new, even get married, and it will be very confusing for a kid to have many dads.

    If you do that, than everytime you have a serious relationship the kid will get one more dad.


    I think you should look at some help books about raising kids to see how to explain to a small kid the fact you two broke up. I can't help there because I have no kids and my kid skills are like 0.



    Also it is very important not to go back together than brake up again (and in your sitiation with begging and pleading chances for that are to happen are 99%) because it's very confusing for the kid.

    You need to be carefull here and choose whats the safest and best decision for a child.


    Also when you start dating in the future do not live soon with your bf - you need to make shure it's something lasting.

  15. Well first thing I wanted to say and that has nothing to do with your bf, but with things in general, is that being 22 and 23 is young and being 26 and not married is still young.

    I am shure you are responsible and smart 22 year old.

    I am 26 right now and I guarantee you that between 22 and 26 there are a lot of new things going to happen.

    It's not about partying, getting drunk, I was never that type, I am moderate in drinking, in partying, I like to read, to take care of my plants and many other less exciting stuff....but your views on things drasticly change with experience, especially in yout 20-ties. I think thats the time of maturing enough to be a parent and to take care of adoult world problems.

    Thats the reason I don't want to get married right now...I have this feeling I need at least two more years of maturing to get married.


    I finished uni at 24, than I found my first job, I want to have some working experience and if possible steady job, I want to travel a little bit, to buy furniture for my place, to learn another foreign language... I think all these things will help me to be able to function in marriage.

    It is better to enter a marriage as a formed person with some achievemnt that made you feel complete as a person without being married.



    Now when it comes to your bf.

    He's 23.

    He's very young.

    And his answer to you is saying how he's not ready for marriage.

    When you're ready some daily annoyances can't discourage you from getting married. They are just one part of your life picture.

    Is he going to be able to get married at 26? Who knows...

    He's got some maturing to do. That could last 3 or 10 years.

    I personnaly thing 23 is way too young for a guy to get married. I tend to thing we girls mature at a higher speed. Thats the reason why usually our partners are 2 or 3 years older than we are.


    Are you studying?

    In case you're not put some effort in that. It will take you a few years of life and broaden your perspective..

    If yes, wait till you finish school and start working.


    IMHO you don't need to worry yet about the fact your bf is not ready for marriage.

    ...even if things don't work out, at 26 you're not old...but you'll have more experience.

    At such a young age it is very smart to be in a relationship longer.


    If you were 30 my advice would be completely different.

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