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Posts posted by timjd

  1. hi there.


    i know it is hard to accept, but you may be doing your mog a favour. vets have to train for over 5 years and they are very experienced- if they predicted his life was that much in danger, they are probably right.

    liver/kidney failure is a common affliction in older cats, and probably a very painful one.

    think hard about what you want to do, but if your cat is in obvious distress you may want to put him to sleep. remember that 12 cat years is ~84 human years, so he's not a baby still.

    i have been through this myself so i feel for you.

  2. a male perspective here. none of my girlfriends have let me do it, but i don't think i would want to anyway- apart from the fact you are risking an anal fissure or other complications (i don't want a partner with a colostomy bag), it is dirty and quite degrading to the woman, as it is all about male pleasure.

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  3. not coming from a handjob?? i find that hard to believe!

    sounds like you've got the hang of it but just in case:

    1. a nice bit of lube (grape seed oil is superb)

    2. take it slow to begin with, slowly getting faster

    3. don't rub too much on the head to start off with, concentrate on the shaft it's less sensitive

    4. use your best sexy voice and talk to him while you're pulling him off


    btw- what's the best position for a never tried one of those.

  4. I have this close friend who lives in Hungary (I live in UK). We have known each other for 3 years and she lived in England for quite a while. She and her family are not well-off financially. She is hoping to study for a year at college, but her ex-bf has disappeared and left her in a mess with a big credit card bill (£2000/$4000). So her mum is mad and the bank are threatening all sorts of stuff.

    She has come to me for help/advice. Now i am currently unemployed (i volunteer) and living with parents. i have decided to lend her £1000/$2000, for her to repay whenever she wants. unfortunately i only have £1200 in my bank account! if my parents find out they will probably flip but... i think helping someone worse off than you is the most important thing.


    just wondered if i was doing the right thing? has anyone got any advice or views on this?



  5. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm big breasts. i love burying my face in my gf's ample bosom, it is a truly rewarding experience. (is it anything to do with memories of breastfeeding or something?- i heard something about that!).


    i think the best positions are as follows;

    1. doggystyle infront of a floor to ceiling mirror, allowing you to enjoy your partners face and cleavage at the same time.

    2. partner on top, allowing you to caress her stomach and breasts as she does all the work. my gf absolutely loves this one.

  6. I'm just wondering how people rate their first time (sex), and I've come up with this ingenious 1-10 scale. My experience was a massive disappointment, but then i didn't fancy her sadly and i had been fantasizing over lingerie models for five years.


    1. Terrible. Really wish i hadn't done that. Hope i haven't caught anything.

    2. Oh well, at least i killed 20 minutes, and my libido for a week or two.

    3. I definitely came... and so did she i think.

    4. Unpassionate but really quite satisfying.

    5. Your good old regular Sunday morning screw...mmmmmm.

    6. The same as before but with sexy underwear.

    7. As above, but with more tongue action and lustful panting.

    8. Added Multiple positions and much bed creaking.

    9. Fabulous multiple orgasms all round, a delicious fusion of physical and emotional climax.

    10. Perfection really. Probably the best sex you've ever had. Love, passion and physical desire all concentrated in one thrashing, moaning ball of human flesh, for what seems like hours. Followed by room service.



    This looks like the ramblings of a sex-obsessed int'net freak, and i guess it is really. but its just a bit of fun!

    Right, i'm off for a pork pie.

  7. Hi Loco. The first step should be to see your GP (Doctor). Is your mum also your doctor, or does she just work at the surgery? If so you can arrange to see another doctor- they are required to be totally confidential. Just arrange to go in when your mum is not at work.


    Alternatively do a google search for your local Community Mental Health Team. I know it sounds scary but they are usually really nice helpful people. They may be able to set you up with a counsellor or psychologist if you feel the need. Or... you can go to your Citizens Advice Bureau.


    It's always better to see someone in person rather than rely on internet.


    Best of luck, let us know what you decide.

  8. this is quite embarrassing but here goes ,


    I am a man and have had a foot fetish since before i was sexually engaged even (I remember sniffing my sisters feet under the table when i was about five). As i became sexually aware i found womens feet particularly arousing, as well as legs, breasts, shoulders and so on.


    Now, if i am in a park or in the garden or street and i see a girl playing with her bare feet i am hugely turned on. the way they move is incredibly sexy, the muscles and tendons, the shapely bone structure. i think the heel and ankle is the most erotic personally, and seeing a woman in a sexy pair of heels is fantastic.


    Don't get me wrong, there is more to women than feet- i love my gf's body. Her face, her beautiful brown eyes and even her freckles! (underrated imo).

    But i have to say if we are in bed my favourite position is screwing her from behind, looking at our reflection in the mirror, and seeing her bare feet as i come. I can't explain why i like it, i just do.


    as for the sock incident, well, i have stolen worn stockings and socks from cute girls in the past and i did find it erotic. particularly if they had a worn smell. i know this is yucky but don't you know by now that men are disgusting!


    if my family find out i will die of shame.

  9. Has just happened to me. My sister and brother-in-law were here to use my computer and send an important email to their solicitors. We were all sitting around the screen, my sister went to attach a document to the email. Well the attachment box opened up and there right in front of us was a selection of my favourite 'sex-related images' (i hate the word porn and this was more fetish stuff anyway).


    I almost died on the spot, time stood still for a couple of seconds and no one breathed. then my sister quickly clicked back to my documents folder. no one actually said anything and it was like it never happened. i am currently finding it hard to look either of them in the eye!


    anyone else been this embarrassed?

  10. Let's say a higher power has come down before you, and faced you with the following unpleasant proposition:


    You have to forgo either all sexual pleasure, or the pleasure of food, for the rest of your life. (I'm not suggesting you starve, merely you can only eat tasteless pap for all your meals).


    There are no half measures or escape clauses, it's a simple either/or choice. Sex or food. So which would you keep?


    Personally I would choose to keep food. I can't imagine life without chilli mmm

  11. When I saw clothes line pins attached to womens labias, ball gags choking people, and people hung in mid air in pain.. What am I supposed to think? Nothing? .


    Umm, thankfully this is pretty tame compared to some of the stuff out there, i.e. group sex, golden showers, scat/vomit porn, women dressed up in diapers, body alteration, (not to mention illegal sites).


    Your girlfriend is probably exploring fantasies she has secretly held for years, and that feel perfectly normal for her. It is very easy and tempting now with the internet.


    Don't just come out with it- she will freak out. Gently bring round the subject of fantasies when you are in an intimate moment, get her to open up. come on, you must have fantasies too!

  12. Caution: contains explicit terminology


    Women have always been a bit of a mystery to me, in terms of sexually among other things. For example, girls are always talking about getting the 'right kind' of orgasm. (I didn't realise there was a wrong kind lol).


    With men, our orgasms always feel the same; whether we're masturbating, being pleasured by a woman or engaging in 'regular' penetrative sex. I guess it is very similar to a clitoral orgasm, since the clit is anatomically analogous to the penis head (sorry gone a bit A-level biology here). What I've always wondered is how does a woman orgasm through regular penetrative sex alone, what does it feel like (similar to rubbing your clit or more diffuse), and do women like clitoral stimulation when they're having sex?


    Also, can women orgasm thru breast stimulation, and how does that compare?


    Phew, thanks.

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