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  1. One thing I'm really worried about is the fact that my new guy has had previous girlfriends cheat on him and I cheated on my ex boyfriend to be with him. Another concern I have is that when we first started talking, he stopped talking to me to be with his ex girlfriend, and when they didn't work out, he came back to me and we started to get more involved. I just feel pressured by my new boyfriend to get engaged and yeah it feels right, but I have my doubts. I don't want to lose him
  2. I do have doubts and my last relationship was a 2 year relationship, but why does this feel so right at the moment? My last boyfriend was very free with me, let me hang out with whoever I wanted and was the least jealous guy I've ever dated. It made me feel like he didn't care about me, even though he always told me that love has no jealousy. My new guy, like I said won't let me hang out with other guys he doesn't know because he says he cares about me. Which one is right?
  3. Well I've been dating this guy who I am madly in love with for about 6 weeks. I've known this guy for over 5 years and I've always told myself that this is the type of guy I'd like to be with one day. I just got out of a long distance relationship about 6 weeks ago and I immediately started dating this new guy right away and it has been quite intense ever since then. I get to see this new guy almost every day because I work with him and he lives nearby. This new guy isn't perfect, but something about him makes it just feel right. He's 29 and I'm 23, but he has 2 children with 2 different women and he has already been married and divorced once. None of that seems to matter to me though because he treats me great and makes me feel like the world. Sometimes though, I feel like I am his last resort and it makes me uneasy. He only lets me hang out with guys he knows because he says he doesn't trust other guys, but says he trusts me. So he's leaving for the army in less than a week and we have been talking about getting engaged before he leaves. He's going to be gone for over a year and I know that will be really hard on me. Should we get engaged?Am I feeling love or infatuation? Please, any advice would be great.
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