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Everything posted by Mandy22

  1. Just curious, if you had to pick the qualities most attractive in a female what would they be and why. Also what would transform a girl from just gf material to potential wife material?
  2. I know sometimes guys don't like to talk much about feelings, but if you can sit down with him and really try to figure out why it bothers him so much. Maybe there is something much more underneath, or a reason why he can't seem to move past it. I would just try to convince him that what happened in your past, doesn't have anything to do with him, with your relationship now. Once my boyfriend called a break and it was hard for me not to call him too, even though I knew that he should make the first move. I gave him his space and after a week he came back telling me how sorry he was. I think you know deep down what he is really like, and how much he cares for you. If he cares for you as much as you think he does, and you know deep down that he is a great guy, then he will come back on his own.
  3. I definetly don't think you should break up with him. It seems unfair that he would be ok with his one-night stands in the past with random girls, but have such a problem with your friend with benefits. Sometimes I find guys can be really sensitive, so if the topic of past relationships comes up with my boyfriend, I just tell him to let the past stay in the past, that it's not important to our relationship in the here and now. I think it is good to have an honest relationship, but things are private, and you really don't have to share everything with your partner. If there are some things that really wouldn't have an impact on your relationship, or something that he could live with not knowing, then I wouldn't tell him. Also, you didn't cheapen yourself as he said. If he can have one night stands with girls, which is kind of the equivalent of just using them for sex, why can't you have had the same thing with one guy? I think you should make that clear to him. Double standards aren't cool. Also, I would let him take his break. Don't contact him, you did nothing wrong here. He will come around and will probably feel immature for acting the way he did. He should just accept that no one can change their past, even if they want to, and its no way to live worrying about it. Good luck
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