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Posts posted by AwdreeHpburn

  1. You're sick of feelin' dumb


    You're not the only one


    I'll take you by the hand


    And I'll show you a world that you can understand


    This life is filled with hurt


    When happiness doesn't work


    Trust me and take my hand


    When the lights go out you'll understand



    Without Love



    I can't get enough



    I like it rough

    cos I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all



    -Three Days Grace

  2. Well- suffice it to say, there's not a lot a 15 or 16 year old CAN do in the way of helping an adult with psychiatric and alcohol related problems.


    A very close friend of mine's mother committed suicide whilst he was still in High School. It's very traumatising. I stronlgy suggest you seek counseling. Just to get a handle on some of what you're experiencing, what to expect of what may come and finally, how to help your little sister.


    My sincerest condolences.....


    please see some one -

  3. Let the vison of the wonderful brilliance that will be

    and the knowledge of the splendor that was

    serves as motivation during the reality of what is - the mundane of now,

    so that tomorrow,

    today will be viewed

    as glorious




  4. I can put my whole fist in my mouth.


    Just kidding.


    Hey - someone gave me a reputation point. It just said, "Here's your validation Awdree! You're tops!"


    That was sooooo awesome and nice and totally made me feel really good for a whole day! But I have NO idea who it was so I can't say thanks.........


    So if you know who you are and you're reading this THANK YOU!!

  5. Animal Years - Welcome to ENA.


    I guess - well being blunt....I hope you learned the lesson in it all. Not to sound all mom-ish but learn the lesson and move on. Move past it. Go forward NOT making the same mistake again and again.


    Its OK and necessary to make mistakes so that we CAN learn. Its when you DON'T that there's a problem. Take what you were supposed to from it and go forward.

  6. Hey Sherry -


    Let me jsut make sure I understand.


    Your bf - for your anniversary - was going to write that he loves you on some whiteboards at work and you asked him not to? Is that what you're saying? Or am I missing something?


    If that IS what you're saying, I can understand you wanting to have him keep that stuff out of your work place. Makes total sense to me. Most people DO like to try and keep their personal lives separate of their work lives.


    If I'm misunderstanding....let me know.

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