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Posts posted by janey17

  1. You have the right idea. Girls like the attention of someone liking them. She doesn't want to be back with you persay, but she likes the fact that you still have feeling for her. Plus who really likes hearing that someone is over you right?



    We love getting attention... everyone likes the thought of being liked and being wanted. Doesn't mean she wants you back, but it's true-- nobody likes hearing that someone is over them

  2. I don't think it's necessarily a "sign" that you wanna get back with that person or contact them. It could be... but I think more it's just a natural thing to never forget your first love, or relationships in general. I know I remember everything about my first love, all the stupid details... and we've both moved on with new people and new experiences and new memories... but the fact is I won't forget him... and I don't think it's strange if you are reminded of your ex when you hear your song on the radio!! Same with me!! it's natural, you had some good times together. and like someone posted there's really nothing like the feeling of being in love!!!!

  3. I doubt I'd contact him again, for the simple reason that he didn't respond to your last email. He's obviously moved on, you should try and do the same IMO.


    I agree!! I know it's tempting to want to stay in contact, but it's probably for the best that you move on, since he clearly has too. It's tough, but as most of us know from experience, you'll get through it. I think if you stay in NC you'll be able to get over him soon, you've been doing well so far keep it up!

  4. I totally agree. Prove to her you can do it and that you're being sincere about wanting to be in your son's life. Explain to her it's okay to be involved even if you want to be separate, and not a couple. She's most likely just scared right now and wants to try to be strong to prepare for your son's arrival, rather than having to deal with a breakup later on (since she said she feels like you're going to leave her, etc.)... you can't convince her you'll be together romantically forever, but you can try to get through to her that you're serious about being there for support for her and your son. goodluck

  5. tell him how you feel. if he's willing to work on it, then sure he might be the great guy that you think he is! then i would say stick it out and see if he changes. he should if he knows it bothers you, maybe he just doesn't realize the extent of his anger, or the effects it is having on you and your feelings. just talk to him, try to explain how it makes you feel and your worries about his anger when you're finally together... and hopefuly he'll be willing to work on it and make a good effort. if not... then it may not be worth the pain of getting seriously involved and having to say goodbye later. goodluck!

  6. i think it's bad if you really really like him and you're leading your boyfriend on. but i think it's natural to just wonder "what if" when you're attracted to someone, even if you know you're wrong for eachother. dont worry if thats all it is. as long as you arent leading the other guy on or seriously thinkin about starting something with this guy, then its harmless... and a natural thing to think WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN

  7. Charles II-- I understand that from a guy's point of view, it can get annoying hearing the girls on here saying the same thing over and over, but I don't think all of us are marginalizing the issue. It's really about preference, and I don't think a lot of girls really DO care if a guy is uncut. I think it's just about what the girl is used to. I know for me there's not much of a difference in which one I prefer more. I've only slept with anyone that is uncut and there was no problem with it, but I guess I don't really know cuz I haven't had sex with anyone that is cut, but in terms of appearance and just fooling around... either or!!!!

  8. i agree-- it seems unrealistic that you could be over someone you were with for 9 years in only 7 weeks. i know it takes everyone different times to get over someone... it just seems really fast.


    hope everything is good now!

  9. I agree-- taking a break is usually cuz of some problems in your relationship, but it doesn't sound like that's what you're saying. I think you either need to accept the difficulties of longdistance and these feelings you may have but stay with your girl exclusively OR break up with her and experience new people. But I don't think softening the blow by saying "let's go on a break" is the right thing to do here... it seems like it would lead her on in that you do wanna be with her but you just need time. I'm not sure that's the case. Goodluck!!

  10. well... he doesnt gaze at my face... but he looks at me when he has the chance, but i dunno if its in a joking way cuz he makes stupid funny faces and stuff...

    we dont hug or anything, but he stands close to me... but i dunno if it's just me. or if he stands close to everybody.. thats the problem.

    hes so flirty i dunno if its directed toward me or another girl or what, its so confusing...

    is it true that guys pick on girls they like though?? cuz he picks on me

  11. hey guys,

    ummm so in my program at school there's this guy that i kinda like, but i'm not sure if he likes me... he's really confident and funny and so nice and flirty, but he seems that way towards all the girls. he's not a player or anything dont get me wrong, but in our group of friends he's pretty much like that equally to everyone. a couple of the girls have said that they think hes flirting with me and then he flirts with the rest to kinda cover it up cuz he doesnt want everyone to know helikes me... but i just see it as his personality and that he does it with everyone.

    i'm really shy around him at school but we talk alot to eachother online and the conversations are good, we just chit chat and have fun and flirt and joke around, and we get along at school too we just dont talk too much... i get nervous in person cuz i dont know what to say all the time, lol.

    anyway... i just need some advice on how i know if he really likes me, or if he's just being flirty toward everyone, its really hard to tell.

    i'm also worried maybe he doesnt wanna show he likes me or make a move cuz our group is so close in our program at school and maybe it would be awkward if somethnig happened between us cuz everyone would know? i dunno.... blah, help!

  12. both of the previous posters have good points i think--

    #1 - confidence is key. it doesnt mean you have to be a jerk, you should still be a nice guy if thats who you truly are... but girls do like confidence. just be yourself and it should work out okay

    #2 - haha kinda like you want what you cant have... if someone pays a lot of attention you might not be interested and excited cuz you know they're alwyas there waiting to talk to you... BUT its true.. if you dont show a lot of interest in a girl, we get curious, and more interested, haha...

  13. hmmm I think for now you should just let it go, cuz you've messaged him a bunch of times and it doesn't look like he's gonna respond anytime soon. wait for him to get back to you, either texting or calling, whatever it doesn't matter. when he does, maybe suggest hanging out, and let him know how you're feeling. you don't wanna be pushy but he has to know that it makes you mad if you guys are gonna go out again... so maybe just talk about it and plan for an actual date. see if this guy is really worth it... i'm kinda wondering why you care about him so much (no offense) just cuz you originally liked his friend but he's taken... if this sean guy isn't that great for you, maybe just take some time and wiat til u really like someone- maybe sean just feels pressured from you since u guys havent gone on a real date yet eh??

  14. i agree with newts on this one... i'm really proud of what you've done. i cant say that i've been in your situation but i've had friends that have and i've seen the pain... so i get where you're coming from. but hang in there!! you're probably doing the right thing, and cuz it's right... it will only get better and easier... goodluck!!!! oh and yeah tell him you saw what you saw... its important he knows rather thanjust being in the dark about everything... even though he's a jerk. but let him know what u saw... and how much it hurt you

  15. i think it really depends on the situation... in some cases the person that cheated might learn from it cuz they see how much it hurt the other person... but its also very possible that they'll just do it again cuz they know they got away with it or they were forgiven easily in the past. but its hard to say... depends on the person, the relationship, the circumstances, etc.

  16. hey guys,

    new to this... so i'd love some input!!


    recently i found out that one of my friends (we'll call him joe) is cheating on his current girlfriend (we'll call her cindy) with another person (umm...kathy?) who i dont speak to anymore.


    anyways... i've been out downtown the past couple weekends with a bunch of ppl including joe and cindy. cindy has spoken to me and a couple of my girlfriends about how happy joe makes her and how shes so in love, etc. when they dance and stuff they seem happy, and if you didnt know anything, you'd think they were perfectly happy together. yet i got word that joe doesnt like cindy anymore and is sleeping with kathy (who he used to date last year) but kathy wont commit to a relationship so hes staying with cindy... but lying to her this whole time.


    i just feel bad for cindy cuz she has NO CLUE and i know if someone knew my guy was doing this i'd wanna know, and i'd be totally humiliated knowing that everyone knew except for me... yet i'm not really friends with her. out of anyone i'm the closest with joe, who is the cheater...


    i just wanna know if keeping quiet is the best thing, cuz i feel like its not my place to say anything...

    any thoughts?? thanks guys

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