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  1. Ok, just to let u all know, I finally got rid of my shyness and unconfidence. Finally can talk to any girl I want to. I'm currently dating the one I waited for so long to ask her out. I often wonder, why did it took me so long, had many opportunities before, but I would turn the other way, hide, or run out. I remember how stupid I was one day, I was a sophomore in high school. Anyways there was this girl who came up to me and started talking and I was like "Um, I'll be right back", and left, didn't came back. Boy, was I a loser!!!! So all all you shy people here, you can overcome this, it's just a matter of confidence, self-esteem, you have to believe in yourself.
  2. Sup peeps, Not much here, I left early today, had an appointment. I'm in 12th grade, ready to graduate and time is running out, if I don't do it today, then I'm gonna be a failure. Ok, my situation is about this girl I been having a crush for a real long time since 7th grade, never had the courage to talk to her not other girls, still don't have and I'm 18 now. Just days ago, I found out that she too likes me, from a conversation she had with one of her friends. I somehow manage to ask one of her friends for her # this year, I dunno how, I just did. Two months ago, I tried calling her, but just as she answer, I hang up. Then my other attempt was last month at school, I really wanted to ask her out, instead I say "I, um wanted, I wanted to know wut the english homework was"? The only advice I been getting from my friends and brother is "Just ask her out, ur not a nerd", oh yea, like that's easy, it's not, I dunno wut to say next. Wut if ok, I ask her out, but get tongue-tied that I ran out of words, or can't think of any nice things to say to her next. My friends on the other way, ask them out and talk freely with them, some even have g/f. When they're talking to them, I far away, standing there saying nothing. But I can talk well when there's no girl around. So help me, people wut words do I say, how do I ask her out, how? Wut nice things??
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