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Everything posted by Benny1077

  1. Had a real tough day yesterday, I called off work today, but I feel like the anti-depressant might be finally kicking in. I truly believe that I have come to realize that I may have to learn how to move on. So we'll see. I still am haunted by memories though.
  2. Thank you for the advice. Basically I'm getting mixed messages. She told me she wants to work on things but that she isn't "promising anything". I actually wrote her a letter a couple weeks ago explaining my feelings to her and I tell her to read that if she ever needs to be reminded of how I feel. However, I can tell she gets uncomfortable when I become overemotional. Is that normal? The only thing I think she is contributing to this break is sorting out her own feelings. She's doing nothing for me that I can see. And when I do get tongue tied when talking to her, she holds it against me if I say something stupid. Am I expected to be talking and acting completely rational in my present state, I don't think so.
  3. Forgot to mention that I saw a psychiatrist last week and he started me on an anti-depressant. I guess it just hasn't kicked in yet.
  4. Shortly before Christmas, my fiancee decided she was not ready to get married, this after she bought a dress, we paid for the reception hall, etc... After her decision everything was still somewhat ok, she still lived with me, I still got the occasional I Love You, and we were still acting like a couple. Then all of a sudden she began the process of moving out, avoided contact with me, and became very cold. She said she "needed space" and does not want to be backed into a corner. People at her work say she has become closer friends with a married man. I believe her when she tells me nothing is going on with him, but the untrue rumors I hear are making it EXTREMELY difficult for me not to contact her, and when I do I end up saying something stupid. I really do want to give her space if it will help us, but I feel the need to contact her to let her know how I feel. It's not an everyday thing but when I don't talk to her I feel worse then when I do. I really want things to work out between us and I would even settle for a friendly relationship with her just to have her in my life again. I'm having trouble eating and sleeping every day without the help of alcohol and my work is starting to suffer. What should I do? I still love her very much.
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