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Everything posted by wendybird

  1. i am 19 years old and my boyfriend is 21. we have been together for four years now. my boyfriend has always (even when he was just 17) taken care of me. i went through alot of things shortly after we got together... and he was my comfort, and he always made sure i was taken care of. we have lived together for about 3 years now. you can say that we have the perfect relationship, we have never really fought before (honestly) we just work together, ya know ? anyway, in the last couple of months i have been thinking alot about the future. we have always said we were going to get married one day. still, i started to get a little worried. my boyfriend and i have been with eachother, and only eachother. the only other relationship i have had besides him was 2 weeks long (remember i was 15 when we got together), so he is the only real love i have ever known. these things started to worry me as i started thinking about the future... i mean you hear all the time about people who get together young and the fact that they have never expierenced anything outside of eachother usually becomes a problem later. i tried talking to him about this, but he keeps telling me not to worry... he loves me and only me and he cant imagine ever being with anyone besides me. im sure most of you know what im talking about. i on the other hand... do wonder. i sometimes wonder what it would be like to be with someone else... and i have a crush. i have never had this problem before the entire time we have been together... but there it is. the butterflies and all. i thought it would just go away but it didnt... my boyfriend and i have always been honest to eachother, and i have been a wreck about it for weeks... so i felt like i needed to tell him about this. he was upset of course... but i assured him i never cheated on him, or anything at all related to cheating. this was just something that showed up that i couldnt help. after talking... he made it apparent that he didnt want to break up. but now i feel like this just isnt fair to him. i mean is it fair to be with someone when you have feelings for someone else ?? i still love him, and care about him very much... im just so confused and scared. ontop of it, if we did break up i dont know what i would do financially. he makes well more than i do and it would be rather difficult for me to afford an apartment on my own... but that really isnt a good reason to stay with him is it ?
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