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Posts posted by Blured

  1. My friend Alex was crazy about me, I told him to back up and just be friends. This last weekend I was thinking about my feelings for him, meanwhile (I was on holiday) him and my friend have gotten close, and he's about to ask her out. I obviously can't do anything now, so I need to know how to get over someone fast.


  2. My friend at school, Alex, believes that he's totally in love with me, has told my friends that if I'm not his soulmate, no one is. He's said he'd die for me, thinks about me all the time, feels sad without me.. the list goes on.

    We're only 17, I'm not in love with him at all, I'm not even sure I'm attracted to him, and he seems to think that we're going to go out soon (Even though he's been told that theres a big chance we wont). He can't keep his hands off me, not in a sexual way, just always putting his arms round me, hugging me, holding my hand etc, which makes me feel really uncomfortable.

    My friends have told me just to drop him, but I'm unsure, he's a lovely person and I'd miss not being his friend.. I'm not really sure how I feel about him, and I'm worried he'll find someone else as soon as I discover feelings for him!

  3. I might my friend Alex a few weeks ago at school. Since the start we've been good friends, which has sparked alot of rumours. So much so hat my friend has been trying to play matchmaker, and through her 'helpful' infomation she has forced us to realise that we could easily become a couple.

    He told her in confidence (She told him she could help him, he believed her ) that he thought he loved me, and that whenever he was apart from me he felt really low.

    I told her I might want to go out with him. Recently we've (the whole group of us) have been holding hands and basking on the field, when me and Alex did this she assumed it was okay to tell us both all the infomation (or to be more accurate, she has already both told both of us what we had said, we just didnt know the other knew.. confusing I know!) He's started hugging and holding me now, which before was nice, and now is scary! Why did I want him before and not now? I feel under pressure and have become shy and pretty antsy. I've never had a boyfriend before, or even a proper kiss (I'm 16), and its all terrifying!

  4. There isnt much you can do without hurting her feelings, if my boyfriend gave me make up I'd be offended, though perhaps you could point out pictures of girl's hair that you think would suit her, and say so. However, only do this with a magazine. No one either of you know, or have seen.


    If you dont find her attractive at all I doubt you love her. Please take the pictures down right now, no only is it pointless, it's also invading her privacy. If she finds them, not only will your relationship be over (quite rightly) but she may never recover. Most 18 year old girls are insecure enough without this.


    Just a side note, she isn't hideous. She also has a nice body. Never ask anyone for judgement on someone you care about.

  5. Thats currently what I'm doing, but I know I can't keep it up for 2 years. They are on the same course and a group of around 10 of them hang round at lunch, so avoiding him means not seeing her at lunch. Though I'm not that sure if that would be so bad.. yesterday I couldn't find anyone I knew at first, and I ran into her getting lunch. I explained and she said '...You can hang round with us' in a very unenthuiastic tone, without looking at me. I made an excuse about having to see my tutor, and went. I did run into someone else I knew (Thank God), but was still hurt. During school we were attached at the hip, we've been on holiday together, and she often says I'm her best friend. I again dont want to confront her, I know it may seem like I'm making a big deal out of nothing, but we've been close for years.

  6. I've just started college. Apart from this one issue its fine, which is a welcome surprise.

    My closest friend is now making friends with this guy that took the p*** out of me constantly two years ago. I dont know if she knows, but it really botheres me. At the time I was weak and low, and literally was afraid of him. I hate that she's friends with him. But I dont really want to say anything to her, it was ages ago, and I worry she'll bring it up with him.

  7. I'm trying to remove the hair 'down there' with little success. I've tried shaving (admittedly with my Bic, but I used aloe vera, tree tree oil, and exfoliated first) and not only am I unable to get a close enough shave, I get terrible razorburn.

    I tried Nair yesterday, and it just left me with awful looking stuble. I've tried wax, but I couldnt get it to work - I'm unsure if it was my method or the wax. Though I'm pretty sure I did everything right. I'm only 16 so would rather not go to a salon, because of expense and just general shyness.

  8. I have the same but different problems all jumping in at me constantly.

    I want to make new friends. I want to be liked. I want to be accepted.

    Whenever I'm with my current friends I feel bored and cannot wait to be alone again. When I'm alone I feel lonely.

    I feel socially backward. I'm painfully shy and find it so so hard to make new friends. I have no male friends and feel like a failure (I'm 16). I've never had a boyfriend. Not only does this make me feel unattractive and unexperienced, it makes me feel unloveable. Whats more, it sounds strange but I have so much love to share! But I'm starting to wonder if this is what the rest of my life will be like.

    Thanks for listening.

  9. How do I know he's not controlling the non-believers?

    Because you just thought that thought. Why would God want non-believers to not believe in him? Surely the greatest insult of all is to deny your very existence.

    Don't give me that ol "have faith" crap. Not to mention the fact that all these different sects of Christianity never seem to agree with each other. If Christianity is THE true religion, why are there so many sects that disagree with each other?

    Christianity isn't perfect. If it's made of humans, how can it be? There are people that try and manipulate and use the faith to make money and hurt people. Often in religious wars it's about power and hatred, it's nothing to do with God.




    Again, this is what confuses me: there are all these different fights and wars and contradictions and different beliefs that don't agree with each other and people going crazy to try and find what's "good" in the world while constantly trying to prove what's evil... a "loving god" supposedly sees all this and does nothing to stop it. He can do it at any time, but I guess after creating everything in 6 days, your god-like powers begin to deteriorate a bit

    Yes, he is a loving God. However, if he intervened whenever humanity had problems, how would we ever learn what is good and what's evil? You can't look at Christians and decide that if we behave badly then thereforeeee so does God. We make our own choices, why can't we live with the consequences?


    I gotta admit, hell is quite the tool used by the religious elite. It's the perfect bedtime or punishment story for little children who eat too much sugar, listen to heavy metal, or scream and make disturbances in public when they don't get their way. If hell wasn't exaggerated, I'm sure the number of Christians would at least decline considerately. It's funny how god supposedly "loves each and every one of us" yet if you do not follow his doctrine or made a "bad choice" in spiritual belief, despite the life you've lived, he'll send you to a place of eternal suffering and pain. But he loves you. This is similar to a woman breaking up with her poor boyfriend, and while he's on the floor crying, she's saying "I still love you!" If you have a pet and watch him and when he doesn't show total love and belief of you, you find all these sick ways to torture him and end up killing him, you can plainly see the "love" for this poor animal is not love at all. George Carlin had something infamous to say about organized religion link removed

    A woman with her poor boyfriend on the floor screaming "I love you!". What if he was lying? What if he had cheated on her? What if he was abusive? Humanity can't happily turn their back on God and expect everything to still turn out alright. As I said, surely the greatest insult of all is denying God's very existence. How can hell be exaggerated?! Hell is simply despair. It's mentioned throughout the bible (Old and new testament). It's the reason many Christians are so desperate to tell people about their faith. And why would any Christian be afraid of hell? If you don't believe in hell, why would it scare you?

  10. My friend (Anna) for a joke, made up a person via msn messenger for an evening. I worked out what she was doing, and told her not to because an ex friend did the same thing over a long period of time, and faked self harm through it. Anna was outraged that I had compared her to this friend, and starting saying that I hated my ex friend because she was a lesbian (She was in love with me) and that I had issues. She said that I dont care about her when she confides in me, and that I was only annoyed because she cancelled going to the cinema with me. All of which was completely untrue.

    She then emailed me saying that it's unlikely we can be friends anymore, and good luck.

    Was I overreacting in telling her to stop faking?

    Despite the occasional mood swing, she is a good friend, and the only person I know in 6th form college next year. What should I do?!

  11. I didn't say I believe in prehistoric carvings, I just stated what was found. Cavemens did not have any concept of supremem beings nor a serpent representing satan, nor heaven or hell. It had to be years later, when history could be written for the first time, even so it took a while for a prophet (who's really just an average human like we are) to come along with ideas on how to live along with his teachings, and the common people went along with it, with even questioning.


    First of all, if your talking about the bible it was a series of people, not just one prophet. However, the Jewish people already had the concept of God. Before the book of Genesis was written down, there was Issac, Jacob and Abraham. The belief in God was handed down through the Jewish people.

  12. Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.

    -- Richard Dawkins

    Richard Dawkins is a very interesting man. I don't know if any if any British people here saw his series of documentries on Channel 4 a few months ago. He set out to prove that religion is evil. Never once did he mention all the religious charities in the world. New morals like 'Love thy enemy'. Or, the communist countries like North Korea that are murdering anyone claiming to have any belief system. He's a very interesting man.

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