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Posts posted by Prenkle

  1. I started having feelings for this guy and have contemplated telling him how I feel? But is this wise? I feel like I would be putting myself out there, handing myself over on a silver platter and opening myself up for hurt. He has dropped hints that he likes me but I am not really sure.


    I've been wishing that he would confess how he feels before I do. But what if he never says anything?


    Do I say something or not? Does the fact that he doesn't say anything means he feels nothing for me? Do I want to be with a guy who doesn't even have the courage to tell me he wants me? Would any girl want a guy like that?

  2. Sometimes it's not about age. I'm in love with a man who's 20 years older than I am because of who he is as a person. He's not rich, and he's not an executive of any kind. Money has never entered into the equation.


    I've never been particularly attracted to a certain age range. I think that in general people just can't help who they fall in love with.


    Older men don't make me feel safe. The right man makes me feel safe - regardless of his age.

  3. Man B and I have a lot of common interests. We can talk for hours on the phone. Neither of us want children or want to get married. I know my feelings for him aren't just lust because he's not particularly attractive. It's who he is as a person, his personality, outlook on life, humor that I get caught up on.

  4. I'm stuck. I'm in my mid 20s and have to choose between 2 men.


    Man A is 29. I like him a lot. He's one of my best friends and is a joy to be around. I wouldn't mind marrying him if he asked me.


    Man B is 45. My feelings are much strong for Man B than Man A. I sometimes think I love him. I know he feels for me too, but because of our age difference is reluctant to express those feelings.


    There won't be the age gap pressure since I'm much closer in age with Man A.


    Do I wait for Man B or go with Man A? Listen to my head or my heart? I'm so confused.

  5. I met this guy that I've really come to like about 3 months ago. We're not dating yet - still in the friend mode. But we now have long discussions on the phone where we talk about everything. We share ideas, our likes and dislikes, our history, hopes and fears.


    Is it a good idea to talk for hours on the phone with a guy? Will he get to know me too fast? Will he lose interest in me? Does the fact that I can discuss almost anything with him mean we may just be better off being friends?

  6. I have long dark hair that goes a little past my shoulders and bangs. What's more attractive to you guys? Hair down or up in a pony tail?


    My mother said girls should wear their hair down because it's more girly, but I don't know about that. What does everyone think?

  7. Think before you leap or step in front of a train. The moment you body hits the train will be the moment you regret having stepped on the tracks in the first place.


    I know life stinks . Sometimes it stinks for so long that the word "stink" can be a synonym for the word "life." But I think the chance to make it something else is worth the risk of not dying. Dying is easy. In my opinion, it's mostly for the lazy. So don't die. Keep fighting the good fight.

  8. Are you a person that when a problem occurs, immediately thinks of ways to solve a problem and moves on OR are you a person that thinks and thinks of why the problems occurred a tries to end the stem so that the problem doesnt occur again.

    Balance is required, but by observation, i suppose that most people after a breakup tends to be the second option because they refuse to let go.

    What do you think?


    I'm the type that solves problems quickly. There are too many other things I want to do with my life to let useless problems stop me.

  9. I'm torn. I recently met this 45 year old man that I've grown to like a lot. I'm attracted to him. We have a lot of the same interests. He makes me laugh and is very supportive of me. I'm comfortable around him and we respect each other. I want to be with him. He makes me happy. I have a feeling that he'll ask me out one day, but I can't decide what to do when he does. I'm in my early 20s and don't know if it would be a good decision on my part to go out with someone that much older.


    The problem is I know we will do well together. In fact, we have such good chemistry that I wouldn't even be surprised if marriage happens sometime down the road. That is why I don't know if I should yes if he asks me on a date. If I say yes, I may end up breaking his heart in the future. If I say no, then at least I'll be able to avoid ruining the relationship we have right now.


    Any advice?

  10. There's work to be done on both sides. If the woman has put forth the effort of letting the guy know she likes him and he does nothing then STOP. I mean obvious effort like telling the guy she'd like to see him again and even volunteering to swap numbers. A relatively intelligent human being will see the signs. If he doesn't call back then he's not worth the effort - either because he's not interested or because he's too dumb to see the obvious. Like an earlier poster had said, the ball is now in his court.

  11. I was curious what you guys thought of the following questions. Input appreciated



    1. Can you fall in love more than once in your lifetime?


    2. Can you experience true love more than once?


    3. Can you fall in love with someone who isn't in love with you?


    4. Is there only one person who is 'meant to be'?


    5. Are you ever too young or too old to be in love?


    6. Does true love really last forever?


    7. What defines "falling in love"?



    1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. Yes

    4. No

    5. No

    6. No

    7. Something that enlivens you and makes you want to wake up in the morning

  12. I'm near my mid-20s and have never been in a relationship or on a date. Sometimes I feel lonely. Sometimes I want to tell the world that I don't understand men and they all stink. However, I don't feel hopeless because I adhere to Winston Churchill's motto when it comes to things that matter, "Never, never, never quit."

  13. I guess what I mean is I always feel like I have to put myself out there. I always have to make the first move. And when I do and nothing comes out of it, I'm severely disappointed. Everyone keeps telling me to not look desparate, not try so hard. But I'm afraid that if I don't I'll end up alone with 99 cats. Trying too hard doesn't work and not trying at all doesn't work. What's a girl to do?


    A guy asks me out to lunch and then he calls me 5 MINUTES before that he can't make it after I'm already at the restaurant. The reason he gave was that he needed to have lunch with some of his other friends.


    No one ever asks me to do anything with them. I'm tired of all this trying and scared as hell not to try.

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