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Everything posted by sienna

  1. Thanks Bones, You're right, we should talk more. Although we do have a pretty good go at it. He tells me he hasnt had any bad past experiences and he does love me and find me sexually attractive. Sometimes he's very affectionate which i love, but when it comes down to the moment he's just awkward and he's not sure why. He says it annoys him a lot and he wishes he knew what to do. We've discussed the possibilites of counselling but it's just not affordable for us at the moment. I've been trying to get him to come to the sex shop with me but it's never the right moment. Perhaps i could buy us a book for Christmas? any suggestions?
  2. i've never seen a circumcised penis, except in porn. They're very uncommon here in Australia too i think. i have 3 brother's and none of them are circumcised. They've never had any problems. The skin is there when you're born, why remove it? It's a natural part of a man. Think of it as plastic surgery for babies.... weird.
  3. I've been dating my boyfriend for just over two years and i love him, however, he has a problem with intimacy. We have sex about once or twice a week (if i'm lucky) and i'd like it to be much more frequent. He hardly ever initiates sex and when we do have sex he often seems uncomfortable. The sex is not bad. It's just not amazing. He's only given me oral sex twice (the first time he was drunk the second time i had to plead). He kisses very nervously (usually just a quick peck) and i want long romantic french kisses but he's reluctant to use his tongue. He says he feels a "block" when it comes to sex and intimacy. He says he wants to have more sex but he just thinks he's 'not like that'. Sometimes he admits that perhaps he has a problem but that's 'just the way he is'! I've tried, music, massage, talking to him and telling him what i want, wearing sexy underwear... blah blah. Things have improved slightly but i want to make him want me passionately .... anyone have any ideas?
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