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Posts posted by good_charlotte_freak2

  1. Hey lol ok this might sound weird but my friend asked me today on howw to talk dirty to his girlfriend. lol and my friend actually did say this cause 1. he's a guy and i'm a girl and 2. he's got a grilfriend lol. Ok so what do I tell him? I mean he came to me cause I'm the most "out there" one of the group and he knows he can trust me. I know what I would wanna here...but what do I tell him? Please help..if there's any other forums that may help please refer allso.

  2. Hmm...well i'm gunna be 14 in lke a month. My mom and my older fiend just keep telling me to wait until I at LEAST finishhigh school. They don't wan mem pregnant YET and I'm sure your friends and family don't either. beisdes that can you afford a baby?

  3. Thanx. but I still don't know how do I sort out all theese problems. Like the friends I have a really great but they all need help like the tottaly negative one's wrists are so cut up you'd never know there was skin! and the one that got caught smoking drugs she's allways really good, on time and she's an honour student! I mean wow! then the "best friend" I think IS just trying to get attention but why? she has lots of it. and she gets it so stupidly when I ignore her dram she just created more forcing me to do sumthing! AHHHHH!

  4. Hi, I need some advice Preferably from epole who've kinda gone through this. Well I have to may thoughts and feelings and emotions. okay here goes,

    Well I just broke up wiht a guy for anohter guy and I don't know if I like either of them very much. Then my "best frined" keeps lieing tome and never wants me to talk to any of her bf's and she goes through alot. my cousin brought Alcohol to school and ot me involved and my other friend told one of our youth leaders and now he told her to stay away from me so I feel horrioble about that. Then my one friend won't stop slitting and talking about death and lveing so negatively and swearing I'm trying to help her but I can't or it's not working. And another friend is being a weird lately and nobody nknows why. then today my other friend got busted for smoking druds in the girld bathroom and the girl she was with got aressted! OMG HELP! I justw anna be alone! I don't want any of theese problems or anytuing I want to be alone and free! i was tlaking to an friend and he says he feels the same way but we an't figure it out! OM! I need help!



  5. On December 7th of 2002, there was a horrible fire from where I'm from. A house burnt down. There were four kids, two girls two boys. The oldest, a boy, was my best friend. Then the second oldest, a girl, was really close to me too. We were like sisters. The second youngest, a boy, was my little brothers best friend. The younges, a girl, was also like a sister to me. Their house caught on fire. It was a brick house so only the inside burnt down. i remember going to school and seeing my mom come in the middle of class taking me out and she was crying. She wouldn't tell me what was wrong until we had my brothers. When we were all together she told us there was a horrible fire. I asked where? who? is everyone okay? SHe replied wiht A*****'s (best friend) house. Then I said is everyone okay? and she looked away. I repeated mom? iis everyone okay? She said A***** and C**** had died. We all burst out in tears in the middle of the hallway. I couldn't believe it! The funeral was to be the Friday of the next week. We were all going. I wouldn't of missed it for anything. We got there and the funeral went on. When it was finished and we were all snaking, or trying to, me and my mom walked over to the mother of the kids. We held her hands for a ong time. i couldn't stop the tears.


    It's been three years now and the two girls are doing fine. They moved out of the house and have a new life. Their mom even had a new baby boy. About a week ago I started having all theese flashbacks of what it was like when A***** was still here. I have no idea why. It's teaken me three years to finally let the fact he's gone sink in. I wrote a letter/poem to him that he'll never read. I expressed all my feelings in ti. Here it is:


    You have left me now for 3 and a half years.

    What would life be like if you were still here?

    I barely remember you.

    I try to really hard.

    I miss you.

    I want you back.

    I need you back

    Where are you now?

    Can you remember me?

    I miss you.

    Can you come back?

    At all?

    You were my best friend.

    How could you leave me?

    I miss you.

    I need your help going through life.

    I'm so confused.

    Why now do I realize I NEED you?

    I miss you.





    Wow. I can't believe it. I guess the point of this forumn was to express my feeling and to share my story. but i'd like any opinions on why NOW all of a sudden do I REALLY miss him? It's been three and a half years! WHY NOW? Anyone?

  6. Hey, I have a Prom coming up in may. yah it's 3 weeks away it's far but not too far. I've been asked by two guys. one is my bestest friend in the world (from the guy side). We're totally into eachother but we're friends. We agreed to stay that way for a little bit. We aren't ready for what people might think. It's bad enough having people "think" we're going out when we're not. But if we do go out then what? But that's not the problem. I have also been asked by this other guy. he's pretty cool. But most poeple don't like him. I do. but my friends kinda don't "approve" and you gotta go with your friends. I think I might go wiht my best friend, but what do I say to the other guy? I don't want to hurt his feelings. But a part of me wants to go with the other guy too! I can't decide. My best friend, thinks I should go with no one and go solo like her. But, I'd rather go with sumone. HELP!

  7. I have a really good friend. She's one of my closest best friends. She tells me eerything. But...what she tells me is all about drugs...and alchol...and the devil...and CONSTANT swearing...and her wrists. Her wrists make me wanna throw up. I can't stand it! I want her to get some help. Help that I can't give her. I just don't know how...or who to ask. I'm thinking of going to talk to a teacher at school tomorow morning. But I don't know exactly what to say. And I know that telling her parents won't help. BUT, she trusts me with her life...so telling people about her problem...is that breaking trust...or is it helping? What should I do?!?! She needs help but who?!?! and how?!?!

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