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  1. thanks a lot everyone..and im in public school..
  2. I used to have bad acne..and its gotten better..i have used proactiv..but it didnt really work..but if u r in desperate need.. when u goto a store to buy a over the counter product..like neutragina (if thats how you spell it) or clean and clear...look to see if it has benzoil peroxide..its the #1 active ingredient of killing acne..so see the percentge of it..and if it has a lot of it..it should help..
  3. well..im 13 years old..and im a guy..well im gay..and i thought i would never tell anyone..turns out i did..and now..basically the whole 7th grade knows..there are homophobes at are school.. using "hoe" or "gay kid" as insults..im just confused..why is there gays? why am i gay?..why do i like a guy when they can't like me back because they are strait..i mean i know why they can't like me back..i just i dont know.. i think is not fare to be gay sometimes..I'm the only gay guy that i know of at our school..and it's not fair that i have to wait on getting a boyfriend when straits don't have to wait...And sometimes im scared that i will goto hell because im gay...like people going up to me and saying gays go to hell..i just dont know what to do..
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