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Everything posted by rrn

  1. Minnie, we all can sa€y a lot from experience. But the right thing would be to ask yourself what do you want. From your posting, it seems like part of you still loves him. And he also has some feelings for you. Since you now know that he has a family. It would be a good idea to have a heart -eart talk with him and face to face as to why he did what he did. If he did not care about you, why would he take you to his house without telling you about his family. Maybe he was not prepared to loose you. Some man dont know how to react in situations about their heart and feelings until its to late or when we tell them what we have decided. You can only move on and close this chapter in life if you want to. Do it talk to him, get some answers and then judge. If he was happy in his relationship, he wouldnt have come to you. Think about it.. Often we listen to others and think in a hast, but try to think from the mind for once and the heart later.
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