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  1. That sounds like a great idea, thank youuu! I'll definitely look into this 😊 I do remember hearing that my class created a gaming club, so that might be worth checking out
  2. That's true, I guess that's how it is for most ppl. I have a bit of social anxiety so online had always been less daunting for me, although it's true; I need to overcome this. I haven't joined any groups or college clubs but I did join the gym, so yeah. Hopefully it'll help me lol XD
  3. That's a really good point, idk why but for some reason I thought it was a social connection xD And yeah, I'm a college student that struggles with socialising, and most of the people I encounter in real life are likely to be my classmates
  4. Thank you so much for advice, I really needed to hear that. Online dating rlly does seems just like a fantasy now... The only thing keeping me from unfollowing him tbh is that he was my only friend and primary social connection. So I might feel lonely after deleting his contact, but that's probably for the best on the long run
  5. Essay Warning! ⚠️ I've been talking to a guy for a year online (I’ve never seen him irl). He expressed a lot of affection, said he loves me and yada yada, and we admitted mutual feelings (we’ve never been official though, he would still say we're just friends) However, recently, he casually mentioned talking to another girl for weeks, claiming they're just friends. He still wants to be friends with me but says he kinda likes the other girl and she likes him too but he still likes me as well... (Ik, unbelievable. That's so messed up) He basically told me that if I lived closer or in the same town he would've made a move on me “ages ago” but I'm rlly far (like overseas) and the other girl lives in the same town as him. •I feel confused and disappointed. •Is what he’s done morally wrong or insensitive or is it normal? -------------------------------------------------------------- *I'm sry for the essay and silly question, I don't rlly have experience with these stuff so I'm just lost fr.
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