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Posts posted by SuperDuper

  1. That filthy mother %#@'er, he worked all summer only to waste MY MONEY on marijuana, liquor, his car, and other things.


    If I were to tell him to get out of my life, then I know it would hurt him and he'd probably pay me back sooner. But then we'd have this undying tension between us until Fall.. when we go our separate ways.


    The thing is, I don't need the money, I have about 5 Grand to my name right now, but I CANNOT believe that with all the good times we've had together, all the secrets and trust we've had together, he avoids me.. cold shoulders me.. and won't pay me back the good deed I did for him.


    He's taking my kindness for weakness.. it's been nearly 3 years since I loaned him that money. Plus, it's not like I gave him $500.. I paid for his dinner/movies at times, because he had a paycheck coming in..

    Funny thing is I never saw the money for a year +.


    He lies to me constantly.. telling me one week he just needs to go to the bank, then when I confront him a week later, he doesn't have the money.

    If this was anyone else, they would be seriously hurt right now.

    I know this guys whole family, so I can't do that.. but comeon if he truly respected me he wouldn't let it come to this.

  2. The story started back 2 summers ago when I started lended money to a certain "bestfriend" of mine, a total of roughly $500.

    I feel it's more than that though.


    It took about 1 year and a half to even receive $300 of that.

    He constantly is working for his father and spends most of his money on other things. Somethings I won't mention.


    Recently before Christmas he said he would have the rest of my money after Christmas, and now I called him up and he told me he doesn't have it all.


    He spends his money on his car, food at school (when he could make a lunch like everyone else) and "other things".


    It makes me angry that he always says how he wants to even his debt with me, but he seemingly never prevails. He tells me he gets a paycheck on Friday and when I ask him, he "just needs to go to the Bank".


    I'm his bestfriend and he won't even be a man and say anything to me at school about the progress financially.


    I dont know how to get my money from him, we've had good times together so I dont' want to beat him up or something like that, he's just an unloyal, disrespectful kid it seems.


    Opinions/advice would be appreciated sincerely.

  3. Hey everyone, I'm 17 years old and i'm in need of some input & advice.

    It seems everyone my age is having sex these days, i'm in my last year of highschool and am prepared for University in the fall.


    I am still a virgin and most of my good friends have already had sex at some point in their lives, and don't get me wrong I've done my fair share of things with girls, but never had sex.


    I still have a few buddies who are virgins as well, and I know i'm still young but I just feel like an outcast at points, and envious of the others.


    The fact that i'm a virgin isn't brought into light when conversing with my friends, but it's still in the back of my mind. The grads are going on a trip to Quebec City on March Break and i'm guessing i'll have some fun there.


    Plus, next year in University is usually where people lose their V-card I hear. I'm just wondering how I can mentally cope with being a virgin, and I feel like i'm missing out on the pleasure everyone else is getting.


    I just don't feel like getting into a relationship right now, i'm independent, handsome, smart, and well ogranized (not bragging).. I just want some input on my situation please.


    Thank you very much

  4. So I've been getting close with this beautiful girl for a couple of weeks now. She goes to a different school about 10 minutes away from mine. Last weekend we hung out a few times and I ended up sleeping beside her after a party on Saturday night.


    We've been planning on going to my semi-formal dance tomorrow night together, until about 10 minutes ago when she told me she has strep throat. So she can't go, and will be in bed probably all weekend.


    This totally ruins my night because every other girl is taken, and I dont even feel like being with another girl.


    I have a soccer game tomorrow night as well but even my coach wanted me to go to my semi with her.


    I told my girl that we should do something saturday night if she's feeling better and she said "yeah, and if not.. next weekend" which is about 10 days away.


    So instead of hanging out tomorrow night, and this weekend I Have to wait almost 2 weeks just to see her again. It's ridiculous, it put me a horrible mood, and probably will for the rest of the week.


    She said she was sorry, but there's not much she can do.


    Any advice on how to cheer up, look on the bright side.. if there is one.


    Unlucky, or what?

  5. Hey guys, I haven't been on here in about 6 months because I've been doing great getting over my ex, she's with another new guy and I couldn't care less.


    I've found a new girl, she goes to another school.. and i'm 16.. yet she's 14. I know it doesn't make a difference, she's SO gorgeous too, and really nice to talk with.


    Do you feel that it makes a difference?


    I know I don't really care and shouldn't.. but im at the age where I think of sex and stuff, and sh'es only 14.. 15 in august.


    so im just thinking about that and things.


    thanks for your input

  6. Here's how..


    take the risk and be yourself for one night with him. See how he takes the "subtle" changes.


    Who knows, he might like the 'real' you better than the 'fake' you.


    Although you will NEVER ever know without trying. We can guide you for pages and pages of what to do, but in the end you have to DO it.


    Just relax, take a breath and realize that he is in no place to judge, nobody is. Nobody is better, nor worse than you are. We're all equal.


    If you want to gain self-confidence, I think you'll find it increasingly easier once you display your true self.



  7. You're right.


    I am not the person who can fake my soul into being devoted to someone, if i'm truly "not there".


    I really admirred D's honesty tongiht, and she told me straight up that she still likes me.. and just doesn't want to be hurt again.


    I want to let us naturally progress..

    The onyl flaw is that she goes to a different school, and we have different sets of friends, though we do share about 5 mutual friends or so.


    She lives about 7 minutes away in a car, so it's not that bad.


    I was just blinded by my ex.. and D shouldn't have been affected by that. She deserves this.

  8. Hey, please read this and give me your input .. even if it's minute.


    See... Most of you know the story of my ex and I.. and we still have a very sturdy friendship.. but it feels like that's not enough sometimes, and I feel like I want to be her boyfriend.


    I dated this other girl "D"... for a few months during Sept - Nov 2005.

    I ended up ending it with her because I wasn't ready for another relationship since the breakup with my ex... "K".


    Anyways, I emailed D the other night and told her that I miss that we don't talk very much anymore and suggested we hanging out a littl more, and start up again.


    Tonight she told me she still likes me and just doesn't want to get hurt.. but is willing to try again.


    Anyways - right now I feel completely fine being single.. but I think it's only because I *know* that I could be with someone (D).

    though - in the back of my mind.. I feel that "K" is slowly starting to like me or something.. because she REALLY wanted my family to go to cuba with her family, and got me to ask mom and stuff.. and just when we talk at school. she just seems to cherish the times we talk a lot more now.


    I feel that I might lose a chance with D... but I don't want her to string her along as I try to win "K" over. It isn't fair, and I'm not like that, never have been.


    I feel like I want to express to K that I like her and want to know if she's interested in starting anything or just sees us being friends forever... if she says friends, I am going to tell her that I can't only be friends with her.


    I know that if K told me she had no intention of getting back with me again, I would be able to move on, and proably maintain a healthy relationship with D.


    Though I feel I can't start anything with D yet, since I have this undeniable attraction for K...


    What should I do?




    PS- we have a dance tomorrow night, and BOTH girls will be there.. probably expecting a dance each.. what should I do? How should I react?

  9. My family is planning on going down south sometime in March, and my ex and her family are planning on going to Cuba around the same time.


    My ex really wants my family to go with hers, and wants to hang out with me at the resort for a week. My sister wouldn't be going so it would just be me, her, and her older sister who i'm close with.


    Our families would end up getting pretty close, and she is strongly urging me to ask my parents. She said it would be really fun.


    Isn't this odd behavior for an ex girlfriend?

  10. Hey everyone - this seems to be a reoccurring feeling for me.

    It's happens less than it used to, but it stills gets to me.


    You see, my 2 best friends have had girl troubles too, but one of them is now getting back with his ex.. (they've broken up 4 times). My other good friend told me earlier that he's moving on from her.. but right now he's out clothes shopping with her, and my other friend is at his "girlfriends" house.


    I feel sort of lonely. It seems when I feel this way, the only person I can think about is my ex. I dont' see why i'm so attracted to someone. She's only 15, but I can't seem to shake her, nor the vibe she gives me.


    Whenever I hear about sex, or think about it.. it's directed towards her. Not all the time, but usually. Is it that I just want what I can't have?


    I posted the other day about how she asked me to go out for dinner - well she hasnt' made any real attempt to "show" me it meant something. At school today we talked during our lunch break, for awhile.. but nothing out of the ordinary.


    Why does this girl have such a BIG impact on me? Sometimes I feel that the reason i'm so hooked on her.. is because I felt she would be my first sexual experience... we did thigns, but we didn't have sex. That's far from the reason I like her, but it may have its part.


    Sometimes I feel that I should tell her I still like her.. but it's been over 6 months since we broke up. I know her response would just be like "....okay?" or something.. make me feel stupid.


    Maybe she doesn't want a boyfriend, I don't know.. but if she does, I want to be it. Despite how I sound on the forums, I dont' act this way in real life. I'm very calm/collected and when she enters the room I give her a glance and chat to my friends. I still find myself watching her in the cafeteria and stuff like that though.. nothing creepy, but just looking over.




    I don't know if this has a point.. but i'm just ranting/venting and i'm hoping someone here can help me out. I really need this, what should I do?



  11. That feeling of power you're slowly becoming familiar with, is confidence, guaranteed.

    I felt it too.


    Your ex probably brought down your confidence at the end of your relationship, and if she's anything like mine - might even try to play some games to keep you on her emotional leash. Knowing she still has an impact on you, can make her feel good about herself. I know, it's odd.


    The best thing to do - is to keep on going. You're in a great position here since you already know the benefits of NC, and can continue on your journey. Sometime down the road you will meet someone new, and realize that she has many more great qualities than your ex does (though, don't compare them)... and you won't think twice about leaving your ex in the past.


    I am not against ex's getting back together - but there needs to be a reason. There needs to still be an undeniable connection between them. In your case, it seems she is just power hungry and when she realizes you don't break over her anymore.. it upsets her.. and then she realizes she can't do anything to make her feel better, she feels even worse. Why?


    Because you feel good.


    Keep feeling good, and don't care how it affects her, or her life. She's your ex for a reason. She's out of your life, and she should only come back in your life if she offers to get back together... OR... if she contacts you.. but you probably know what to do in those situations.


    Good luck, keep me posted.

  12. Hey there, I understand completely where you're coming from.

    Try to think of it like this.


    You meet a guy over the phone (somehow) and you talk for weeks and weeks and get completely comfortable with each other, and you tell yourself you're in love with him, just because of all the common factors between you two.


    You then meet up, and he is unattracted by your height?

    Think about how absolutley shallow this guy would be.. and how much better and higher up (no pun intended) it would put you. If someone has problems with your physical appearance, tell them to go cram it. You have no control of it, and if they want something with you.. they'll look right past that. Trust me.


    You WILL find someone out there, and that's because he will love you for you, and will not care the slightest of how tall you are. It makes no differerence at all, and can even come in handy at times.. if you catch my drift.


    Just stay optimistic, don't let anybody keep you down, or put you down... and I think you should tell your mom that you won't continue to be her emotional punching bag anymore, you don't deserve it.. besides, it's her genes that produced you.. your the product of her.. what can she say to that?


    Who cares though, there's millions of people in worse conditions and they have great lives, things will turn out great. Just remain happy and confident, you just need to realize nobody on this earth deserves specialer treatment than you.. why should they? Because they're tall?


    No way.. I hope this helps a little bit.


    Good Luck.

  13. I didn't even read the replies you got but i'm sure they're stating that this guy is all for sex. It's clear to see from an outsider's view that he has his targets set on something, sex.


    I think you need to have a chat with him about what your views and beliefs are regarding this VERY important subject. If he doesn't support them, dump his _ _ _, he's no good to you.


    Maybe he'll come around, but if he is anything like the "stereotypical" sex fene, I wouldn't expect any miracles. Live YOUR life, and don't let anybody else be your conducter, it's your body, not theirs.


    Hope everything goes well.

  14. Hey everyone - I haven't posted in a while because I didn't feel the need to. It was just the usual business going on with my ex and wasn't significant enough to ask for advice.


    Anyways, we still talk about once a day or so.. her initiating about 90% of the conversations. Yesterday I wanted to know how her biology exam went, so I started talking to her. She seemed really excited about me talking to her and was like "Hey!!!" and we chatted for a bit, and I could tell something was up.


    She then said "you should come to supper with us tonight, it will be fun".

    She was going for dinner with 5 of her girlfriends, and I know all of them quite well, so it wasn't awkward or anything.


    Since I'm the only one who can drive, I picked them up at one of their friends houses, and we went out for supper. When I sat down, she sat directly accross from me. When she was telling me something, we held eye contact for a constant 30 seconds or so and it was weird, in a good way though.


    We were all talking about how cool it would be to have a prom king/queen and got on the topic of who it would be. She said, "you'd definatley be the king, and i'd be the queen."..


    I gave her a smile, and one of her friends (who loved us going out) said

    "well yeah.. it's obvious you two would be".


    After that, I dropped them off at the hockey game, but I had plans so I had to go. She was the last one out of the car and she said, "you sure you don't want to come".. and I just said I had plans but I had fun.


    I'm just wondering, how should I interperate all of this, and what should I do? Why would she invite me? I first felt maybe they just needed a ride, but before she went she said she had to ask what time her parents could take her, and I said I could drive in.


    I was the only guy there, but she insisted I come. What's this mean?

    What do I do?


    Thanks everyone.

  15. definitely.


    Just know there IS someone out there for all of us.. don't settle with someone you're not happy with or who treats you innappropriatley. It's not worth causing a fuss over.


    The more time you spend trying to fix your relationship with someone, the less time you have experiencing a fantastic life with someone who will cause no issues to be fixed in the first place.

  16. Agreed -

    Although sharing your heart with a single individual is far more remarkable than passing it around like the church donation basket.


    I'd much rather have a girlfriend than swing with the local cougars

    though I won't sacrifice my dignity and pride to have her.

  17. Hey guys, I just wanted to share something I've just experienced.

    I have 2 best friends. Both with their share of problems. One has constant female conflicts, and the other one i've been talking to for the past hour and a half because he feels like crap.


    He owes me and our other friend lots of money. He owes me $500, and my othe friend $250.. just from added expenses over the past year.


    He explained to me tonight that he feels like garbage that he can't pay it back even after so long, and is upset because his marks are low too. He's not the most intelligent guy, but he's a very kind, nice, and caring individual.


    If you know alfalfa from Little Rascals.. picture the 17 year old version of him


    Anyways, I've been talking to him and pretty much helping him out with all of his sorrow, and it's made me realize, why can I dish out such soothing heart felt comfort, yet I come to ask for stupid help for my own stupid relationship problems. He has an ex gf too, they've broken up 4 times and I told him tonight.


    "My dad never once mentioned to me one of his high school sweethearts, you know why? because she didn't impact his life enough comparing to the family and wonderful career he has now."


    It OPENED MY EYES!! Why do I make myself feel so glum about a single girl, when I should be focused on my future where things actually matter more. I realize that my teenage years are learning experience, for THE FUTURE. When i'm an adult, and live for myself.


    Where the women are mature, and spend time with you to sort out problems instead of playing mind games which leave you guessing.


    I'm glad I have him as a friend, it shows me how well i've maintained my life. I noticed I'm quite confident with myself and my personal abilities compared to my peers. I feel this is because I have interpreted my social experiences the correct way, and have learned from them.


    It seems the best advice we can get.. is from ourselves. We have knowledge inside of us, we just need a good friend for inspiration to bring it out.


    Thanks for reading.

  18. heloladies21, and anyone else here..


    I am wondering if this happens, what should you do?

    My ex always asks where i'm going, what im doing, who im doing it with.. if my status says "On The Phone" she asks who im on the phone with.. and makes up lies that she's on the phone. Probably to make me jealous or somethign?


    What should I do

  19. I doubt he'll feel guilty though -

    If he felt guilt, he wouldn't have ditched her in the first place.


    It all depends on what type of guy he is, if he has a kind soul (somewheres), then sooner or later it'll show, with, or without making him feel bad about it.

  20. Queen -

    I know that you can see that this sort of behavior is unacceptable;despite who it comes from.


    He didn't even provide you with notice prior so you could make other plans, it seems.. If I were in your position, I would let him know that his disrespect did not go unnoticed and it changed your perspective of him, greatly.


    No need to yell or scream at him in anger, calm subtle , to the point words will impact him much greater. Let him know this - then move on.

    You don't need him in your life it seems, if he's willing to blow you off so easily.


    Think of yourself, you don't deserve to be a last resort plan.

  21. Since you're both 20, I'm guessing she doesn't live with her mother anymore, so maybe you can give her a call, and suggest getting together for lunch sometime, just to catch up.


    It seems like a good idea if you feel that talking to her mother won't bring back memories, and thus - opening old wounds. Healed wounds.


    If you do meet up with her, don't pull the pity act, just be yourself and have fun. I'm sure she's wanting to meet up, and catch up.. as much as you are.

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