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Posts posted by MyEyesHurt

  1. I used to have a real thing with drinking not so much anymore but I do see your point. She did not have any sores at the time nor does she now from what i hear. I don't seem to have any simptoms but I want to get it checked out anyway. What I wanted to know was would anything show up on a blood test so soon.

  2. Hey everyone, I'm looking for a bit of advice. A week ago I was at a party during which I may or may not have shared a drink with a girl that has oral herpes. Two other guys are in the same situation, one of which is scared to death. I had told my girlfriend about this but initially she wasn't worried and kissed me. So at that point we may both have had oral herpes, then just two nights ago we had both gotten pretty drunk and we had oral sex. In the morning we were both pretty scared but because of our current work schedule neither of us had gotten tested. I had tried to go yesterday but again got stuck at work. I'm planning to go to a free clinic tomorrow or the day after at the latest. I've read that it wouldn't show up on a blood test so soon and since I'm pretty sure I don't have any symptoms that would be my only option. How should I go about all this?

  3. Do you have a campus nurse/medical centre she can go too? Or call a Planned Parenthood today to get in.


    After this many days, options are limited, but she can talk to them and discuss if there is anything (like the copper IUD).


    Good luck, let us know how things go. Sounds like even if she was "not thinking" at time, she is having a return of judgement now. I just hope it will end up okay and just be a precautionary tale and learning experience, and you'll be lucky this time.


    I've called a doctor someone gave me the number for and they told me nothing can be done at this point. I will call plant planned parenthood in an hour, after final. I really hope it's a false alarm, I don't know maybe I'm over reacting because I have a lot on my plate right now.

  4. Did she give you a reason WHY she would do that?


    How old are the 2 of you? How long have you been together? How has your relationship been otherwise? It does almost sound like a trap- or at the very least- a way to get attention from you. Needless to say, whatever the reason- that is very irresponsible for her to do and not tell you or use a back-up method of birth control.


    I hope she is not pregnant. I do think it's too late for the morning after pill. Have her call the doctor to find out about the copper IUD or any other options.





    This happened on Saturday, and she told me late last night (Tuesday). She's really scared about it and at this point I don't care if it's was a trap or not, i just need to do something. We had sex three times and for the first two I was wearing a condom but not on the third (thinking she was on birth control), and I told her. She's telling me the reason she waited till now to tell me was because she wasn't sure if I was wearing one on the last time and didn't want worry me... yeah this is sounds bad I know, that's still not the point. And she wants ME to find her "something", this keeps sounds worse and worse doesn't it? Arg, but she's really scared and I'm so freaked out people on the train are asking me if I'm okay. I have to be on campus till two, and I'm meeting her at three. We've been on and off for something like three years and I think i know her pretty well, I really don't think she'd do this to get back at me, it's still not the point. Sorry, I'm really freaked out.

  5. Hi I need some help. Four days ago my girlfriend had unprotected sex. I was away for a while and for whatever reason she didn't tell me she stopped taking birth control. So now we're freaking out. We must be too late for the morning after pill, is there anything we can do besides just sit and wait?

  6. My ex broke off contact about two weeks ago. A few days back I was at a work related party with one of my friends, and we were trying to leave as soon as possible he tells me he's got an idea and wanders off. Five minutes later he shoves a phone in my face, it's my ex. We ended up meeting up and after ditching my other friend we went back to her house, one thing lead to another and we had sex. And now she wants to reconcile.

    And today it dawns on me that Valentine's Day is tomorrow. I've been really busy and totally forgot it. I have no idea what to do here. What's good, what's too much? I have work most of the day, I think she has some classes. It's really short notice, what should I do?

  7. So me and the love of my life are apart again.

    How much of this is my fault? What now?

    Where do we go from here?


    I did something horrible and it's all my god dam fault. It's been two weeks now and I'm starting to loose it, I don't sleep, I'm drinking more then normal, and that's saying a lot, and think I have a cold or something, I can't breath. Tonight when she called I think I actually cried. She tells me that she wants to be my friend, someday soon. We've broken up before, she's given me the friends line, we did the on-again off-again thing but it was never anything this bad. It's my fault and I know it, I don't think it gets much worse then that.


    Once I get myself together, how do I go about this friends thing?

  8. I have a lot of trouble sleeping too. Ever since I was a kid. It's gotten to the point where I'm building up an immunity of ambient and other sleeping pills. I can't offer you much help really just thought I should let you know you're not the only one. In fact, since me and my ex(or not ex, i don't even know anymore) broke up (two weeks) I maybe slept 30-35 hours. Liqueur always helps me fall asleep, but that's my answer to everything lol.

  9. Well, I hope it all works out because she seems to care a lot about you too... and besides, I like happy endings. \\


    And especially, getting back together is the very best revenge on that sleazy snake. It would be too bad if her dirty scheme broke you apart for good.


    Good luck to you both.


    I don't think we're actually get back together just yet anyway, this is going to take a long, long time. I sense and on-again off-again thing coming on, I hope I'm wrong. I'm going to talk to her again tonight.

  10. just out of curiosity- would you have taken her back if she had done this to you? honestly...your most honest answer.

    You know I would, it would be hard as hell but I'd have to, I really love her.

  11. So we had our talk. She sounds better, the last time we talked she couldn't stop crying. I think I got my message accross. Also she's dropped the friend. She told me she misses me. I told her I missed her too, and she said "You do? What do you miss?" and after I listed just about every thing I love about her she said "You're going to have to do a lot more a**kissing then that too make up for that" in a playful way. So I don't know, it seams like a good sign. We establish that we are both lost without each other and that we need to talk again really soon, I didn't push it and just agreed. Maybe things will get better, maybe not.

  12. You're 100% correct. And that's exactly what she told me. I just panicked and didn't know what to do. You know, the friend actually told me that she didn't want this to come up again because we agreed it was a mistake and she said she didn't want to loose my gf as a friend, after it first happened. God I'm such an idiot.

    I just came home and found a message on my machine from my ex, which is odd because she didn't call my cell. She said she was going out right now but needed to talk to me so she'd call back around 11pm (est) which is a little over four hours from now, and I'm freaking out. I don't even know what to say to her anymore. I'm miss you, I love you, I want you back, I'm sorry. I don't know.

  13. Pick up the phone the next time the other girl calls, and tell her in no uncertain terms to stop contacting you and that you want absolutely nothing to do with her. From then on, whenever she phones, pick up the phone, hang it up and repeat. Maybe eventually she'll get the hint.
    I've done that. Late last night she left me a message saying she was going to give me a little time to get over all this so then "we can just hang out, and do whatever I want". I'm starting to really hate her.


    If I understood your other threads correctly, you were caught off guard and very surprised by the realization that these two were friends? If that's the case, I still think your ex is being unfair to you. Her pain is very understandable, but giving you the brunt of her anger isn't right. I don't think there are many of us who would have handled that situation too well either.
    I had herd they had a class together and one of my guy friends mentioned the job thing but I wasn't sure if it was the same girl.
  14. Thanks for you're reply. Her major issue with me is that I wasn't the one that told her. And I guess she does have a big point there. I have been send all kinds of messages threw her friends about how sorry I am about the way things turned out and everything. About the conniving best friend, they go to the same collage and have classes together, she even helped my ex get a job where she works. My ex told me that of course she's not ever going to trust her again, but she's forced to see her everyday and that just make what I did so much worse. As I'm writing this, my cell is ringing, it's THE FRIEND. I'm not picking up.

  15. I was in a on again off again relationship. During the "off" part, I slept with her friend. It was a horrible mistake. The friend got to her before I did. We're both destroyed. I barley remember how it happened. What can I possibly do now.

    Apparently this friend of hers had a crush on me for a long time and set out to break us up. Now that we are, she actually called my ex and asked her if it was okay if we dated, she's calls me 6-7 times a day. I've told her that it was a horrible mistake and nothing more, that I didn't want anything to do with her. She keeps calling, I don't pick up. It's been a little over a week and I'm just about ready to throw myself off a bridge, I can only imagine how my ex feels. She won't talk to me much but she gets her friends to try to check up on me, see if I'm okay or something like that. I fell like suck a horrible person for this. What can I possibly do.

  16. I don't know how much this applies, but it cheered me up.

    "Be alright" by the Untouchables

    "It's been a week since you've had a good meal

    but still you drink like it's going out of style

    It doesn't matter how bad you feel

    you're living hard, still you smile

    To waste your life is a crying shame

    but you only have yourself to blame

    Even though you know it's tearing you apart

    deap down inside you know in your heart

    It will be alright, It will be alright

    It will be alright, It will be alright"

  17. Thanks. She knew I was hooking up with people when we weren't together, she asked a couple of times but in a joking manner, besides, what am i supposed to do give her a list? She never told me who she hooked up with. What she's saying is I hooked up with her "Best Friend" behind her back, which is simply not true.

  18. I know you are, or else you wouldn't give this another thought.


    If you really love her, there's not much you can do but let her make the moves about this. It sounds like she is really upset and at the moment there's not much you can do to comfort her. She feels betrayed and like she 'should have known' I assume.


    You had said she 'found out,' so maybe she feels like you were concealing this from her? Have you two sorted things out from the last break up? Make sure you do. Sit her down and tell her everything, try to sort things out so she doesn't feel like you have been lying to her.


    It will be ok. All things pass with time and effort

    She "found out" when she brought the friend to my house unexpectedly. The friend told her, then asked for a threesome, she flipped out.

  19. Honestly, it sounds like you need to give her some space to sort all this out. She really needs to go through everything on her own a bit, unless she has specifically said otherwise.


    I could see how she would become upset as she is now closer to this girl. I couldn't imagine being close friends with someone who had been with my guy as well; just wouldn't work.


    Let her blow off some steam, but in all actuality, it doesn't sound like this relationship is on stable enough ground to tolerate this sort of stress. You've been on again/off again for some time now, which there must be a reason for.


    Really think if this is going to go anywhere.


    Normaly I wouldn't give a situation like this another thought, but I'm in love with her...

  20. A posted a little while ago in a different part of the forum (How much of this is my fault? What now?) about my situation, and a few things happened since and I need a little advice. Here's a brief rundown.

    I've known this girl for almost four years, we're best friends. We've been together since September 2004, we broke up in January 2005 and have been on-again off-again from then until a little after Christmas of this year when we decided to give a serious relationship another go. About a week ago she found out I had sex with a girl who she has since became close with. I want to clarify we were not together at the time and they were only acquaintances. Since then she's been distort, saying that I've betrayed her trust and everything. She's been with other guys when we weren't together, how is this any different? We had a huge fight about everything that's ever happened, and that went nowhere. We had a very long phone conversation last night about this and she couldn't stop crying. She's highly prone to depression and I'm really worried about her. Where do we go from here? We're going to keep fighting, we're going to do the on-again off-again thing, and I'm going to drink myself stupid while she's depressed. I just don't know what to do.

  21. something to keep in mind..her reaction was severe because she probabbly feels very emotionally involved in the relationship


    doesnt seem like it but its better she actually get upset and scared enough to care than just 'whatever' about it because that means she takes you very seriously. i think the ballis in your court to make her believe she can trust you again...i wish i knew how and i would tell you!


    That's the thing, she is like "whatever" but I know she doesn't mean it. I know her well enough to know when something's wrong. She even said something like "It's a good thing i'm so great at lieing to myself otherwise i'd be really mad."

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