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Posts posted by lovestinks

  1. ok intresting..........................it just seems like guys always want some kind of a challange or seomthing and its really annoying. if a guy asks if ur going to call him the next day to hang out and u say alright then why not answer?? or why even ask in the first place??? or why call some days and then dissappear for others??? why cant things be consistant, everythings a mystery.

  2. I wasnt quite sure where to place this questions but.....


    Do guys like a challange when it comes to getting a girl?? whats with all these games?? and this playing hard to get junk??? Do u like to work for a girl? do u like to play phone games and addtional things like that i just dont get it

  3. i guess im just fed up with it all. its just a non-stop thing where when he feels like contacting me he does. i do still care about him but i cant deal with this anymore. how am i suppose to move on totally if he just keeps doing this thinkin im still on the sidelines waiting for him. he doesnt want a relationship so why should i act like i will always be here for him when hes ready

  4. so my ex and i broke up a year ago and he has always called and dont all the contacting throughout that year. About a month ago he decided that he wanted to tell me that he still loves me and cares for me and that he cant stand hearing me out with other guys BUT doesnt want a gf.


    so he texted me a week ago and i texted back but after that i was like NO im not going to anymore.


    Now today i left my phone at home on accident. and when i got home around 4 i had a text from him that he sent at like 8:30 am. he said "hey whats hangin?" i didnt answer. now about 9:45 pm he textes me again saying "Fine then be that way!" i know he is not serioulsy mad........i know he is just acting stupid to see 1-if i ever got his first text and if i didnt then thats why i never responded and 2- to still see if im waiting around for his every move. maybe it hit a little spot cuase why would he text again.


    Am i doing the right thing? i feel like i am but at times its hard to stay tough like maybe i could give a simple "hey yeah im fine" but i cant right??! is my thinking good?

  5. i would say ask her if she wants to be ur workout buddy cause u really want to start workin out. and go from there. like say how u want to put urself on a diet and work out every other day. maybe she just needs someone to do stuff with her, i know lots of girls like that


    the worst thing to do with a girl is drop hints that they are gettin bigger, cause im sure she knows she is.


    just make it out like u really want to start workin out and want her to be with u to help make u get out there and do something.....when really u are helpin her!

  6. i think for that area the best thing to do are what my team calls "butt ups" u lay on ur back with ur feet and legs straight up in the air (u can cross ur legs if u want) and kinda kick them towards the sky MAKING SURE u are using ur lower stomach muscles to do the work.


    also leg throws are good too for the whole stomach area. u lay on ur back legs straight up and have someone stand over top of u like near ur sholders. while u hold their ankles have them throw ur legs down. keep ur legs straight but dont let them touh the ground and brings them back up for ur partner to throw them again.


    i hope u get the visuilization there

  7. well if u feel like ur havin some problems with it go and talk to someone like a school counselor or seomthing. might sound silly but they could help. i dont really know what else to say.....but just branch urself out there and meet people. what i have been realizing in life is that friends really do come in and out of ur life. i was friends with so many good friends in high school but after they are all gone and i had to make new ones and i guess its just a process of life

  8. i really think we all kinda hit those times where we dont belong anywhere, or we are the only one not in a relationship, or even that we are the only loser on a friday night at home hanging out alone.....


    but like i said WE ALL have those times. i would say dont close urself off to just those two friends. im sure u can meet so many people at ur school and ur at a weird age where everyone is dating aroudn at school and i totally unstand how much it stinks to not date anyone. so tomorrow when u go to school make a goal to tlak to a couple new people. it might sound silly but u have no idea how many people u can meet by just talkin to one person becuase thye have friends who u can meet too!


    hope i helped!

  9. i dont think its wrong to break up with someone through voice mail. when they arent answwering the calls they obvioulsy dont care, so just say ur peace and bye. i did it once and the guy ended up callin me a couple months later sayin how much of a jerk he was and he was sorry and all this junk. i know u feel kind of lonely afterwards even though u know its best but i think that is like any break up, its tough having someone and then they are just gone. but it will be ok

  10. i almost want to say she is using u as a crutch. whenever things arent peachy with her and her guy she calls u and wants attention. i have a guy friend like this. kind of dissappears when thigns with the two of them are great, but once shes out of town and hes lonely or they got in a fight he calls me. its gets annoying.


    i would say if u want to be with her u have to let her know that u arent going to be there for her to fall back on when things arent great with this guy. maybe just do it by actions like not answering the phone or just tell her to stop when she says stuff like she wants to kiss u. she is always going to think u are right there ready to catch her when things with this guy go south, becuase she thinks she has u in the palm of her hand. so dont be that crutch anymore. thats just my thoughts

  11. the thought of him wanting just sex would be put into consideration if we did have sex but we didnt. nothing along those lines even happened so that is why i am wondering about this. he knows he wouldnt get that from me, and if thats all he wanted i would be the last person he would call to get that from.



    SexySadie7- i wonder if he really does miss me, it just bugs me on why he called me the one day but i havent heard from him since.


    its just so weird. even his friend that i talked so said that he was intrested. next week classes start up again and im sure i will see him around but now im kinda nervous too cause i wonder what this whole thing was about.

  12. @the beginig of march i started talking to this guy. things were going well and he asked me to be his gf a month later i i think. BUT then things took a turn for the worst he got weird on me and like kinda vanished like ababy and i left him a voicemail tellin him i was done with him. the end of the semester came so school ended. i did my own thing this summer never calling or talkin to that guy again. i deleted his # so i couldnt get the urge to do anty8ing.


    well i was on campus one day and i saw him. he saw me and it was just weird cause i didnt know wht to do so i gave him a smile but not like super friendly (i didnt want to seem immature). and he said whats up


    weeks go by. gettin off work one day i have a voicemail from a strange number and its that guy saying he was callin to see how i was doing. i was REALLY surprised. def. the last person i was thinkin was calling me. he called me later that night again. he started tellin me how much he messed up, how he was sorry . explained why he went weird and all this and he said to me"im leavin it up to u for what u want to do,if u want to be friends more then frineds or nothing." i was like well what are u wanting from me and he said he wanted to be with me. i told him i dont know, that he hurt me and that i just didnt know. he was like ok. and we talked a little more about the whoel thing.


    not i havent heard from him since and that was a week ago. my question is why would a guy do this? he called me....we havent talked in a long time. did i do somethin wrong? i know he wasnt drunk so i know it cant be that. i just dont get it

  13. so i actually went out for dinner tonight. he brought up the whole thing waiting awhile to call. he said he didnt want it to look desperate. i told him i wouldnt think he was desperate. i told him that it would make it look as if he was really intrested in me and wanted to get to know me as soon as could.


    i htink now i understand the whole takin ur time and all but waiting to long can become a bother. i mean the date went well i dont know where its going to go but i dont like this wondering thing. i dont know if it made me want him anymore but it bothered me to think that it was just a joke to see if he could get my number and i felt a little rejected. maybe he didnt intend that but no one should feel that way.


    so i would say to guys out there that are wondering when they should call, call when the girl says that she is free and would like to talk. dont play games and wait days cause its just a bother that shouldnt be there.

  14. thank you alll soooo mcuh for ur replies. guess i worried for nothing. he called today i was really surprised cause i kinda stopped thinkin about it today. he asked to hang out this weekend. thanks so much again!

  15. so this guy came into my work (i work at the mall) he talked to me through the window and asked if he could come in and talk to me. i said yes and he came in and we started talking a bit. he asked for my number and asked when was best to call i gave it to him and told him after 10 30 when i got off. later he walked by again and said he would call later. but he never did. this was on sat. why would a guy do this? if he wasnt intrested why would he ask for my number?

  16. No No its not like that. ive only seen this guy like on my way to work cause ive noticed him like at the firehouse down town but i know people that know him and i just wnat to get the scoop on him and go from there. but most likley this guy will find otu that someone is asking about him. i have confidence in myself but not enough to get out of my car and walk up to him when hes with a bunch of guys that i dont even know.


    i think if someone was asking about me i wouldnt be creeped out. i just wanted to hear cause u would think someone would like to know that someone has noticed them.

  17. ive been noticing this guy around town i dont really know him and i dont think he even knows im on the planet but i know people that do know him. ive never talked to him, but Id like to know him so ive talked to a friend who is going to talk to a friend of his and get the scoop (hopefully he does not have a gf).


    my question is if this was you who (meaning this mystery guy) would u be a little freaked out or weirded out? or would u be flattered?


    ive never ever done something like this but i figured what have i got to loose.

  18. so i called him the other day to i guess to put forth my effort and see what kind of responce i would get.....i dont know.


    he was at work but he answered anywyas. we talked for a little bit he told me he was going to a concert thta night and i made sure to tell him i was going to the beach (i have to make sure he knows i have a life too). he said he would call me again this week.


    he texted me late afternoon telling me a joke......a joke? why? was it needed to send me that or was it just soem reason to talk to me?

  19. thanks for ur input....i got more now.....


    so he called me last night around 2 AM. yeah he had been drinking a little bit...........but to be on his way home from the beach with his friend he decided to call me? He was all surprised that i was awake and he was wondering what i was doing. i told him i was up watching a movie and he was like with who and i said no body. he then said "u should of called me i would of loved to watch a movie with u" blah blah.


    Then he continued to talk about how he woudl of liked to watch a moive with me. He then brought up us going out again. He said thismorning for us to go out and get breakfast but i said no cuase i wanted to sleepin. Then he threw out a couple of other days and i said well if u call me ill go out with u. He said "you know u could call me too" i said well i never know when ur busy he was like im always free after 5. he said u better call me this week or ill be very upset. He as like im so glad u were awake caue i really wanted to talk to u.


    i told him that he most likely wont remmeber talkin to me but he was like nooo i will casue i really wanted to talk to u.


    maybe it was just a dumb drunk call..........



    he has im sure been drunk many times through this break up but he has never called me during those times.....

  20. thanks for ur responces....i really appreciate ur thoughts.


    we have kept in contact but all of which were by him. there were long periods of time like months where i woudlnt hear anyting....which i was fine with because i needed those times to be alone and not hear from him because i didnt need to be messed up emotionally and all.


    its just recently i have noticed a lot more intrest then normal. He just seems so intrested in me, and i dont always have to hear about him when we tlak. i used to hear how great his life was but now i make sure he hears how great my life is now and how everything is going really good and he listens to it all. i just think the last text he had sent me might not mean a lot to some people but to me......that was the first time i heard him say anything about the way i looked since before we broke up and for him to say that while hes suppose to be with the "boys" and stuff.....course it could jsut be me totally thinkin into it all to much. i keep telling myself to wait and see what he does next but i just wish i knew what he was thikin now.


    when we said good bye to eachother when i saw him at the mall on thrusday he was like call me this week ok? and i said yeah ok but i wasnt going to becuase i was going to let him call me if he wanted to talk to me. but then i got that text wayyyyy before i thought iwould hear anything from him.

  21. i still have feelings for him i care about him very much as much as i try to act like i dont care and all that. i just wish i had a better feeling about all this cause i think all the time "he doesnt have to be doing this......he could just leave me alone" but really id rather him not leave me alone. i almost think him keeping contact could be good. but at the same time its likw what is he thinkin? does he miss things........had he had time to think things through? also i mean he didnt have to send the stupid text about saying i looked pretty, u know?

  22. So as i have posted before my ex and i broke up what is now 9 months. he ended it becuase he didnt want a relationship not sure what he wanted......all that. so i picked myself up and im good now. well anyways hes been a little more intrested in me these days.


    through this whole breakup he has been the one to iniciate all the contact. i never have and he would randomly call me here and there but it has been more often recently.


    in the end of may he called me a couple times trying to get me to go to a couple parties with him, then at the beginning of june i got a stupid "hey sweetie" text, then later he calls me and wants to know if i want to get something to eat..... (more explained here)


    then this past week he sent me a stupid text asking if i was going to my beach house again. all i can think of is why the heck does he care. he said he might go this weekend (same beach) with a friend i was like no but hopefully soon. he asked why i wasnt going and i tol him i had to work. anyways i told him on acctident that i was working thrusday and friday night instead of saying friday sat. But i work at the mall so i went there after a test on thrusaday and i ran into him and two of his frineds at the mall. this was the first time i have seen him since christmas time.


    he came towards me picked me up and hugged me..........we talked in the store for about 30mins and then the two of us walked aroudn the mall together. it went really well.....he would often bring things up abotu the past. i believe one of the reasons he came to hte mall was to try to see me at work beucase he was all like " arent u working tonight? you told me u were working? i could of sworn u said u were working" and im like geez what do u care.


    anyways yesterday i got a text from him saying "you looked so pretty yesterday" and i told him he looked pretty too being dumb. anyways we talked back and fowrth through textes then i had to get back to work. he was going away this weekend with his buddies to the beach (but just the one around here not even the one he was asking me about) so im thinkin maybe its a good thing cuase it shows he was thinkin of me?


    But anyways its been 9 months. he broke up wtih me. who really keeps incontact wtih an ex after this long.......and did he have to send that text. when we talked it went very well....i really think he tries to find any excuse to contact me.....i just wonder what hes thinkin after all this

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