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Posts posted by Ladee-Jennifer

  1. Yesterday me n a couple of my friends were going to my boyfriends place. the other night he told me that he couldnt wait to c me n b together. as soon as we rang da bell. he hesitated to open da door on us. wen he opened it he told me his parents were gonna b home soon n we couldnt stay. i had a weird feeling he was hiding someone. but i shook it off b cuz every1 told me i need to trust him. lata dat dey one of my friends told me dat dey found out he had his ex-girlfriend over. while i was on da fone wit he didnt sey a word bout havin his ex over. it got me pist off bcuz people tell me to trust him n how can i trust him if he wont tell me da truth.should i talk to him. or do i drop da subject?

  2. I have one bit of advice...STop WrItiNG LIke a MoROn!! That is so annoying!!!

    Secondly...you are nervous because you are not ready. Period. No other reason for it. You are not ready and you are nervous because you think that kissing is something that boyfriends and girlfriends HAVE to do and if you don't do it he won't like you and if he don't like you then he'll tell all the other eighth graders that you don't make out with your boyfriends and are a bad girlfriend!!! OMG!! NO!! NOT THAT!!!

    Here's an idea your 25 year old mom probably never thought of...WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE READY!!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO KISS OR HAVE SEX WITH ANYONE!!! IT'S ALL YOUR OWN CHOICE!!!! If you rush it, you're gonna regret it. Trust me...



    If u aint Got nothin nice ta sey don respond. *beep*! U want me ta stop bein a moron? hey heres a idea STOP BEIN A *beep*!

  3. Me n my boyfriend have not kissed yet. i would make a move but yet ima a little scared. i dont wanna make a mistake b cuz I've never made out b4. If you have any tips it would b alot of help. considerin i have no expierience at all.

  4. Wen me n my bes guy friend hooked up it wus great. we went out fo 3 months n den broke up.da thing is we never even kissed once. n now me n him r bak together. n he still hasnt kissed me.could it b dat he never kissed a grl b 4. or should i stop waiting n make da first move?

  5. Wen me n my bes guyfriend were going out it wus the most amazin three months of my life. den we broke ^ n now were bak together. i love him with all my heart but den ders my friend. n i have a feeling she likes him. im not sure if im being paranoid or is something there. if der is something i don wanna lose him. Cuz i love him.


    n wen we got bak together i think he still did>

  6. Im hurtin so much. I hate life and all i wanna do is cry my eyes out. i have alot of friends buh i cant really depend and count on dem. i cant really call dem close friends cuz i cant really relate to dem. Den theres david my bes guy friend. we broke up n i still love him. it hurts inside fo him to tell me dat he likes another girl. (im not sure if he is aware dat i love him) wenever were hangin out it kills me to see him. i don noe wha to do.

    do i stop talking to him or deal wit da pain.

  7. i feel ya pain. i loved my ex too. now im startin to recover from the heart break. it hurts alot. i spent all my days wonderin wha i did wrong. if he doesnt want u hes da stupid one. hang in there

  8. My ex boyfriend is my bes friend. we broke up bcuz there were many rumors goin round dat he cheated on me. anywayz now everything is bak to normal. he still likes me n i still like him. i don think i would eva get bak wit him b cuz da last time we were together he broke me heart. despite da fact i still love him, i told him to go out wit a girl named tiffany n forget bout me. now im stuck n i don noe wha to do anymore.

  9. wEn mE n mY bEs gUy fRiEnd sTaRtEd gOin Out It Wus Ok aT fIRst. Buh Den I hEaRd aLot Of rUmOrs daT hE wUs stIll gOin Out wIt his ex n He LikED mY tWo bEs frIends. i bRoke It oFF. I stILL LiKe hIm n He sTiLL

    LikEs mE. I waNNa gEt baK toGethEr wIt Him Its JuS daT i dOn waNNa end Up geTtin hurt aGain.


    =wHa sHoulD i DO=

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