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Everything posted by Willowgirl55

  1. I'm usually pretty positive and enthusiastic. I always make eye contact which alot of people don't do. I think I'm over enthusiastic and people don't like it.
  2. I don't purposely throw out kindness. I don't even think about it it just happens . Right maybe I'm placing too much value on kindness. Hmmm .
  3. Try booking a therapist apt as a new client these days and you will see. Withdrawn hardly. Lonely yes. Please refrain from commenting further on my posts thanks.
  4. I am 56 and jumped out of Customer Service for 20 years into being a Caregiver right as the pandemic hit. Best decision I ever made. You can do it. Do something you love and the rest will follow.
  5. Please dump your stressor job. No amount of money is worth it. Life is too short to have this in your life.
  6. Yup...I'm too friendly . I smile at strangers and if someone drops something in a check out line, I pick it up for them. That's just how I am. I don't even think about it at the time, its involuntary. I over compensate and people get annoyed. I had a nightmarish childhood and I know a lot stems from that. Funny thing is I have no friends. And I tragically make the same mistake over and over with people. I get ghosted A LOT and then I get so sad . Then I have to be reminded that not EVERYONE is my friend. Does anyone else have this problem? I don't know how to make friends because people don't know what to think of me. What's really odd is...I'm also quite shy. I don't like to be the center of attention or put on the spot . I avoid large social gatherings because I'm the odd girl out. No one talks to me and I just stand there looking stupid while everyone is chatting away. What is wrong with me?????? (Currently seeking out counseling but I'm having NO luck whatsoever as everyone is booked to the max) Thanks !
  7. He wants me to find something that makes me happy. He remembers how stressed I was at my last job. That's all.
  8. Thank you. You certainly do have valid points. We will be having a discussion this week as I've been looking for full time work and have been letting him know it's what I need to do. I don't see the point in talking with an advisor now as I have nothing saved so I have nothing to work with. He seems interested in me pursuing full time work again .
  9. OH WOW! This is inspiring!!! I am looking for full time work doing something that I actually enjoy this time. For decades I've worked doing Customer Service jobs that mentally drained me every day. It's not easy work at a and I had to quit as it was taking a toll on my health. Sadly what I do now pays horribly but I enjoy it. Hopefully I can find something enjoyable and keep my little bird lady client as we really enjoy each other's company. Thank you !
  10. Yes...you understand. Not every has the luxury of a retirement fund. I have my home and that's all I have. I've advertised care services ony own through Craiglist and have only received responses from very lonely men looking for massages. It's discouraging. Going to try working for another agency as theres nothing stopping me from working for another agency . Thank you !
  11. The agency I work for isn't a very good agency at all. I've tried going out in my own but it's hard to get clients as most people don't want strangers coming into their homes now adays. Starting a business of my own requires licensing with the state and such. Something I have no desire to do as it's quite difficult. Considering looking to work for a other agency, hoping with my experience now they will pay better. Thanks !
  12. I agree. Schooling at point is not going to generate me more finances right now. I am actually looking for a 3rd job to fill in around my caretaker job and pet sitting. I've been with my little senior client for a year so I just up and quit in her as it would devastate her. Just need motivation to get more work and that is what I will do. Getting back into an incredibly boring office job 8 hours a day is something I refuse to do thisblate in my life. It sucks the soul right out of you. I've never NOT had at leas a full-time job. Never had to collect unemployment or live off the state. So I'm proud of the fact that I've always been able to pay for things and not go under. Just have to work on saving.
  13. Downsizing. I pay far less for my mortgage than most people pay for rent. Downsizing and moving would cost me more financially. When I bought my home I made sure it was something I could afford and I've never missed a payment for that reason. And therapy is covered by my insurance. My partner has paid for repairs also. He paid to put new steps in the front of the house as they were dangerous. He's done alot of work also replacing things that need updated. Downsizing definitely not the answer.
  14. Yup! I use to get these often when I was younger !I was convinced that I was dying and would panic wondering what I should do. It would happen at the weirdest places and times. Now it happens not so often but still does. Things would look weird like I was fading out. I would go to open places where there were people so someone could help me if I as dying. Weird right. Now I feel heavily that I am going to die soon. I feel this urge to get my things in order (Swedish Cleaning). Maybe it's an aging thing as I'm 56 and feel I am out-of time just about. But yeah...I know your fear well.
  15. Yup...you're right it's more within myself. I'm seeking out counseling as well and I think it might help ! Thank you !
  16. Yup! Oh I do many things to show my appreciation (yup even cleaning up his car). When I am able to buy the grocerys I always pick him up something special. I do try to treat him to dinner as well. He likes to do his own laundry (me too) so that is put of the question. Night school, will have to give that a thought.
  17. 6 years. He pays rent. Correct we are not married. I've been working full time since 1983 so it (ss)can't be that bad. Not sure how a CPA can help oyher than confirm I have no money. There are no receipts involved in what he pays.
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