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Posts posted by Mythica

  1. I don't know what to do. A couple of weeks ago, my bf broke up with me. I thought I was okay, and I tried to forget that I love him, but I guess it didn't work. I miss him so much, and I told him last night. We agreed to be friends, but it didn't work out for awhile. I was so mad at him. But now I am not and I just want him back... I feel like crying all the time, and I just don't know what to do! Any advice or comforting word for the broken-hearted?



    > > >

  2. I am so confused. You see, I have only been dating guys. But when I masterbate, I use images of girls. And yesterday, when I took a nap after mstbting, I had a dream that my bff had sex with me. And OMG it turned me on! But, I have never been attracted to a girl b4. And the fact that she is strait. I need some advice... but I can't go to my parents... their outlook on samesex relationships is that it is morally, and spiritually wrong. Any advice for the firstimer?



  3. Yes, it should be Chris. I was keeping his identity a secret! anyway, I don't know what I would do if I got pregnant. I would probably keep it, only because I find abortions wrong. But as soon as the baby was born, I would prolly put it up for adoption... like my bff's boyfriend, Heath. His mom had him when she was only 13! I found this out yesterday. I always thought that his mother was living with him, because he told me that John was his stepdad, and he always referred to her as "my mom". But he finally told me that he was adopted. That would prolly explain the diff last name.

  4. How do you know when it's the right person? When you are ready? How can you tell when you've gone too far? How did you decide?


    Please answer these questions. I know that I have taken my pledge... but everything seems so hard to resist now adays... can anyone help? The boys in my school are already going after hookers and stuff, but I just want to be ready when my boy comes to me..



  5. I can't tell you much, I think.


    What I think it is is that you are more for the touchy feely thing, rather than penetration.


    But a good thing to remember is that the better your orgasm, the better he feels. Take it from a virgin... I have level 8 or 9 orgasms when I am playing with myself. And this is on a scale of 1-10. 10 being high. You see, when I orgasm, I shake. This website that one of the posters told me to go to told me about it. Shaking is like a level 7, but after I play, I can't walk. My legs get all wobbly and my knees go weak. I just can't wait until I am married so that I can... well, ya kno. But, luckily for me, I cannot marry for lust because I am not exactally... well...




    Heres to remember: Guys like girls having alot of pleasure

    Don't be scared if you can't get a good orgasm off of penetration

    When you get that intense feeling, don't hold back.


    Hope it helps,


  6. Is it normal to shake during an orgasm? Like, I build up, and then I start shaking. Is it normal?


    Another question. Do you usually feel like you cant stand after an orgasm? That happened to me the other night.


    Last one, I promise. I often feel sleepy after an orgasm. Is this normal? If so, why?

  7. Not best male friend. ex male regular friend. I am gonna give some names to tell the story.


    Heath is the xmrf. He was staring at my bff holly. He wanted to be my friend again just so that he could stare at her. Can't stand it!


    My ff, scarlett, took my clay elephant. She knows how much I love it, and she won't admit that she took it, even tho K saw her take it. I told her that I wouldn't be mad, but she still has it. I just want it back!


    I found the CD, but I am still mad at Heath. This morning, Alesha kicked him in the groin for staring at Holly.


    Now I am mad at Daynon and Bryan. You see, Daynon is Bryan's best bud, and Holly is my best bud. I like Daynon, she likes Bryan. And they both know it. Well, today, my ex gave me a very... colorful note. I showed it to Daynon. Daynon and I started to play around and he said that he didn't have it when I asked for it back. So I kept pulling on his shirt and saying "Give me the note." playfully. Finally he pushed himself up against the wall and said he didn't have it. Then, alesha stood on my right side, jo on my left, and holly next to me. So we had him surrounded, ya know, playingly. But then Bryan came out and he was all like, "Bryan! Help me! Help me Bryan!" So Bryan came and pushed him through using a gap tween Alesha and the wall. So, Daynon started to run, then Bryan after him, then Alesha after him, then me, holly, and jo walked after her. But when Alesha caught up to Bryan finally, she kicked him in the groin!!!!!! She seems to be doing that alot lately.


    So there you have it. I hope I did not confuse you this time.

  8. I just cant stand it! My ex is just so... OHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just feel like screaming and crying and slapping and cussing and GRRRRRR! Now, all of my prized possesions are going missing! First, it is my personally hand crafted elephant, now it is my Rock Mix CD. One of my girl groupies took the elephant, and this guy who I was recently fighting with took the CD. You see, my best friend came over to swim, and he lives right behind me. Well, we were dancing to his fav kind of music just to tease him. AND IT WORKED! Holly, my bff, is really skinny and pretty. So, he came over and asked if I was still mad at him. But he only came over to stare at Holly! It makes me so *beep*ing mad that I just wanna punch him and cuss him out and get my bullies to beat him up... We call our tough friends our Bullies. If you don't like someone, they will beat them up. But I havent yet. But OOOOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am just so frusterated!!!

    This is about how mad I am!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  9. Well, i cant say much on this, because I always orgasm... but here are some techniques that help me when the last gets boring... But keep in mind... i am a virgin, so i get mine from masterbating...


    try diff rooms... try music, loud and soft, classical, pop, country, rock'n'roll, etc. etc... try eating a little chocolate b4, it works best, but try diff sweets... don't plan it! Keep yourselves apart for a few days, and don't masterbate... like say... a week... then when you see eachother, it will be more exciting. But try not to plan it. like, don't go up to him and say, "Lets stay away for a week so I can have an orgasm when you get back." For two reasons, 1: that is so corny, and 2: it will sound really strange and it will turn him off. talk on the phone, but not as much. like only a few minutes every couple of days. This will make him want you even more... then one day, when you feel like it may happen, call him over to your house and work him up to it... and if I know boys who want it... he will gladly accept it.


    What ever you do! DO NOT MAKE HIM THINK THAT YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED IN HIM ANYMORE!!!!! That will make him break up with you....


    I know this will prolly work cuz it worked for me... when I couldn't orgasm, or orgasming wasn't very much fun, I just waited a week and it was great!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Oh my gosh... That is the most beautiful poem I have heard in years. I am a big fan of poetry, and I have even had invitations to speak infront of 3,000 pro poets, and I have had poems published in books, but I have not heard, nor written, anything as beautiful as this. It made me cry, for you see... I am not one to look at. thereforeeee, this poem ment alot to me. yet I am

  11. I haven't read the other posts, so this may be off topic to what they say...


    I have a question for you... How do you let a guy know you want them to kiss you, without actually saying it? There are these two guys, diff relationships, far between, that I haved loved. One I knew for 4 years b4 going out with him, so that is how I knew that I loved him. But the one b4 him, there was the other one. I started to date him cuz he was cute. But he told me he loved me, freaked me out, but we continued to date. When he would say "I love you." I would just say "You too." But this was over the phone. And it was only after I broke him off cuz he moved away that I realized I love him too. But back to the point. I told the first one that I wanted to kiss him, and he told me he would kiss me. But on our last date, he never did. Then this last one, I dropped hints like crazy but he never did. But you see, he told me that he loves me, and I replied without hesitation. But he broke up with me yesterday. Said I was taking things too seriously. But yet he was the one who wanted to sleep with me. But I made it perfectly clear to him that I don't want to sleep with him. I told him that I wanted to talk about other things rather than how he was getting a hard-on while I was on the phone. He was always goofy and sweet. But once I started to date him, he talked of nothing else. He was always trying to arouse me, but it never worked. He played motzart by ear, and I told him that worked just so he would play it for me. He could play beautifully. He was always playing that keyboard. Oh boy could he play! But after he would play, he would ruin the moment by asking me if it worked. Okay, this is really long so I am gonna wrap it up. What is your advice?

  12. I know that I may seem young, but I have been in love twice, but I still masterbate. But I see it, not as nasty, but as a restraint. I have come really close to sleeping with a guy, but I have pledged abstinence until marraige. I find masterbation as my way out. If you plan to keep yourself pure and let your future-wife have your innocence, that would be great. Personally, I think that you are letting peer-pressure get to you. I have kept my innocence, and like I said, masterbation is a way out... not a bind to keep you in...

  13. I have to say, in my experience, to try different rooms of your house. It always helps me. Try different positions, like standing, sitting, leaning diff directions, squatting, on your knees, and of course, laying down. I find leaning really helpful.

  14. Yes. I have told him that I have pledged abstenence... he told me he did too, but all he ever talks about is sex! He said that guys look forword to the first time they kiss, touch a butt, and the first time they have sex. He told me he was a virgin, but I do not believe him. I am, and I have never even kissed someone. But he lets out hints that he expects it from me! I don't know what to do!

  15. I don't know what to do. My exboyfriend, whom I have known for four years, has just broken up with me. We were always so close, and I have always liked him. We started going out on Tuesday, May 2, but he broke up with me. He told me he loves me, and I really do love him. But then he tells me I'm taking things too seriously. Then just breaks up with me! I told him that I want to slow things down just abit, then this happens. Do you think it was because I don't want to sleep with him? Please reply...

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