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Ms Omaniac

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Posts posted by Ms Omaniac

  1. youre right...and i keep telling myself that. i started to date him 2 weeks before his divorce and i think i just helped him get over it and then he tossed me aside. i tell myself i can do better. but im still so stuck. i stare at this one razor blade all day and say aw to hell with it...just do it. but then i say youre worth it...just get up. but i cant. im so pathetic that i dont blame him for leaving.

  2. he didnt call me again. or email me. or text me. i feel so used. if he cared at all....he would still contact me. i cant believe i planned my whole future over someone who could care so little about me. i cant believe i paid 4 grand to be certified as a teacher to live near him. i cant believe he didnt appreciate the fact i would have left all my family and friends just to be near him. it's only been 2 days of nc and im dying. i havent been to work. i havent eaten in days. i cant stop drinking. im so pathetic. i cant stop crying. one of the few things in life that i love is that show "lost"...and i didnt have the energy to even just see that. im so unattractive now. and damn does my heart keep aching.

  3. well he isnt taking my calls. or emailing me. or texting me. i guess we are really over. i was totally blindsided...i didnt see this coming. i was preparing to move with this summer. we talked everyday....i swore eternal love to him. he was my best friend.

    and now...pooof...nothing. i dont know how i could have missed this.

    i was being pathetic...calling like 5 times and leaving long voice mail messages....he didnt return a single one. i just cant believe he's gone.

    i hope if i leave him alone with time and space...he will come back. i feel so lost....this is my last card to play though...and its not a fun one.

  4. i got dumped last night by the love of my life. im soooooo sad. i can barely breathe. he said he just wanted to be friends to which i said noooooooooo. but he said my love for him was too intense and i was too codependent on him. he said he didnt want another relationship like that. and i do love him fiercely. i wish i didnt. it causes a lot of problems. i was supposed to move to be with him this summer now my future is so bleak and empty. i wish he would come back

  5. im so sad. i dont know what to think. my bf has always been there for me. we are in a long distance realtionship. im supposed to move there in a few months. as of the last week....he has been ignoring me....hanging out with co-workers. he doesnt call me. it makes me so sad. i dont know what to think. i would give up on him if he told me to. but he doesnt. i dont know what to think im so devoted to him and he doesnt even see it. he didnt call me at all yesterday and he is acting as if today is just a normal day. he said he has spoiled me by calling me everyday. he wrote me this today....i wish i knew what to do

    OK, I understand that, you need to know I'm ok, fine, feels a bit

    constricting I'll admit, but ok,

    I still have a lot on my plate, it is getting much better for me, there

    is light at the end of the tunnel, but I am not out of it yet, and now


    have found a good way to blow off steam during the week...

    But remember, I don't push others away just because my life is


    More importantly, is that I think there is an underlying issue of


    3 out of 4 times I have communicated with you in the last week, you


    either asked me if I am cheating, or if I want to break up with you,


    to just tell you... And this is not the first instance of behavior like


    Honestly, it scares me a bit... Followed by your seemingly growing

    dependance on me at times also scares me a bit....

  6. i totally agree boricua...i totally envy the chick that this was written about. i feel like the queen of scotland in braveheart....where she wished she was loved like how mel gibson loved his wife.

    and mun...im from mcallen too!

  7. i read this and thought it was soooooooooooo gorgeous. i didnt write this but i wanted to share it.

    She Asked


    A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty... he said no.

    She asked him if he would want to be with her forever... and he said no.

    She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry, and once again he replied with a no.

    She had heard enough.


    As she walked away, tears streaming down her face the boy grabbed her arm and said...

    You're not pretty, you're beautiful.

    I don't want to be with you forever. I need to be with you forever.

    And I wouldn't cry if you walked away... I'd die.

  8. im so sorry to hear of your pain.

    but honey...jack isnt good for you. he knows he can get away with murder. he knows the control he has over you by just threatening to leave. he knows youre a great catch but he takes advantage of your nature that allows everyone to walk all over you. he might love you...but he has an ugly side to him.

    andrew sounds like a sweetheart too. i bet you youre gonna be devastated when he finds someone else. you shouldnt have dated him so quickly but it's also a shame you dont wanna end up with him. he's what a lot of girls wish they had. maybe your self esteem makes you feel you dont deserve him?

    you are learning painful lessons in life. one thing for sure though....if you have a boyfriend....you dont see your ex behind his back. you should have either taken him or not go. but like how you wouldnt see andrew because of jack...you shouldnt have seen jack because of andrew.

    also...once you break up...i dont care how close of friends you once were...you stop talking to them completely. this is to allow you to heal as well as your ex. you should only break NC once you have no romantic feelings and your partner also feels the same. then maybeeeee the old friendship can resume.

    take care sweetee.

  9. if i was you...i would tell him everything i said above (but make it sound like you said it because he will throw it in your face that YOU are talking about him behind his back).


    but a few points need to be brought up...

    1. to please be patient and understand that you are still healing. he keeps telling you he's understanding but his actions contradict that because he's presuring you too much. tell him it's not like youre not interested or it's not like you dont think of him as a great catch...it's youre still healing...and he cant speed that up. tell him youre not going anywhere...but you still do need some time and space. reassure him that you are devoted to him and only him and that you think very highly of him. when you bring this point up...i would ask him to not say anything first...to just listen...and bring up allllll his good points first and repeat them lastly. when people get complimented first...they dont get on the defense immediately. if you start to critisize him first...then he will IMMEDIATELY get defensive and not let you talk.


    2. tell him to talk to YOU about the relationship and discuss private matters with you. tell him that it hurts and bothers you that he'd discuss this with members of ya'lls church. tell him this will not only strengthen his understanding of you...but it will make him less insecure and make you two much closer because good communication is a great foundation for your relationship.


    3. tell him that him presurring you so much is NOT to his advantage and if anything...slows the process for you. tell him that if he gives you time and space...it will happen much faster because you'll get stronger without having to deal with you two constantly bickering.


    but i know what you mean...he might be a great guy...and you seem to really enjoy him and his company...but he is shooting himself in the foot by doing what he's doing. if he doesnt stop...then he is jeopardizing ya'lls relationship. and i bet you he doesnt even see it. i personally dont think he's mean or manipulative...he just wants to hurry up and be a hot n heavy couple kinda thing with you. it's actually sweet to a point....but...that still doesnt help things.

  10. to me...it sounds like this guy is getting frustrated. he told you that he is understanding that you want to take things slow...but i have a feeling that is lessening more and more so. i think he is pressuring you to hang out more because he is trying to speed up your healing process. that's the problem though...you cant. he can throw a temper tantrum (not to his advantage) to try and force you to do what he wants (which sounds manipulative but maybe he doesnt realize he is doing that). maybe he isnt inconsiderate...just insecure and impatient.


    but i would understand if you choose to end this just because he is trying to force you to hurry up and recover. and if anything...it is the WORST thing he can do to speed up your recovery. the best thing he can do is give you time and space. you'll go to him more when youre ready.


    also...i find talking about you behind your back with your "friends at church" or whatever is VERY childish. if he has a problem with waiting or with you...he should talk to YOU about it. youre the source. he should trust you and your answers. if anything...it totally strengthens your communication and trust and makes you less insecure to hear the reasonings from the source...YOU. PLUS...that's personal. it's concerning your relationship that is between you and him. adding other people into the mix that is not an agreed therapist of some sort is just asking for trouble. so yeah...that would also irritate me. it sounds like drama and im not a huge fan of that.


    take care.

  11. im sorry that your family is so closed minded.


    when i was in high school...i was raised that way. i remember being up to a freshman that i believed it also. my best friend was this guy that id known for years....we just clicked. i wasnt attracted to him...he felt like a brother to me. well he told me my sophmore year that he was gay. the first few days i had a hard time accepting it. but then i couldnt imagine my life without him because he made me laugh so hard.


    NOW im very accepting of them and do not judge them and wish they had more rights. i am a total advocate now.


    but sometimes what it takes is to know one that is...and you realize because you love and care about that person so much....that they are human and are no different than me.

    maybe all they need is to know and try and assimilate it. if they cant accept you then screw them...you shouldnt have to be something youre not just to make them happy. make YOURSELF happy in this life.

  12. youre right...that is fishy.

    i feel for you. i hate drama. i hate questioning everything. i hate the lying. you must be going through agony not knowing what to believe and im sorry for that.

    if your wife is willing to try and work on things and you want that also...i STRONGLY suggest you two communicate more. it sounds like there has also been a huge breakdown in communication. she needs to voice her opinions and you do too. it will make you two much much closer.

    good luck.

  13. personally...i believe the guy. he sounds like he is trying to do the right thing. the same thing happened to a friend of mine. she was married to a cop. one day she got a phone call from another girl that said she had been dating/sleeping with him but he told her he was single. when she found out he was married...she was upset. but she was more upset for the wife because she felt like she should know what type of a scoundrel he was.


    frankly...i dont trust her. i think you two are going to have serious issues if you dont see a therapist. and it's going to be very hard to trust her because she keeps lying.

    just because she didnt get an abortion at planned parenthood doesnt mean she didnt get an abortion. that is not the only place in the world to get one. also...it would break confidentiality to let someone know if they had an abortion there.

    you have to reallllly think if this is what you want. are you happy? do you have the potential to be happy with this person? can you trust her?

  14. VERY not true. my ex was a red-head and i thought he was hot.

    my current bf is a brown head and he told me of all the colors of hair...redheads are the most beautiful. and im a black-head (god i hate that...it's like im acne) and i wishhhhhhhhh i could have red in my hair.

  15. hey bkjsun




    i was very touched to read your post. i understand that point of unbelievable obvious clarity. im glad youre experiencing it and coming out of a cloud of uncertainty. and youre right...even though youre still sad...at least you know what you have got to start doing to be able to be happy in this life. that kind of clarity realllllly helps in the sense that you know you have a chance to be happy again...but you have to go and make yourself whole again. that kind of inner turmoil makes you soooo much stronger in the end. it also makes you a more compassionate, understanding person.


    i remember when i had this great ex who was always so nice to me. i wasnt THAT nice back. we didnt work out (my fault) but we're still friends. i dated 2 crappy guys after him. it was then i realized how badly i had messed up. and even though i didnt get back with my nice ex...what i took with me has helped me be happy in new relationships afterwards. i know now...it is rare thing to find someone that will be super sweet to you and that will care about you and to not take it for granted. NOW...im the unbelievably sweet person in the relationship. and i TOTALLY appreciate any and all sweet gestures from my current bf. it's like night and day on how i used to be.


    another thing that im glad youre experiencing is that you CAN be happy with or without someone. a lot of people feel they can only experience happiness if they are with someone. and that's not necessarily true. that's a fairytale that is fed to everyone. but you can be happy in this life with you making it for you. if you are lucky enough to experience it with someone...you need to consider that better than winning the lottery. i know a lot of people who end up with people that they arent crazy about but they just didnt want to be alone.

    also...i know when i went through my worst breakup...i felt so broken that id never love again. very very very wrong. and im glad i was. i even know now if i dont work out with my current bf...i have the understanding that i could find someone else. you have that potential also.


    take care sweetee.

    • Like 1
  16. the door mat

    yaaaay...im so glad youve been strong enough to do nc for 11 days. i remember how much of a hold this guy has...always walking all over you AND you unfortunately letting it. but look at you...slowly getting control of the situation and your life.

    of course you'll miss him but that will dim more and more with each passing day of NC. keep it up girl...youre doing great.

  17. youre welcome. im glad any experiences i had can benefit someone. now you have to post on here to help people with your experiences

    i liked how you thanked her for her kind words of thinking so highly of you. and i liked how your letter was so sweet and considerate. i wish i would have had an email like that. to date...all emails that the guy broke up with me only posted the bad times. and any and all of my faults.

    yours isnt like that. you even give her advice on how to handle her problems because youre not going to be there for her. youre very nice to the end. you have a huggggge heart.

    if i was her...id miss you and think very fondly of you later. if she doesnt...which im hoping she does...she will eventually. all it takes is for her to go through a crappy breakup with someone and it will dawn on her that dang...scruffism was a doll.

  18. svpam

    im sorry. it sucks to be in your shoes. you know...she doesnt appreciate how great you are. youre always there for her. you always listen like a good friend despite how hard it is for you. youre a phenominal person and you deserve to be with someone who sees that.

    but right now...you are reallllly struggling. this is affecting your life. i bet you...if it hasnt already...it will start to affect your grades, your sleep...your whole life.

    and THAT'S when you know you need to back off a little. at least until you can better get a handle on things. youre no good to yourself or anyone when youre in this state. you need to stop worrying about her or anyone else...worry about you. as you can see...she is too busy to worry about you. so you need to.

    but i can tell...youve got a big heart. and it's hard for you to ignore her when she's going through this. you try to put aside your own problems because SHE'S in trouble. youre so sweet. but sweetee...really....worry about you. youre getting worse and worse and you sound like youre getting slowly into a depression. get yourself out of that first...ok?

    it may sound callous...but her problems are hers because she caused them. you cant be her savior. she put herself in there...she has to get herself out. it's like that saying...you made your bed and now you have to sleep in it. it's not your problem that she put herself through this. and you dont see her trying to help you out with your dilemma either.

    i hope you feel better. i really do. ive been in your kind of situation and unrequited love reallllllllllllly sucks. i hate it when the other person just doesnt see what you'd do for them and how strongly you feel about them. take care.

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