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Posts posted by Star.Bubblez

  1. Ok, so at the beginning of September me and my boyfriend(now friend with benefits) had had sex, before we had sex it felt like I made him cum frp, being a tease and things like that cause his penis and jeans were wet. Its been like 3-4 weeks now, I looked up on the early signs of showing that you are pregnant and I have most of the signs. Me and my ex were really excited cause we think I am pregnant cause of this and he really wants to have a baby with me(He is 18). But I had a 3-5 day period. I was wondering, if you can have a period and still be pregnant? Also I took a pregnancy test and it said "-" can this mean its too early, or its true or could it be just messed up? I feel that I am pregnant cause I still have ALL the signs and all my friends and the whole grade level that I am in thinks I am. And I really want to also. But if im not im afraid to tell my ex cause I dont want to get him depressed or mad at me or anything I really want to be pregnant also, if im not, should I go back and keep trying until I am? I know im kind of young but Im going to get kicked out of the school because of all the students anyway, So im stuck. What should I do??? I need advice, please help me, ... -Paige-

  2. I know this is a long topic and I know Ive talked about Jerry alot in all of my other topics, but I need some advice. About 2-3 months ago my boyfriend(ex boyfriend now(Jerry)) went away to california, and never contacted me. And also there were all of these rumors like he was moving to california, or he was cheating on me, or going to dump me, or he was going to move there for an excuse to dump me. So on the 4th of July I got fed up about the rumors and the no contacting and my friend Karsha(Ive talked about her alot in my other topics also.) nagging me about dumping him, so I dumped him. It has been a little more than 1 month since then and I was doing just fine, I moved on and started dating my recent boyfriend(Earl). And me and him are doing really good besides getting in one or two little itty bitty fights. But the other night my friend Jessica came on and said that Jerry was back!!!!!! I was so shocked and scared that he might hate me. And last night she told him that I said sorry and he said it was cool. Also today my friend Chelsey had him and a friend(Jordan) call to make sure that he really was home and he was. She told him a whole bunch of things and he told her alot too. But HE LIKES HER!!!! And at first she said she would never ever date him or ever like him again! But she turned around and she really likes him now. I feel like ive been stabbed in the back because she knew how much I loved him(and still do love him!)! She also asked him why he didn't keep in contact with me and he said that he forgot my #. So I had her give him my #. And he called me. He appologized for not contacting me, he said he got the 234 and 235 mixed up. And I said it was ok. I could tell that he was really hurt for me braking up with him for Earl. And I was so sad. I love him, I really do. But I have Earl and im happy with him. One side of me tells me to Dump Earl and hook back up with him, and the other part says DONT because he's moving to decatur.... Im in alot of pain right now and I do not know what I should do... I was wondering if any of you could help me with my problem. I love both of them, and ive already broke Jerry's heart once, I dont want to break his again, or Earls at all for that matter. I dont know what to do!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. This is a question for all the girls, guys are welcome to reply too though. I was just wondering, do you HAVE to moan or scream during sex?? I mean, cause I havent, ive just had deep breathing, and some pain from being a beginner still but not much. So if you could reply back to this do t soon plz. Thank you, bye.



  4. Me and my b/f just recently had sex, and we used a condom. He took it off half way through. And then before he left we couldn't find the condom. After he left i shook all my blankets and found the condom. and it had stuff in it that looked like cum! I was just wondering if it could seriously be cum or just the lubricant? And if it was cum, could I be pregnant from him taking the condom off? Im a little bit shocked and scared but I can face the consequences, so please help, and reply.... Thanks....



  5. Yeah xixilovergirlxixi I have been thinking that he's cheating one me lately Pretty scary thought since I got cheated on with my ex boyfriend Cody.... and t/y for telling me there were no serious damages or deaths in the quakes bellamcb

  6. Ok heres the thing, me and my boyfriend have been going out for about 3 months. And everything was going great during the first one and a half months. Then he went to California in the middle of our second month. Ive tried being really patient for this long which has been one month since he's been gone. But there's one thing, He hasn't called and/or tryed contacting me AT ALL!!! And this is really shocking.... But if any of you live in the USA than you would know that in some towns of California they have had 2 earthquakes, Jerry is not used to California, he is a Illinois boy. And im scared he could have been killed/hurt really bad and thats why he's not contacting me. But another thing is that all of my friends have either came on yahoo or msn and told me that they heard from someone who heard from someone(etc) That he is MOVING to California, this really hurts me because I love him so much, maybe even more than all of my other past boyfriends. And at first I didnt believe it. But just recently about 1-3 days ago, my friend Nikki said that Jordan called her house and told her about it. Now I havent contacted him to ask him about it or Jerry's parents but I actually believe it now. And I am really clode to dumping him. But I dont want to have to dump him because I dont want to ruin what we could have if he would come back. And I dont want to dump him and have him hating me and not wanting to be friends or more ever again. But then again I feel like I should dump him.... And my friend Karsha(I have talked about her in alot of my other posts about Jerry) says even if it does mess things up she says I should just dump him anyway. But she has said that I should have dumped him from the moment that he ditched me for his other 2 friends at school. But thats in the past and you know I understand that he needs his space. But im really confused. And I need some advice really bad.... Any help?? I dont want to dump him but if you think it would be better off than I will.......

  7. Me and this guy on the internet have been really really close. And we have been talking 24/7 for almost 3 months now. But my other friend in real life knew him b4 me. But she didn't love him until I started loving him.... And it seems everytime me or my friend Karsha talk about me and him, she gets p.o.ed. But I really love this guy and my friends know that, expecially Karsha!! And so we tryed hooking me and him up for an over the internet relationship.... But today Karsha was talking to him on MSN Messenger he started saying all this sh!t about if we loose touch than thats it thats the way life treats us. And some other things, and its really getting to me. I feel like him and my other friend are going out behind my back!! What should I do, Ive been sortof mean to him and I thinjk im chasing him away... and im scared.... What should I do,,,...... HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Sounds to me that you are doing just fine . You are putting him in the past and moving on. No turning back. I had to do the same with me ex and look where I am today, if you keep moving on and thinking/talking/etc. about him 24/7 you'll be in an even healthier/better relationship that what yours used to be with him. I hope everything works out. Bye

  9. She told me how she felt and we talked it over. But the thing I do not get Cherry_punker1621 is YOU told us that we could if we got the chance, and guess what WE GOT THE CHANCE! Im not getting mad or anything but I mean we only did it because you said that we could. And if you didn't mean saying that we could well then it really would of made a difference. So really you cant get mad at us/me because we did it. You were the one that told us we could!

  10. I know, I know, its pretty bad that a 13-year-old is writing in this topic but I am really scared and I need advice badly!! About a week ago me and my boyfriend were at a friends house and she said that if we ever got the chance we could, you know, do it. So her and her mom were asleep and I layed on the couch with him and we fooled around a bit. When her mom's alarm went off for her to go to work I took off and went to the other couch cause it was 4:00 AM (we were staying the night) And there me and him waited for her to leave, but fell asleep for about an hour before she really left. And when she did leave my friend was still asleep and her mom would not be back until about 2 something PM that day. So my boyfriend woke me up and we started fooling around again. And he goes do you have the condom with you? and I told him the truth that yes I did. So we went into a private little area and sat there for a while and made sure we where really ready to loose our virginity right there right now with eachother. And we decided that yes we were. And so we did it. My boyfriend might have cumed in the condom without me knowing and he was enjoying it so much he really didn't reconize either. That day after that I felt just fine, and when my friend woke up I explained to her what happened and she got sortof angry, but I dont know why cause after all she did tell us that we could. But anyway she asked me how old the condom was and I said about 1-2 months old but it was in the package unopened, then she asked if he had cumed, and I said I had no clue and my boyfriend had gone home for a while so we couldn't ask him, plus since he was enjoying it and really didn't reconize it either I dont think he would know either. And my friend said that it was really possible that if he did cum that it could have gone through the condom and I could now be pregnant! I have been having some of the symptoms, Nausea, my breasts hurt, i feel dizzy if im up to long, my back hurts more often, my feet are hurting and it hurts to walk on them, im tired more often, and I feel like im going to puke up any kind of food I eat. And like 1-2 days after we had sex I started feeling all of these and I feel sick all the time. Me and my friend tried a home remedy thing where I had to pee in a cup and then we added viniger to it and it changed colors which in the case of the remedy means that I am not pregnant. But still I dont think all of those signs are normal. So my friend and me went on the internet to put in all of my menstral things and the next time I am suposed to start is June 5th(another thing that scared me is when we entered all of this information in it showed the CORRECT amount of days since me and him had sex). My friend told me that I should wait for two weeks, and if the signs get worse, I get bigger, and I skip that day I am suposed to have my next period that I am most likely pregnant. I am really scared that I am. I dont know how I would tell my parents or my older sister that went through the same thing as me. Or how to tell the doctor, or get to the doctor to find out if I really am.(Any Idea's?). Another thing is how do I get my boyfriend involved in this, he is so shocked right now. And I dont know how to comfort him. I know he is most likely as scared as I am, but I need him right now to get through this do any of you know how I can get him to understand that I am going baisicly through the same thing that he is? I know this is a long topic and I am really to young to be going through any of this but I am and I need advice from all of you. So please respond with ANY advice that you may have. Thank you.

  11. Me and my boyfriend have just recently had sex. We were both virgins and we were ready, and it didn't ruin our relationship. But still I have a few questions(or maybe it was just one, but still...lol) Is it suposed to really Really hurt the first time or is there something wrong with me? And when we were laying there I had to help him find, you know... and I think that I hurt him.... But are these just signs of unexperienced sex? Or is there really truly something wrong with me? I know these are probably some dumb questions but I need help. So please reply back with suggestions.

  12. Thank you very much you guys , but today I went to school and had my friends ask him and he got so mad that one of his friends would do that to us. But the friend that we think it is will not tell us anything. And is denying it and blaming it on other people like his sister or his sister's friends. Im really p!ssed at him but my boyfriend wont be mad, he says he is but still he hangs around him and like this thing never happened and he is baisicly ignoring me , the only things I got out of him is no to a ? i had and bye and a hug after school. So me and him are in a little fight right now. But im not to worried about that for now cause we will get over it I just want to find out who is behind this whole thing.

  13. Me and my boyfriend have been going out for a month, and all of a sudden today he sent me a friend request on yahoo messenger and he said he had to talk to me(which is pretty weird since he was "supposibly" going to the YMCA and plus he doesn't have a computer!) But he(or maybe even his best friend?) came online and said he was dumping me, I dont know what to believe, here's the convo...


    jerry_hodges13 (7:25:32 PM): Hello

    sexypaige2005 (7:25:37 PM): hi

    jerry_hodges13 (7:44:54 PM): IM BREAKIN UP WIT U

    jerry_hodges13 (7:45:02 PM): I HAV 2

    jerry_hodges13 (7:45:36 PM): BUT WE CAN STILL BE FRIENDZ

    jerry_hodges13 (7:45:41 PM): RIGHT?

    sexypaige2005 (7:45:49 PM): mk w/e

    jerry_hodges13 (7:46:30 PM): OK ITZ ONLY CUZ I GOT A GIRL ALREADY

    sexypaige2005 (7:46:42 PM): mk

    jerry_hodges13 (7:47:06 PM): SORRY

    jerry_hodges13 (7:47:08 PM): CAN U SAY SOMETHIN BESIDES OK?

    jerry_hodges13 (7:47:11 PM): MK

    jerry_hodges13 (7:47:14 PM): ??

    sexypaige2005 (7:47:21 PM): i can say w/e

    jerry_hodges13 (7:47:37 PM): WHY ARE U SAYIN WHATEVER

    jerry_hodges13 (7:47:54 PM): ITS NOT MY FAULT I HAV 2 BREAK UP WIT U

    sexypaige2005 (7:48:11 PM): w/e

    jerry_hodges13 (7:48:18 PM): JUST DONT CRY

    sexypaige2005 (7:48:24 PM): w/e


    sexypaige2005 (7:49:09 PM): sure

    jerry_hodges13 (7:49:22 PM): ARE U MAD AT ME?

    sexypaige2005 (7:49:27 PM): dunno


    sexypaige2005 (7:50:27 PM): mk

    jerry_hodges13 (7:50:52 PM): SO IM NOT GOING OUT WIT U ITS OVER

    sexypaige2005 (7:51:02 PM): mk

    jerry_hodges13 (7:52:58 PM): U CAN GO OUT WIT CODY SIMPSON

    jerry_hodges13 (7:52:59 PM): 4 ALL I CARE

    jerry_hodges13 (7:53:31 PM): I DONT KNOW WHY I WENT OUT WIT U IN THE FIRST PLACE

    jerry_hodges13 (7:54:31 PM): ARE U MAD

    jerry_hodges13 (7:55:10 PM): I HERD U WERE CHEATIN ON ME

    jerry_hodges13 (7:55:52 PM): UGLY

    jerry_hodges13 (7:55:55 PM): *beep*

    jerry_hodges13 (7:55:59 PM): *beep*

    jerry_hodges13 (7:56:34 PM): U SMELL LIKE TUNA FISH TAKE A BATH

    jerry_hodges13 (7:56:45 PM): NO ONE WANTS 2 SMELL U

    jerry_hodges13 (7:57:09 PM): WELL BYE BYE *beep*

    jerry_hodges13 (7:57:30 PM): AHHH GOIN 2 CRY?

    jerry_hodges13 (7:58:04 PM): WELL SRRY IM GOING OUT WITH STACY ORNDOFF

    jerry_hodges13 (7:58:24 PM): UGLY *beep* THATZ U


    As I said I dont know if it was really him or not and im really scared and almost in tears It hurts. But if it is his friend and I said that stuff like w/e and sure and mk his friend could use that against me and it will really be over. I dont want it to be over, what should I do? I cant stop loving him

  14. [/b] Ok, this might seem sortof stupid for me to put this in here but im confused and sortof angry . While I was going out with my ex(who was of coarse my bf at the time) two of my best friends PROMISED!me that they would never ever go out with him if we broke up. And just about three months ago we broke up and my first best friend that promised me she would never go out with him started going out with him for about 2-3 weeks or more. And then they broke up, now my 2nd best friend isn't going out with him YET but she is very close, she flirts with him all the time and he flirts with her. They touch eachother in certain places and he grabs her butt and stuff like that, also she wrote him a note saying that if her and her recent boyfriend(that she is still going out with while doing all this stuff with my ex) ever broke up that she would go out with him, BUT FOR HIM NOT 2 TELL ME!! I dont think it is right. So I reminded her that she had promised me. And she goes "I know and I wont." But again behind my back tells him the same thing that she said in the note. And it sortof p!$$es me off . Because not as much as I used to, cause I am in love with my recent boyfriend that treats me SO MUCH better than he ever did, I still sortof have feelings for him... Is this a bad thing? And how do I explain to my best friend without her telling him or my recent boyfriend??

  15. Me and my boyfriend have been together for a month. And the other day I found out that when we werent together that he "Possibly" got a blow job by his best friends sister. But I didn't get mad at him because of coarse we did like eachother but I was going out with his other best friend at the time, and plus he didn't let her, she did it to him when he was asleep and he woke up in the middle of it. A few days ago this girl names Misty hugged him, he didn't like it, but still she hugged him, and she knows that I am going out with him. And yesterday when we and him where at my friends locker she came by and rubbed her hands on him, I got pissed! He was talking to me but I wasn't listening, I was thinking if I should get my best friend to talk to her or to handle her myself. So I ran into the bathroom and told Karsha, and she keeps doing the same stuff to him, no matter how many times my friends tell her to stop or my boyfriend does. But even though he try's telling her to stop and she keeps doing it he doesn't try getting away from her sometimes. What should I do? Be mad at him or her?

  16. Me and my boyfriend have been going out for almost one month, but we have really known eachother since the beginning of the year and know everything about eachother from talking alot. My friend gave me a condom a few weeks ago, and me and my boyfriend want to use it. He really wants to and of coarse I want to or I wouldn't of accepted the condom, but the thing is im a virgin, its my first time, and I dont like the way I look, and I am afraid that if me and my boyfriend ever got in bed and had $e% that would be the last time, and he would dump me. He says that Im being silly and he really loves me and tells me that im really pretty and se%y but I dont know, could he be telling the truth? I really love him and I am ready, but it is just that one thing and the fact that I dont know where we could go to do it that is holding me back. Should I just go ahead and try it?

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