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  1. I know what i am gonna do already, but i guess what i really wanted to know if any one has any tips or exercises to get those thoughts of my mind cause they do creep up from time to time and it does me bother alot.
  2. Hey all I need help with a friendship that i have developed with a girl for about 6 months.Well our friendship is very intense for both of us we see each other at work than we talk on the phone alot (every day), and hang out atleast once a week for a few hours. I have told her that I liked her and she has told she doesn't like me in that way. However i asked her just to treat me like her other friends, give a hug goodbye, say i am gonna miss you, etc. she said "I can't it is hard with you cause you are different" Which I didn't really understand but the relationship was far too close to me to be just friendship. I told her that and pushed her away for a week or so. I was 'busy' etc for that week when she called. She finally gave me phone call telling me just to listen she told me about how her parents never really loved each other, her other relationships were not as close what we have, her exboyfriends were jerks and were bascially just there for booty and never talked her unless it was for that. I told her again that the relationship she wants is way to intense for me to just friendship. At this point she was crying and it wasn't guilt but genuine feelings about how she opened up with me and how hard it was and how much she cared about me, and that i treat her far to good. So that is about it i am not sure what to do I know she needs me, more than i need her, and i want to help her badly, but i also don't want to get hurt when she decides to fall into her old habits of dating guys that treat her like crap cause that is what she thinks is normal.
  3. I met this girl at work a few months ago. We chit chatted etc. Signs that she liked me were there. One day when we had a 1/2 day at work i was waiting for the bus and she asked me to go out to lunch with some of her friends from work. During lunch 80% of her eye contact was soley on me . At the end of lunch (being pretty sure she liked me) i asked her for email address which she gave me. So I went home put her email address into IM. Later that day we started talking over the computer. Things were going great, also after the time of asking her for her email address, she was the one that intaited all external work contact (i.e called me, sent the first message). So one day while on the phone we were talking about relationships and she told me about how her ex-boyfriend screwed with her emotionally. So to see what she would say i questioned "what if I asked you out right now? what would you say?" she replied "I couldn't". Which was fine. That was about 2 weeks ago she still called me everynight after work afterwords and the converstation was still very playful and flirty. However this week she has only called me once or when i talk to her she seems uninterested in what i have to say. Now i don't know what to do? She is very a shy person(when it comes to expressing feelings) and she may be pushing me away cause of the emotional connection we are developing. Or it may have nothing to do with me at all. I don't want to press her about why she has been acting werid towards me the last week. Should I call her? or just let her be, the thing is I do like her and don't want to lose her as friend or whatever our relationship is.
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