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  1. Yeah she does like you go for it be a man and ask her out
  2. Well it was some stuff we the school said we should do that day take the bus instead of a car or truck we drive thats when i met her and were not in 6-9 were 12th grade
  3. Well here it goes. I met this girl at my bus stop and i was talking to her and i guess we became friends. She gave me her phone number and i call her and we talk about wiered stuff but it is about us. I see her in the halls at school and i walk her to her class and she hugs me every time i see her and she says stuff like sweetie,honey,love u or love ya stuff like that and she says were have u been all my life. So i really don't know if she likes me or she is just my friend so PLZ HELP ME but what ever info will help me so post anything plz
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