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Posts posted by SouthernSon

  1. Don't get them. I have dated women who were almost totally flat chested; it didn't matter to me. A woman's breasts are not the first thing I notice about her as I'm sure that's the case for any decent gentleman.


    Your husband obviously loves you enough to marry you for who you are. And remember when you have your first child your breasts will get larger anyway.

  2. Your smile is pretty and your lips are quite kissable. You look just fine the way you are.


    But if you are serious about wanting to do this, be certain that you explore and understand all the health risks. You don't want something to go wrong years down the road or anything.

  3. I have not had time to read all the pages of this thread, but I understand what is going on and I am sorry to hear the latest news.


    I have been there before too. I had to endure the same loss of relatives to similar types of cancer. It won't be easy. I wish I could tell you something that would help make it all better but even if I told I did you are grown enough to know it probably would not be true.


    You have a strong support group in your family and the many people here on this site who have gotten to know you. It helps talking about your feelings.


    After the last time this happened to me, I went a couple years just sort of 'immune' to my surroundings. It just felt like I existed and nothing more. I began to search for some kind of meaning to life, wondering what is the point. To make a long story short, I had a sort of 'reawakening' in my faith in God. For the first time in my life I began to read entire chapters of the bible. I wouldn't say I'm one of these born again christians or anything, but it gave me a sort of peace I didn't have before.


    Perhaps one of my personal favorite passages of the bible will be of use to you as I consider it to be one of the most emotionally touching I've ever read.


    Revelations 21:3-4

    And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

  4. First off, let me (virtually) shake your hand. Your post had me laughing my *** off. It wasn't because I was laughing at your habits, but rather it's how you write. You write in such a very frank and in your face manner and it takes something that very few people would discuss and puts it right out in the open. Don't change a thing.


    Now seriously, if you are wanting advice? You survived earlier in your life without doing this and I'm fairly sure you could do it again if you wanted to go back. I have a habit of my own also that I have developed in recent years, that being I feel dirty if I don't shower twice a day. Used to be I would shower just once a day and I'd feel fine. I could go back to showering once per day and I'll be ok, but I will feel dirty to some extent. I think for me it's more of a mental "unwinding" for the day (in the evening shower) just to relax for a bit. Perhaps your condition if mentally relaxing you because you feel too dirty if you don't use wet TP. There's nothing wrong with you really; lots of people have their little quirks.

  5. Well as a guy I've not done that but I've been with one woman who did that to me. When we talked on the phone she got onto little tangents about hot guys she liked, etc. If made me feel a bit jealous and such but also somewhat peeved. What do I care about some other hot guys? It got old after about the 3rd phone conversation where she did that. I moved on and didn't look back; haven't regretted it either.


    Why is your guy doing this? It could be that he likes these hot women and feels those are the types of women he wants to be with. Somehow I don't think it's nervousness though. We've all been nervous on a date at one time or another but did that cause you to start talking about attractive members of the opposite sex? That is downright rude in my opinion.

  6. I don't post here very often, but I can't believe this went on for 8 pages!


    I'll agree and echo what others have said...

    -Overanalyzed the situation

    -Almost "smothered" her by contacting her too much

    -Need to go with your gut instinct


    I'm not trying to be mean or anything it's that you simply tried to see something that wasn't there. I've been there before myself, heck probably a lot of people have. The important thing I think is that you learn to move on and not waste your time.


    Probably one of the best ways of accomplishing that is having too many women on your dating list to juggle around. Get out and have some fun and meet NEW people.

  7. This woman is how old? 35 years old? You don't make it clear.


    The impression I get from what you have told us is that she can't make up her mind what she wants. She wants you there as she is familiar with you and can use you for a safety net when things aren't going well. But she wants to obviously be with other guys, otherwise she wouldn't be hanging out with them so much.


    When someone uses another person in this manner, for a safety net of some kind, they are using that person as a doormat. It's happened to me before and I don't like it one bit. The first hint of it where that happened, I finally got wise to the situation and left.


    Why did she keep calling all the time crying? Why did she keep text messaging you little 'i love yous'? And then she goes off to date this other guy?


    I think I would break off contact with her for a few weeks and get some space.

  8. For me, once I got past my mid-20s, my sex drive really just started going downhill. I wouldn't say it was a bad thing, but I had a lot of other things happening in my life. I don't know if that was the cause of it, but I'm not the stallion I was when I was in my late teens - early 20s.


    Everyone is different though.

  9. You're going into sales? Sales positions are rather interesting in a way....there's usually never a shortage of them and the salary/rewards for a sale are sometimes flexible; moreso than with a traditional job that's just a flat salary and that's it.


    Salary negotiations are always probably one of the most difficult things to task. I have found the easist negotiations are one where I applied for a higher position in the same company. You generally know the people already and can be more open.


    But still, you are right. Naming your price can low ball it. The company already has in mind what range they will pay but they will NEVER just tell you what it is up front. You said the person asked you how much you want for a salary? Seems like they were very direct, why not reciprocate? You could ask "well, what is the salary range for this position"? or "What would you be willing to pay your best candidate?" Some people may like the approach; others get annoyed easily. But there's never any harm in trying to get the company to reveal their salary data first.

  10. Well, I certainly hope he isn't the type of guy who says stuff like this to every girl he meets. Let's assume not...


    I suppose it might be entirely possible that since he is in the navy, he might have to ship off soon and isn't looking forward to it. For lots of people, knowing that something like that will eventually happen can really put a damper on lots of good things in their lives.


    But honestly you won't really find out the truth unless you straight up ask him. Try not to assume too much about people because it can often lead to more trouble that it's worth.

  11. I love this country moreso than most and am certainly not ignorant on many political issues our nation faces these days, which include this war that's being fought in Iraq for entirely the wrong reasons. The public opinion of it dwindles more every day. We certainly don't need another Vietnam but that's what it's looking like...I can understand why he doesn't want to go back.


    Now, I didn't mean to try and turn this into a political debate, however if they call him back, his chances of getting out of it are nil. He agreed to serve, he signed on the dotted line and agreed to the contract laid out before him - he has to own up to his part of the agreement. He can petition for a court to intervene, but how long would it take the local JAG officer to respond? A month? On top of that, what would they really be able to even do? The court is not there to lend a sympathetic ear.


    I know it's hard, but the options for him to get out of this are very slim.

  12. Hmm..you and I are not far apart in age thus we probably grew up in the same generation mindset.


    With that said, ours is definitely one of the laziest I've seen in my years so far. I'm old enough to remember what I'd call the previous generation and about 2 before them. These people were very hard workers and understood that if you want something in life, you have to work hard and sometimes sacrifice for it. Hell you'd think that way too if you lived through the Great Depression.


    Our generation is of the idea that as soon as they get out of school they are entitled to a good paying job, whereby "good paying" is defined as a job that grosses at least $50k-$60k/year for 8-5 desk work. Our generation is of the huge mindset they are entitled to lots of things...a good paying job, a house, a luxury car like a BMW. This is not to say everyone is of this mindset, but the prevailing attitude of the people I grew up with when I still kept in touch with them about 5-7 years ago was exactly as I describe.


    When describing "rich" people (rich being net worth in excess of $500,000), there are two classes of rich people I've found: those who are wise with their money and understand the economics of it. These people generally had to work for and earn their wealth. The other class of rich people are those who pretty much "fell" into money, either by being a trust fund baby, inherited it, or did some job that returned to them a ridiculous percentage of a return. This second class of rich generally has no idea on how to properly understand their money, how to make it, how to save/invest it, etc. These types are often of a similar mindset of "our" generation I mentioned earlier.


    Sorry about droning on and on about this but I guess what I was trying to say is that not every rich person drives a Mercedes and has a 6 car garage. Many drive old beat up Toyotas, live in a rather mediocre house and always cut coupons. You wouldn't know they were rich by looking at them; in other words they don't flaunt it or stick right in your face that they're wealthy by driving a car that cost six-figures along with comparable clothing.


    One last bit of advice...I am thankful I found out a few years ago that money is not everything that is important to me in this world.

  13. From what you've said it sounds like you were her "support cushion", in other words a fallback person to go out with. You mentioned how she kept talking about her ex-bfs? I HATE it when women do that when we're out on a date. I've told a couple of them before that if they don't change the subject to get off whining and griping about their ex's that I'm leaving. That shut one of them very quickly, the other couldn't believe I said that. Both were not worth my time.


    You need to find someone who wants and enjoys being with YOU, not meandering over their ex's or some other BS. I despised being a shoulder to cry on for a couple years of my life and one day I did something about it.

  14. I was wondering what are some mens' feelings and thoughts as your using the public men's bathrooms, with random unfamiliar men coming in, out, and even day to day. I think if the women's bathroom was design with no close doors for privacy, I think I would possible feel uneasy (like stage fright) and also would think I am not as beautiful physical (being half nake),if I saw a someone's body I thought was nice looking.


    There are just rules we men instinctively are programmed with that we stick to them no matter what. No rule ever gets broken...the only time that happens is if one of the men is gay. I have never had that happen to me though.


    Now as for public restrooms, I have no qualms over using them. Hell at a couple of places I worked, I knew men there who would spend at least an hour or two each day in the restroom stall. They practically set up their own office in there. They had a paper, their cell phone, sometimes a cup of coffee. I guess they just didn't want to be at their desk.

  15. Absolutely do not call again. She has a voicemail, she knows what number to call you at if she wants to go. If you keep calling a couple more times that's just desperation. Try scouting out for someone else if you can as an alternate person to take with you.

  16. I'm sure we all had something weird we thought sex was or involved that turned out to be wrong. One thing off the top of my head I can remember when I was around 8-9 (I never got that talk from my parents ) I thought sex just involved a man/woman rubbing their butts up against the other's. lol I have no idea why I even thought that, but a couple years later I understood what was really involved and it sounded a lot more interesting.

  17. It's a natural instinct with us guys that pretty much anytime a woman's breasts start popping out or there's even a remote chance of it happening (ie: swimsuit, bra exposed, etc.) we immediately look. It doesn't matter who it is either.


    Ever been around guys who may have found pictures of horrendous...I mean downright ugly women off the internet or on some tv show who did the same thing? They all react the same way to the effect of "My eyes...my eyes!!" or "My god I'm blind". Why you ask? It's because they looked. They looked because it's instinct.


    Hope this helps understand why your b/f did what he did. A quick look or two is really nothing. Now if he was staring at them, talking to her breasts instead of to her face and drool was noticeable, then yes, you should be pissed at your b/f.

  18. [sarcasm]Wait a minute, I thought if you had a huge member, such as what Pan has, then you were considered a god among men? You mean, it isn't true?[/sarcasm]


    I'm just average size myself but when I was younger I thought about that and realized if I were huge I'd have to probably accept the fact that I might not find a woman that could handle all of it.


    I most certainly would not look into surgery to "shorten" your member. I think right now your best bet is patience. It sounds like the Depo worked really well, but of course the side effects aren't fun to deal with. Maybe once they really wear off things can get back to normal...?

  19. She sounds a little um....overloaded with baggage at the moment.



    You just have to know that at this point, I can't

    guarantee that I can go back to where we were. That is how I feel right



    This in my opinion is the gentle try not to hurt him 'rejection letter'. She is saying she does not want more, but trying to be awfully nice about it.


    Whether it is "her" or "you" I say you probably should stay careful in this situation...it's too much drama and work this early on already in my opinion.


    You could take trip if you thought you could do it, but I would go into it with NO expectations, don't even bring things up and let her do it, and treat it as a platonic friends situation and see how she reacts.


    And be careful with your heart around her, I don't think going by her email she feels as mad for you as you might her. I think even though she said you were "marriage" material, she is a bit freaked out at moment and pressured and is running the other way....


    If things are meant to be, they shall be


    I agree. Just read her email reply a couple times. To me, it sounds like she has something else going on that she isn't telling you. As RayKay said, baggage of some kind most likely in the form of an ex, another guy, a kid, family, who knows. All I know is that you aren't getting all the info and she certainly doesn't seem to be as forthcoming and honest in her feelings as you do.


    As a side note RayKay, please please PLEASE don't use the phrase "broke it off" when talking about erectile dysfunction around men.

  20. Why is when guys want to remove hair down there the first thing that always comes to their mind is use a razor? You've got to be insane to take a razor blade to your scrotum or penis.


    Have you not heard of hair clippers?


    I don't like hair down there myself either but there are safer ways of removing it. I also don't like hair down there on women but that's another story.

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