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Posts posted by Jecto

  1. If you go into it thinking you're not in her league, then she will get the same idea of you, you have to have confidence in yourself. Also, just remember, appearance is only the tip of the iceberg, apparently you guys clicked on some other level.

  2. You act like no one like ShySoul has been through a relationship, while I for one have been through one, and I have been the nice guy through and through, and that, in fact is how I got involved with my current gf.


    Despite having been the same way, ShySoul's words strike home, and I know that most, if not all of what he says is true, so stop trying to act like some player, just because you've dated a lot since you dropped the "nice guy thing". If you haven't noticed, most nice guys aren't interested in dating a lot of girls, but in finding that right one, and never having to look anymore. That's how I was, and being a "nice guy" landed me the love of my life.

  3. I, speaking from a guy's perspective, think you should tell him, I mean sure, it wouldn't feel good to know that my gf had been faking it for so long, but it would have let me know that I have to do something different. At least he'll know that he needs to do something different, and maybe he'll even take it as a challenge I know I would.

    As for the him not giving you oral thing, I believe that is straight-up selfish, and you should really talk about that, especially if you choose to tell him about having not had an orgasm, because oral sometimes is the only way for some women to have an orgasm from another person.

  4. I'm sorry, I have limited experience in this exact area, but I'll give you my suggestion anyway and you can take it how you want.


    I would suggest nothing more than them talking, because if he wants to know, no one can really tell her but herself. However, if she won't let him get near, it might take the aid of someone else, like a moderator (a mutual friend or someone) to get her to talk with him, because they need to get things out in the open, if there is anything to get out.

  5. Shinobie, don't worry about it, I was the exact same way. I had never held hands with, kissed, dated, done anything with a girl until my current girlfriend of a year, and believe me, the wait is worth it! If you wait for it, love may evade you, but once you stop looking, it'll bite you hard in the a**. So, don't worry about it, you're still young, and hey, don't worry the right girl's out there, and chances are, she's looking for you too.

  6. The most important thing for you to remember, to me, at least is that, since you are thinking about this, you aren't a two timer, and you can't help the way you feel. I think the only one you can really talk this out with successfully is your girlfriend, because she is also involved in this relationship and you two need to decide where it is going.


    About meeting the "someone else whom you really like but has someone else", they're also, from the way you phrased that, have someone else, and that is another issue entirely. Are you "seeing her"? I'm sorry if it seems like I'm implying something, I'm not. It's just that your phrasing makes it unclear because all you say is that you "met" them, what do you mean by that.


    Either way things work out, good luck, and best wishes.

  7. The only thing you can really do, is to talk to your parents. With something like this, communication is key, and you can't ignore your own feelings and just endure it, and I'm sure your parents wouldn't be happy if they found out that you had all these feelings inside but didn't even tell them, you know?

    Either way, I really hope it turns out for the best for you, for that is what everyone deserves on their own day of life-gift.

  8. I think, that if she wants you to keep going and give her an orgasm, then you should, and if she gets mad at you for giving her one... then that's her bad, because she agreed, but I don't recommend going against just anything she says. You have to know where to draw the line on what you can and can't do in the bedroom, and you and her have to do that together.

  9. Don't start it as an argument, just sit down, and tell her you need to talk. Approach the subject calmly and tell her how you feel without trying to make her feel responsible, just let her know that what she said hurt, and that you want to talk about it. But if you don't get it out in the open, the feelings will eat away at you and either leave you an empty husk, or burst from you in a time of weakness, and that will cause a fight/argument, do you see where I'm coming from, if not, let me know...

  10. I know what you mean, my g/f also posts on this site, and sometimes she'll reply to my posts, or post things about me that, as you said, aren't bad, but hurt. If it really hurts you, you need to talk to her about it, if you don't you could ruin your relationship, and I can tell by your nervousness, that that is the last thing that you seem to want.

  11. Before you think about spending too much time with him, just think: "How must his home life be going if he is spending this much time away from his wife?" And all he wants is validation, for you to (as has been said) "stroke his ego".

    Just think if there are better things to do with your life.

  12. The thing to do is not to worry overmuch before you see her, because all your fears may be unfounded, she may just be scared. But don't go willing to do anything just to get her back, because if her demands are too outrageous, then there's something else probably going on that only the two of you can work out together.

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