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  1. Ok so I am a first time member and having problems, I came accross this website and was impressed and hoping that someone could help me...So here goes....Me (25 age) and my wife (22 age) used to have great sex (i mean 2 to 3 times a day) but lately she has had a great decrease in sex drive. (usualy once a week if that) I have tried to talk to her about the problem, but she says that if i keep bugging her about it that it just makes her not want to give it to me at all. She totaly enjoys sex when we do have it, but I just don't understand what I am doing wrong to not make her want to have sex. It just doesn't seem fair to me that when she really wants to have sex I give it to her even if I am not in the mood, but if I want to initiate sex she pushes me away almost every time. I love my wife very much (sex or no sex) but this problem is very troubling to me and makes me feel like she doesn't find me sexualy attractive anymore. We do have 3 kids and it is very hard to have time to ourselfs. I myself work fulltime sometimes over 40hrs. My wife does not work and stays home with the kids to babysit. I understand that she is tired when I get home from work, but I am tired too and always try to meet her needs. (sexualy or helping out around home) And like I have said I have told her how I feel about the sex situation and sometimes she listens and sometimes she doesn't. When she does listen she really tries to make me happy sexualy, but it only lasts a couple of weeks and then we are back to the same old same old. I really love my wife and I hate to see something like this come between us could someone help me I am desperate.
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