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Posts posted by thefireisoutanyway

  1. Out of curiosity, how long does it take for people to reach orgasm via self-pleasuring?


    I never seem to be able to "hold on" for longer than 5 minutes. (If I'm jacking off to internet porn, I'm almost always done WAY before the movie ends.)


    Do people usually come more easily when masturbating than having sex with someone?

  2. I'm currently at a conference, and here I've met a woman whom I found attractive. In the past few days, we've chatted here and there, nothing too substantial. I can't really tell whether she's interested in me, but she seems to enjoy our chats and often looks over her shoulder at me when she knows I'm nearby but not talking to her.


    Anyway, after a talk, I asked her whether she'd be interested in going somewhere to get something to drink later. At first, she said something about having to work, and then she answered me with, "Sure, why not?"


    She looked a bit awkward when I asked her out.


    So here are my questions:


    1) When you ask someone (of the opposite sex) if they'd want to go out to get something to drink, is it understood that it is a date?

    2) We didn't make any concrete plans. Should I approach her later during the day to make things concrete, or just go with the flow?


    And finally,


    3) Does it sound like I'm wasting my time?


    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

  3. I feel so stupid.


    I just got back from one of my friend's birthday party. At the party, I noticed this really attractive girl. I really REALLY wanted to introduce myself to her, but being the shy guy I am, I couldn't. The most words we exchanged were, "Excuse me" and "Sorry." (Even with the booze in me, I couldn't summon the balls to talk to her.)


    Anyway, she must've left b/c I couldn't find her anymore. So I asked my friend about the girl. He told me that she is good friends with one of the hosts of the party. When I spoke to the host guy, he immediately took me to his computer and loaded up her myspace account. I got her name, her field of study, and I also learned that she broke up with this guy "long time ago."


    The host even gave me the girl's e-mail address.


    At this point, I am at a loss to what to do. I know the girl's name. I think she's really cute. I have her e-mail address. Only thing I said to her is "sorry" when she wanted to get past me. She might've caught me eyeing her a few times, but then there were a whole bunch of people at the party.


    What should I do? Should I e-mail her? If I do, what would I say to her?

  4. Hello,


    Some time in February, I hurt my left shoulder. The doctor said it was tendonitis, and that I should not do any upperbody workout. Sure, easy for him to say. I'm just aching to hit the gym and do some bench, or even some push ups.


    I'm also a bit worried about this "not doing upperbody" exercises thing. I mean, doesn't the muscles atrophy the less I use them, making them weaker and more suseptable to greater injury? So shouldn't I do some exercise?


    Any input would be appreciated!

  5. Hello,


    Man, I'm on a roll today. (This is my 2nd post of the day, completely unrelated to my first topic.)


    The situation is kind of not complicated, so I shall explain a bit...


    I am currently a graduate student. When I was an undergraduate, I spent a lot of time with my roomate and the people that lived in the dorm. At first, it was just me and my roomie. But the group expanded, and now it even has a name, which will not be mentioned...


    So I spent a lot of time in the group. I'm considered as one of the founding fathers, or something to that degree, even though it was really my roomate who founded everything. I moved out of the dorms, but I still kept in touch with the group, attending a lot of their "festivities" and such.


    Things got a bit more complicated when I started going out with one of the members of the group. Long story short, we broke up, and shortly after, I almost completely stopped hanging out with these guys.


    Now, there are few factors here that made me stopped hanging out with these guys:


    1) I'm a graduate student. I have an advisor, who owns my soul, and must work my * * * off for my degree.


    2) I still have feelings for my ex, and I think it'd be best if she and I are kept separate as much as possible.


    Now, there is a 3rd factor, which I now know for a fact that it has absolutely NOTHING to do with my ex. And that is:


    3) I have grown tired of this group and the things they do. I no longer have any interest to participate in their activities. More than half of the people that come to these group gatherings, I find them annoying, obnoxious, one-dimensional, and awkard to talk to. I can't talk to any of them because all they talk about is _____ and _____ and _____, and frankly, I don't give a damn about it.


    I spoke to my ex recently, and she told me that she hasn't been really doing stuff with the group either, mostly because of her work.


    So here's the question that's been bugging me:


    1. Should I or should I not talk to my old roomate, who I consider as the closest friend among all the people in the group about this? That is, how I've outgrown the group and no longer part of it? And my ex isn't really the reason I stopped coming to the group?


    2. Should I also explain this to my ex?


    (Part of the motivation for bringing this up has to do with the fact I fear that some people have been pointing their fingers at my ex for me no longer actively participating with the group. (I've missed two major group "events.")


    I've also did/said a lot of hurtful things to her when we broke up, and I don't want her to feel guilty or think that I hate her or anything like that.)


    3. How do I deal with these people now that I find them so irritable, including my supposedly "close friends"? Do I keep snubbing them until they grow sick of me, or...?


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated =)

  6. That's pretty hiliarious. Your Don Juan reminds of me this other guy from this other gym, except he wasn't hitting on women, but he was going around feeding everyone his conservative-racist-bigotry crap, along with his complaints about the university. (Oh man, I just realized that his "target" were younger male students...)


    Your post reminded me of something I didn't think about -- listening to music. This girl, I noticed that she had an ipod on her. I didn't see if she had something in her ears...


    How is this relevant to anything? I have no clue. For some reason, I feel more afraid to talk to her, now that I realized that she is listening to music while she works out...


    Okay, so small talk is good. I'll keep that in mind. And nothing too cheesy or creepy.


    Thanks =)

  7. To Consumed:


    Wow, good to know that there are people out there in similiar situation as me. Yeah, I know I got nothing to lose, but stilll. I'm one of those shy-guys who can never seem to strike a conversation. Hopefully, I didn't blow my chance away. =) I wish you luck.


    To fairie16:


    It's true that I noticed her in the first place due to her resemblence to my ex. But I don't think I'm attracted to her b/c she looks like her. Rather, I feel like I'm attracted to women who look like that, and my ex just happened to look like the type women I am attracted to.


    It's true, she's just a girl, and what have I got to lose by talking to her? I'm afraid after today I might suffer the same fate as Consumed up there =( I really feel like I blew away the perfect opportunity...


    Anyway, thanks very much for your responses.

  8. Hello all,


    The title basically says it all. Last week, I was at the gym, and I noticed this cute girl working out. At first I thought she was my ex, but I soon realized that complete stranger. And that was that.


    I saw her again today. And today, it was kind of strange. I had absolutely no intention of following her around the gym. But it was kind of like everywhere I went, she was already there doing something. We even got out of the locker room at the same time, and we returned our lockroom keys at the same time. When we were leaving, she walked ahead of me. Once outside, we just went our separate ways. The only interaction the two of us had were some eye contacts during the workout, and her opening the door and holding it for me and me thanking her.


    I am definitely attracted to this girl. The whole time at the gym, I was debating whether I should say something her. Then, I decided it'd be better not to interrupt her workout and speak to her once she finished up or something. Then, when I got the opportunity, I just didn't have the cajones to go for it.


    I'm kind of worried now that she thinks I'm some sort of a creepy stalker.


    Anyone have any advice for me? Is it just plain rude to strike a conversation to a total stranger when they are in the middle of a workout? Is it even worse to hit on them?

  9. Hello,


    Yesterday, i was doing some work out, and I guess I over worked myself a little bit. At the end of the work out, I started doing some dips. On my first rep, I felt as though something brushed against my left arm. Then as I came down, I felt a shot of electric shock going up (or down) accross my upper arm.


    Then, it felt a bit numb (but no pain). When I got out of the weight room, my left shoulder started to hurt a bit.


    I was thinking it was just a sprain, but my left arm still feels a bit numb. Could this be more than just a sprain?

  10. Thanks for your advices.


    I guess if I had truly moved on, I probably would not even have posted this comment.


    I've decided to respond to the e-mail, courteously. As I would to a friend, or even a coworker, or just an acquantance, and not worry about how or what to say or why she is doing this etc.


    No matter what, she is still my friend. I can't just ignore her. But I refuse to play mind games either.


    I won't even think about her wanting to "keep me in reserve" or anything like that, b/c, as sad as it might sound, reading those words gave me hope! (I know, it's pathetic. It's like I'm begging for crumbs.)


    The e-mails will die out eventually. And that'll be it.


    Thanks to everyone who's replied here. I know I'm not exactly following your advices, but it has helped me to see where I stand. (Still under her.)


    I wish you all Happy New Year!

  11. Wow, ego-boost... that... that is very sad. You know, you'd think you know a person pretty well... that's just unbelieveably pathetic for anyone to do. I didn't think she's the type of person... but may be she is.


    What's even more pathetic is that I still want to write her back, even after reading this...


    (I was making reference to the pilot episode of Friends.)

  12. When we first broke up, I missed my ex so much. I probably tried to call her or txt her or e-mail her too many times, and that drove her far far far far far far far far away. I remember, I called her at like 2 am on Christmas Day to wish her Merry Christmas, and she was like... "..wuh.. what time is it?" (But I think she was pretending to be asleep, since she responded to a txt message which I sent 5 minutes before)


    But you know, it wasn't the holidays that made me miss her so much. I just missed her all the time. I guess I wasn't with her long enough (I didn't really spend any holidays with her).

  13. Why does it matter... because I want to know.

    Am I over her... I guess I am not

    Yes, I know she has a boyfriend, and I'm not sure what I'm doing right now.


    But... still, it would be good to hear the answer to my original question. Why is she doing this? Is she trying to kill me on Christmas by ripping my intestine out, wrap it around my check and choke me? (Anyone get the reference?)

  14. I mean, isn't that how you break up with someone anyway? I think it's more of a formality when the dumper/dumpee says, "Let's be friends." I mean, face it -- you can't go from being couples to friends with a snap of a finger. It takes time to move on and lose the feelings.

  15. Hello everyone,


    Long story short: went out for a month, broke up, then sort of strange/muddy relationship of txting and e-mailing, which gradually died down to nothing. Then, I started full NC about 3 months ago. Some people said I was going too far with this NC (cutting out friends, killing my phone, avoiding places where she may show up). Then, it happened...


    December 23rd, 1 am. I get an e-mail.


    I was very hesistant about reading the mail. But the curiosity got the best of me and I read it. And it was one of those, "hey how's it going" type of thing. I replied, saying, "blah, blah, blah, busy, what about you?" Then, she writes back, saying, "blah, blah, blah, (hints of visiting me) write me back."


    Here are some things that I have concluded/confirmed using logical deduction.

    --> I was a rebound

    --> She has a boyfriend

    --> They've been 'seeing each other' since sometime around August.


    One of the main reasons I stopped contacting her. (Or rather, sent her an e-mail that would drive her away and hoped for no response. Except I did get a response a month later.)


    So... okay, this is kind of strange. I mean, SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND! WHY IS SHE CONTACTING ME????? If I was a girl, and the other person was a guy, I'd say he's looking for booty call... but may be I'm wrong about that too.


    Thanks for reading up to here. Any response would be greatly appreciate it.

  16. I'm a little bit confused about this. Back when I was a little kid like 10 or 11, I thought when two people dated, a kiss was what made them from just "dating" to being a "couple." This notion, well, was completely dropped once I hit puberty. In the end the entire topic was forgotten until I read a recent post.


    So... here's the question.


    Exactly when and how do you go from just "dating" to being "b/f g/f" (or "b/f b/f" or "g/f g/f")? Is being a couple different from being "b/f g/f"?

  17. Hi guys,


    Thank you for your replies. I actually just spoke to her about it, and well, I didn't exactly word it in the way I did on the forum, but I explained to her that basically I am a bit shy (as she probably knew), and I wished we could've been able to spend more time together last time, etc. (Which are all true.)


    She basically told me that she didn't think I was blowing her off, and that it was all right. Although, before I brought this issue up, she was... being almost completely nonresponsive to me. So may be she WAS actually upset? Or may be she sees that I'm a complete insecure piece of **** and is trying to make me feel better out of guilt?


    That last bit is just me ranting, but uhm, yes, talking to her definitely made me feel better, and next time, I'll keep that in mind--that


    1) I should take the initiative

    2) Only if I am ready


    Thanks again!

  18. Hello everyone,


    Last night, I went on a "date." I thought we had a good time -- we chatted over some coffee and at the end of the night, we just went our separate ways. There was no kiss. There was no handshake. There was no hug. Just nothing.


    ...does this mean that the date was a complete failure? Unless... is it usually that the man initiates the kiss and the woman either accepts or blocks it with a handshake?

  19. Wow! Thanks for your replies!


    Before, I didn't think that carrying a condom could be construed as having certain expectations. Like, if a guy with some food allergy carries around his epinephrine shots to a restaurant, he is not "expecting" to have an allergic reaction.


    But I guess with condom it's a bit different. Or is it that different?


    I don't know if there will be more replies to this, but now for the women - would you expect your man to be "prepared" all the time?

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