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Everything posted by kim42

  1. This was really interesting to read, I always dealt with professional recruiters, this was an exception I guess
  2. I applied for this job like a month ago. Yes he's a recruiter, it says HR consultant on his profile. It doesn't sound like a good fit to be honest, I don't mind having interviews at 3 am because of the time difference, but his first voicemail was already a little aggressive.
  3. Because when I was replying to his email, it was already late in the evening and I figured it would better to do it the next day.
  4. I had a weird experience with a HR consultant. He tried to called me and sent me an email. The email was okay but left a voicemail that was a little weird, he said something like he couldn't understand why I wasn't answering the phone. So I replied to his email that he could call me the next day at 10 am. He never confirmed, ended up calling much later and then sent me a rude email that apparently I am available only once per day. I never experienced this kind of behavior 😮
  5. Thanks guys, I am feeling better today. It was more about why I was rejected, the reason they told me, than the fact they said no. But it's okay, I will try harder next time :)
  6. I'm annoyed because I had this job interview, it was the second round, and yesterday they said no to my application. It's a bummer because I really liked this job.
  7. Wow, I wish I could see one someday too! Was it a three-toed sloth?
  8. I think I need another sloth stuffie in my life
  9. I'm sure there are many beautiful girls at your gym
  10. I was so anxious today (rough day at work) that I ended up vomiting once I got back home. I'm upset because I thought I had my anxiety under control. So I'm more sad than annoyed 😐
  11. Some family members got into a fight on Christmas Eve. I ended up playing cards and drinking with my cousins. We all made up at the end but I was little sad about it 😐
  12. So I'm flying home on Sunday, and I'm starting to feel anxious, I need to pack my stuff tomorrow
  13. Ok, so it's the three of us and Camber, that house will burn down eventually haha
  14. We are not that far from each other as we are both in Europe I love London!! I don't know if Leah is based in Europe too:eek:
  15. I was staring at the washing machine the other day, wondering why it was not working. I then realized I did not press the start button
  16. I have to pretend I'm excited about Christmas lunch at work
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