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Everything posted by justmarried

  1. I'm afraid you will have to ask all those questions each time you have a new partner. People differ a lot with regards to their sexual preferences. As with women I'm afraid it may even depend on their mood which can change as often as every 5 minutes So you just have to observe your partner while having sex to find out if she is enjoying herself or not.
  2. Thanks for all replies!!! I have to read them all again to be able to draw some conclusions but it already helped me to talk to you about it. I haven't yet talked about those fights to anyone close to me 'cause I don't want my usually ideal husband (and I mean it!) to be looked down at or treated with disrespect by my family. Let me add some more details to the picture. I love my husband passionately and it is no lie that I've never been as happy as with him both physically and emotionally. When he fell in love with me and we started going out together I realised all my life I was meeting men who hadn't apprieciated the wise, beautiful and sexy woman I in fact am. As I see it my husband has no reason to feel bad about himself - he is smart, funny, very handsome, his penis is in a perfect size and condition, he has a good job, he is a wonderful lover... I tell him how great he is at least once a day. Those fights we have can't make me feel bad about myself, at least not in a long run. I don't want to suggest therapy or counselling yet. I'm a psychologist myself and I don't really believe in the power of couples counselling. I guess I try to hold my horses and just be with him during those fights. It seems we are having some progress - he is beginning to realise he is starting those fights. Perhaps he will reach some deeper conclusions soon. Thanks again for all support!!!
  3. My husband and I love each very much and usually we are a perfect marriage. But sometimes he starts questioning me about my previous relationships as if he was jealous of them. He asks about the size of penises of my previous boyfriends, whether I was satisfied in bed with them, etc. At the end of such a hearing he usually says something like "I hate you", "How could you go to bed with someone like him? Why don't you go to him right now" etc. which is obviously breaking my heart. It happened around 8 or 10 times now so I know he doesn't really mean it. After several hours he calms down, apologize to me for saying such cruel things, says how much he loves me and that I'm the love of his life, takes all the blame for the fight and he is my ideal husband for the next two weeks until he starts another quarrel. Anyways I hate those fights and would like to stop them. I've tried several approaches but nothing seems to work. I tried to answer his questions as specific as I possibly can, I tried to refuse answering them, I tried to question him about his romantic past (he avoids answering). We both had quite adventurous lives, althogh mine not quite as adventurous as his but we spoke about it at the beginning of our relationship and I figured he is in peace with it cause otherwise he wouldn't ask me to marry him, get me pregnant or be so good to me. Do you have any idea why he is doing it and how can I make him stop? I'm afraid that some day it may do some real harm to our marriage. Each time we fight (about the same thing that I cannot change - my past) I have less patience left and yesterday when it happened I got so histerical I almost threw a heavy object at our aquarium (which could kill us as we were both barefoot and there are electric appliances standing on the floor). He saw I didn't control myself and it scared him and somehow this put an end to our yesterday's fight. So what do you think? (sorry for such a long post but I needed to vent a bit).
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